4 stages of reproduction of a female and male cockerel

Cockerel fish, commonly referred to as bettas, go through an interesting process of multi-stage reproduction. Aquarium enthusiasts can guarantee a healthy breeding environment for these colorful and lively fish by being aware of these stages.

With their distinct behaviors and roles, male and female cockerels are equally important to the breeding process. Every stage, from the first courtship until the tiny fry emerge, calls for meticulous attention to detail.

This article will walk you through the four main phases of cockerel reproduction and provide you with information on what these fish need and behave like at each stage. This information will help you better understand and support your cockerel fish during their natural reproductive process, whether you’re an experienced breeder or a curious beginner.

Features of the fish

The fish is so well-liked for keeping at home because of its intriguing features:

  • The volume of the aquarium for the cockerel can be extremely small, the individual will survive even in 1 liter of water (but not recommended, because. . the fish will feel uncomfortable).
  • To grow cockerels, you do not need an air generator, this species has a unique labyrinth organ that allows them to breathe atmospheric air, so this individual is suitable for keeping in the bedroom and other rooms where you do not want to hear the sound of a working compressor.
  • Betta fish have interesting and beautiful games during the mating season.
  • In order for the female and male betta fish to reproduce, they need to be provided with appropriate conditions.

The ideal water temperature for keeping people is 27 degrees, and the ideal acidity range is 6.5 to 7.3. The fish are not suited for hard, old water.


The four steps of betta fish breeding are choosing a mate, getting ready for spawning, actually spawning, and raising fry. Every stage of fish reproduction is a part of a single, intricate system. Betta fish, for example, can only reproduce in a specific type of habitat, which is often found inside an artificial reservoir.

Maintaining individual fish in a shared container divided by a divider is the best choice for continued fish breeding. The fish are able to reproduce further and quickly acclimate to one another in such an environment. Bettas have good early reproduction.

How to distinguish a male from a female

For successful breeding, it is important to distinguish a male betta from a female. You can determine the sex of a betta fish when it reaches 3 months of age. During this period, a number of differences between fish of different sexes already appear. In order to determine the sex by color, it is important to know that under favorable conditions, the male will be much brighter and more elegant than the female betta. But if the female betta has experienced stress due to a change of residence or other human intervention in her life, the color of the female will be no less bright, in which case it will be impossible to distinguish the sex, the male and female will be the same.

There’s another method to figure out someone’s sex, and it involves looking at their fins. Males have bigger fins that externally resemble sails; this characteristic becomes particularly noticeable after six months. The male’s fins get more exquisite as he ages.

Selecting a pair

The first step in betta fish reproduction is choosing a mate. A female and male betta fish between the ages of five months and one and a half are the ideal fish for reproduction. Reproduction by older people increases the risk of reproductive system issues, which results in fry that are born defective and most of them die.

A male betta must be purchased by several females if they are housed in an aquarium, and vice versa. A breeder is the best place to buy a pair of shoes because pet store owners might not know the individual’s age or reputation. It is best to buy them when the betta is 5 months old, not before, as this will make it easier to determine the betta’s gender.

Preparing for spawning

If the necessary conditions are given to aquarium bettas, breeding them doesn’t pose many problems. The pair should be housed in a special aquarium that has been prepared in advance of spawning. The following specifications must be met by the breeding tank/aquarium:

  • Be voluminous, with a capacity of at least 40 liters of water.
  • There must be a partition inside the vessel so that the female rooster is kept separately.
  • The nest for spawning must be suitable for placing shelters for eggs and fry, as well as floating vegetation.
  • It must have a sponge filter and heating.
  • For a comfortable stay of individuals, a water height of 15 centimeters is sufficient;
  • The temperature inside the vessel should be within 27-28 degrees.

Correct feeding of the individuals is crucial prior to the female starting the spawning process. The diet needs to contain live food two weeks prior to the spawning season.

  • Worms.
  • Crickets.
  • Cockroaches.
  • Bloodworms.
  • Artemia.

The food must be crushed and given to the fish in an amount that meets its needs at a time. Food leftovers shouldn’t be kept inside the container. Excellent, varied nutrition is also necessary for a pregnant betta fish.

It is crucial to pay attention to how the two behave. A pair’s obvious interest in one another, their animated behavior, and their display of their appearance are indicators that spawning was successful. On the other hand, it is preferable to split up a pair of fish if they become hostile. It is necessary to choose a new pair for them in such a circumstance.


For cockers, the laying period is peculiar. The male constructs an air bubble nest that adheres to one another prior to spawning. After swallowing oxygen, the cock spits it out. This is also where the eggs eventually lay and where the young cocks initially fry. The quantity and quality of future fry are unaffected by the nest’s size.

At first, the male acts aggressively, hitting the female. The male cockerel is provoked when the pregnant female cockerel shows her partner imaginary eggs during the ritual dance. Once the male has wrapped himself around his partner, the release of eggs occurs. He applies pressure to her midsection. The male gathers the abandoned eggs and carries them to a bubble nest he has already built. The female does not move during this process, waiting for the male to carry on spawning.

There is no set quantity of fry; the cockerel will have more fry the older the spawning pair. There are 600 fry on average.

The bubbles will burst during the entire incubation period, but the male will periodically replenish the nest and replace the dropped eggs. Up to five days may pass while the nest is being repaired before the first larvae emerge. The male is kept apart from the female after spawning because he may become aggressive and hurt the female’s future offspring.

Caring for fry

Since betta fry are not very resilient, they need to be handled carefully. A week prior to the fry appearing, the food should be prepared.

About the food you’ll require:

  • Infusoria.
  • Vinegar eel.
  • Artemia.

It is necessary to add chopped tubifex and a microworm to the food after two weeks. Apart from ensuring an appropriately balanced diet, it’s essential to establish conducive environments for the growth and development of the young:

  • The aquarium should be equipped with a compressor, since up to the age of 20 days, the young have not yet formed a respiratory organ;
  • The water temperature should be gradually reduced to 22 degrees;
  • It is important to change the water daily.

When the young are three weeks old, they have to be transferred to a large aquarium. The fighting fish can be identified by sex by the time they are three months old, at which point they are ready to spawn once more.

Stage Description
Nesting The male builds a bubble nest at the water"s surface, preparing a safe spot for the eggs.
Spawning The female lays eggs while the male fertilizes them immediately after.
Egg Collection The male collects the eggs in his mouth and places them into the bubble nest.
Incubation The male guards the nest until the eggs hatch, usually within a few days.

For any aquarist, knowing how cockerel fish reproduce is both rewarding and fascinating. You can contribute to a safe and fruitful breeding experience by acknowledging and assisting at every stage, from courtship to caring for fry.

Throughout this process, it’s critical to establish the ideal habitat and provide the fish with the care they require. Seeing how they behave and setting up the right environment can have a significant impact on the result.

Adding cockerels to your aquarium can enhance its aesthetic appeal and diversity, making it a rewarding endeavor. You can see these colorful fish go through their whole life cycle in your own tank if you have the patience and the correct attitude.

Four essential phases comprise the reproduction process of a female and male cockerel fish: courtship, nest-building, spawning, and tending to the eggs. The male courted the female by dancing and displaying bright colors. To safeguard the eggs, the male constructs a bubble nest at the water’s surface after mating. The male fertilizes the eggs and gently deposits them in the nest following the female’s release of eggs during spawning. Lastly, to ensure the survival of the following generation, the male tends to the eggs until they hatch.

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Ivan Kononov

Experienced aquarist with an emphasis on breeding and keeping exotic aquarium fish. Author of many articles and books on the topic of aquarium keeping. Always in search of new species and interesting solutions for home aquariums. I believe that an aquarium is not only a home decoration, but also a means of studying nature and its laws.

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