Achatina immaculata snail — features, subspecies, keeping at home

The intriguing giant African land snail species Achatina immaculata is becoming more and more well-liked as a pet. This snail, which is well-known for its unusual appearance and comparatively simple care needs, provides both novice and experienced hobbyists with an enjoyable and different experience.

Not only are these snails fascinating to watch, but they also add a soothing element to your home’s atmosphere. For those wishing to delve deeper into the world of snail keeping, Achatina immaculata provides a variety and exciting experience with its several subspecies, each with distinct qualities of their own.

To make sure that Achatina immaculata snails flourish in their home habitat, it is crucial to comprehend the characteristics, subspecies, and appropriate maintenance of this species. We’ll walk you through every step of setting up a cozy and healthy home for your new shelled friend in this article.

Feature Description
Scientific Name Achatina immaculata
Common Name Immaculate African Snail
Size Grows up to 15 cm in length
Lifespan Up to 7 years with proper care
Habitat Moist, warm environments
Diet Vegetables, fruits, and leafy greens
Subspecies Includes several variations, such as "Zanzibarica" and "Varicosa"

The Achatina immaculata snail is a well-liked pet that’s ideal for novices and seasoned snail enthusiasts alike due to its small size, unique appearance, and low maintenance needs. This article examines the distinct characteristics and subspecies of Achatina immaculata and offers helpful advice on how to maintain their well-being at home.

Features of keeping

You won’t need to worry about taking care of an Achatina immaculata when you purchase one as a pet. This task is manageable even for a child. The snails must be fed every evening, and food debris must be removed from the terrarium in the morning. Food should be arranged in bowls rather than on the ground.

The terrarium’s soil needs to be of excellent quality because domestic immaculata burrow holes in it to lay their eggs and sleep during the day. Additionally, if it contains harmful contaminants, snails who eat it could become poisoned. To choose the best soil, learn about the different types and benefits of soil.

Once a month, the soil needs to be cleaned and slightly refreshed. In addition, the terrarium needs to be thoroughly cleaned, and any branches or snags need to be replaced. There are occasions when the Achatina themselves need to be cleaned with warm water.

Since Achatina immaculata are tropical creatures, 24-27 degrees will be comfortable for them. There should be 80% or more humidity. You must regularly irrigate the soil with water or place a container filled with water in order to maintain it. However, excessive moisture should not be permitted; dry areas are also required.

Having open space is another requirement for housing Achatina immaculata snails.

The size of each room should be at least fifteen liters when choosing one for keeping snails.

The terrarium should be placed away from drafts and heating sources. See our article on how to set up the terrarium’s ventilation system correctly.

What to feed pets?

It’s not hard to feed Achatina immaculata. This species is not fussy about its food, after all. Fresh fruit and vegetable pieces as well as greens will appeal to Achatina.

In addition to the main meal, the snails need supplements for optimal growth and development. Calcium and protein should be the two main ingredients.

The first ingredient keeps achatina’s shells robust and long-lasting. The snail’s body can receive calcium from eggshells and cottage cheese.

In order for the immaculata to develop fully and gain weight quickly, protein supplements are required. Legumes, mushrooms, meat, and a variety of homemade supplements are all good sources for achatina. See our article for new recipes using supplements for snails.

Achatina shouldn’t consume flour, sugar, salt, or semolina in their diet. The snail might perish if any of these products end up in the terrarium.

Feeding newly hatched snails is similar to feeding an adult snail in most cases. They consume the remnants of the eggshells from which they were hatched in their early days of existence. Vegetables, greens, calcium, and protein supplements are also necessary for them. However, everything that adult immaculata eat is permitted to be fed to them after a month.

How immaculata reproduce?

Like all Achatina, Immaculate is bisexual. But she needs a partner for the appearance of offspring. At six months of age, she is already able to lay her first clutch. A robust snail can reproduce up to four times annually.

The immaculata snail has a two-week gestation period. A clutch of eggs can contain up to 150 pieces. It will be essential to move them to a different container and keep an eye on the humidity and temperature if the breeder wishes to produce offspring. Two weeks following laying, the progeny hatch.

The eggs must be destroyed if you intend not to breed snails. See our post about snail eggs to learn how to accomplish this.


There are three more varieties of Achatina immaculata. They are all well-groomed, have modest food, and are simple to keep up.

  1. Achatina panther is the most common variety of immaculata. The panther is distinguished by the colorful coloring of the shell. The body is muscular, light, has an indistinct mesh pattern. The snail is not picky about food and reproduces well. Panthers are often used for home cosmetic procedures, such as massage.
  2. Achatina bicolor . This subspecies is not very common. A distinctive feature of such immaculata is the two-color coloring of the shell. Snails are capricious and react sharply if the temperature or humidity changes. If even the slightest changes in these indicators are observed, they immediately hibernate.
  3. Achatina Lamarckiana . This species is also attractive in appearance, unpretentious in food and care. Snails are often bred for use in cooking, for preparing various dishes.

Description of gastropod panthers

The conical shell of the Achatina immaculata panther is a light shade. The pet is up to 15 cm long. Such snails are said to grow throughout their lives by experts. However, after seven months, they stop growing.

It is possible to see dark dots, stripes, and blurs on the Achatina panther’s shell. It is interesting to note that a snail’s coloring becomes less intense with age. A vibrant mottled pattern can be attributed to young panther immaculata. Snails that are older have more muted colors.

The panther snail’s body is just as strong and muscular as a real panther’s. It’s either sand colored or beige. This kind of Achatina is distinguished by a brown stripe running the length of their neck.

Scientists discuss a number of fascinating facts regarding the Achatina panther. Among them are the following:

  • This type of snail is perfect as a pet for people suffering from allergies. Achatina immaculata panther snails are not capable of causing a negative reaction in the human body.
  • The snail secretes mucus, which can produce a cosmetic effect. Due to this, it is often used in the field of cosmetology. Also, Achatina panthers are used in medicine, as they can quickly heal burns and wounds on the skin.
  • Psychologists say that having snails in the house relieves the depressive state of the owner.

You can eat the meat and eggs of achatina. They are added to a wide variety of delicacies. Consider snail caviare.

Rules for keeping at home

It’s important to set up comfortable living conditions for Achatina panthers if you intend to keep them at home. First of all, this pertains to their private area.

What can a snail use as a house?

  • Terrarium. This is the best choice, but optional.
  • Regular aquarium.
  • Large plastic container.

Achatina panthers should have a room that is both roomy and well-ventilated. Each person needs a minimum of 15 liters. Once you’ve chosen a home, you ought to buy premium soil. It is necessary to keep the humidity at its ideal level, which is at least 80%.

The snail house’s temperature ought to be between 25 and 27 degrees as well. The terrarium cannot be placed next to drafts or heating sources. Driftwood, plants, and other decorative items can be placed inside.

The snails themselves need to be taken care of in addition to the snail terrarium. It is necessary to wash achatina in warm water. It is not necessary to do this every day. However, snails frequently enjoy handling water procedures on their own. Provide them with a shallow bowl of water so they can accomplish this.

Snails’ growth and development are directly influenced by the environment they inhabit. Consequently, kindly abide by all guidelines for keeping them at home.

What to feed?

Achatina panthers enjoy living a nocturnal lifestyle, as was previously mentioned. Snails start searching for food at this time of day. In their natural habitat, their favorite foods are grass, twigs, and animal entrails. Panther snails will gladly consume any food because they have a voracious appetite.

After feeding in the evening, any leftover food should be cleaned out of the terrarium. If not, the uneaten food starts to disappear and attracts midges, odors, and mold.

The following supplements should be given to Achatina panthers at home:

  • Calcium. It is obtained from food chalk, egg shells, cuttlefish. Supplementation with calcium is necessary, since a deficiency of this element in the body will lead to the snail starting to get sick or eat the shells of its neighbors in the terrarium.
  • Protein. It helps Achatina grow faster and develop better. You need to be careful with the dosage of protein supplements, otherwise the animal may be poisoned.

Snails like things other than supplemental feeding. Give them fruits, vegetables, and leafy greens. Cut the products into small pieces after giving them a pre-wash.

It is advised to feed salad, cabbage leaves, and boring vegetables to the newborn panthers’ achatins. Additionally, the diet needs to contain calcium. Adult achatine feeding can start a few weeks postpartum.

It can be gratifying to welcome an Achatina immaculata snail into your house. These kind animals make an interesting and low-maintenance addition to any home setting with their distinctive traits and variety of subspecies. To make sure they flourish, it is essential to comprehend their needs, from food requirements to appropriate tank setup.

Even though they might not need as much care as other pets, your efforts to provide a suitable habitat will have a direct effect on their wellbeing. Maintaining humidity levels and feeding your Achatina immaculata snail a balanced diet are two regular care tasks that will help it live a healthy life.

All things considered, these snails make excellent pets for both inexperienced and seasoned pet owners. They are a delightful addition to your home because of their serene manner and fascinating behavior, which can foster a sense of peace and connection with nature.

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Elena Grishina

Ecologist and aquarist with a special interest in creating balanced ecosystems in aquariums. Main focus — ecosystems that require minimal human intervention. I support a natural approach to aquarium care, where each element plays its role, helping to maintain harmony in a closed ecosystem. I promote sustainable aquarium keeping and respect for nature.

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