After the birth of fry, the female mollinia can multiply on its own?

Many aquarium hobbyists are taken aback by how rapidly mollies can multiply in number. Mollies are amazing to watch because they are livebearers, which means that instead of laying eggs, they give birth to live fry.

But there’s a fascinating phenomenon that frequently baffles novices: a female molly may appear to reproduce once more after giving birth without ever contacting a male again. This has caused some misunderstanding and interest in the question of whether mollies can procreate after giving birth.

Maintaining the health of your fish and running your aquarium effectively require an understanding of this behavior. Let’s investigate the implications for your mollies and how this is possible.


Puberty sets in for females at 5–6 months and for males at 8–12 months. Three women are infatuated with one man to prevent the woman from taking the lead. Mollies of mollies reproduce both in fresh and salt water.

Because fertilized eggs are preserved, if the female gives birth after giving birth, the male should be removed from the aquarium. The reason the gangling fish is still whole is because it occasionally grates fertilized eggs even though it does not give birth to everyone. fry birth between 35 and 50 days following childbirth. If their living circumstances demand it, mollies often transition from female to male sex. The fish population is maintained in this way.

Preparing the fish

Establish the prerequisites in order to get the future parents ready for spawning:

  1. spawning tank or spacious common aquarium of 60 liters;
  2. thickets of greenery;
  3. daylight hours of 13 hours;
  4. plant-based diet for two weeks.

A couple of months after settling, fish mate.

Aquarium specifications

  • Water temperature at 25–26 degrees.
  • Ph at 7–8.
  • Hardness 20–30 dGH.
  • Water is clean.

Weekly siphoning of the substrate and a 20–30% water change are recommended.

If the only fish and mollies in the aquarium are ones that like salt water, then season the water with salt. For ten liters, one teaspoon (7 grams) of sea salt is sufficient. The fish’s immunity will be boosted by salted water, which will also improve their general wellbeing.

Determining pregnancy

A pregnant molly tends to hide in shaded areas and has a sedentary lifestyle. The fish’s appearance will indicate whether or not it is pregnant. The abdomen appears round, and a dark patch develops close to the anal fin. The abdomen flattens out before giving birth.

A pregnancy lasts four to ten weeks. The following elements determine the duration:

  1. type of molly;
  2. keeping conditions;
  3. age of the fish;
  4. previous pregnancies.


Two to three days prior to spawning, remove the fish. The expectant mother needs to feel secure in order to successfully breed. The water will become too hot to swim in, causing premature birth and nonviable offspring. Fish will feel calmer in shelters if Molly gives birth in a shared aquarium. Because selective forms are derived from natural ones, fry with blue and green blotches are occasionally produced by black mollies.

How many fry does a female give birth to

A female gives birth to 30–60 fry her first time. Subsequently, the progeny grows, with large fish yielding up to 250 fry.

Caring for fry

Molly fry are larger (up to 7 mm) but have a weaker body than swordtail and guppy fry. The parents do not eat their fries if they are well-fed. Mollies have been known to attack their young. The newborns initially lie on dirt and leaves. After a few days, the fry begin to act independently.

What to feed

The fry start eating as soon as they wake up. The young consume modest meals three to five times a day. Small fish can be fed the following during the initial days:

  1. cyclops;
  2. infusoria;
  3. artemia;
  4. chopped tubifex;
  5. daphnia;
  6. dry food ground into dust;
  7. special food.

Food that is both live and frozen will give the fries the nutrients they need to grow more quickly. Before being used, live food is cleaned under running water.

How long do they grow

The onset of the first sexual traits happens after one to two months. The gonopodium of males is shaped like a cone, and they are brightly colored. Males can reach a maximum length of 8 cm and females can reach up to 12 cm. Both sexes have large fins. The molly fry are divided among several containers following the emergence of sexual differences.

How to grow

For fry to grow, you need:

  1. weekly water changes;
  2. a 30-40 liter aquarium with a filter and aerator;
  3. a constant temperature at 26 degrees, hardness and pH;
  4. shelters and plants if the fry are growing in a common aquarium.
Topic After the birth of fry, can the female mollinia reproduce on her own?
Answer No, female mollinia cannot reproduce on their own after giving birth. They require mating with a male to fertilize their eggs for further reproduction.

After giving birth, female mollies can reproduce on their own. They can fertilize their eggs without a male present every time thanks to a special ability of theirs to store male sperm for several months.

This implies that a female moly may continue to produce young for some time even in the absence of a male in the tank. If you’re trying to breed mollies or manage the population in your aquarium, bear this in mind.

All things considered, it’s amazing how mollies are able to guarantee the survival of their species, which makes them fascinating and simple to maintain in a home aquarium.

In the world of aquariums, female mollies are an intriguing and independent species because they have the ability to store sperm and reproduce independently for several months after giving birth to fry, even in the absence of a male.

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Ivan Kononov

Experienced aquarist with an emphasis on breeding and keeping exotic aquarium fish. Author of many articles and books on the topic of aquarium keeping. Always in search of new species and interesting solutions for home aquariums. I believe that an aquarium is not only a home decoration, but also a means of studying nature and its laws.

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