Altum orinoco – features, types and rules for keeping fish

The graceful and striking Altum Orinoco species of angelfish is distinguished by its distinct form and alluring appearance. Because of their grace and beauty, these fish, which are native to the Orinoco River Basin in South America, have gained popularity among aquarium enthusiasts.

Altum Orinocos are attractive, but they need extra care and attention to survive in a home aquarium. To maintain their health and happiness, it is necessary to replicate the specific water conditions found in their natural habitat in the wild.

Knowing the various varieties of Altum Orinoco and the best ways to care for them will guarantee that these beautiful fish can thrive in your aquarium and bring a little bit of the wild into your house.

Habitat and lifestyle

The upper reaches of the Rio Negro and the Orinoco and Casiquiare river basins (Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela) are home to the natural habitat. Small to medium-sized rivers with moderate currents are preferred by the fish. It selects regions with flowing water and an abundance of rotting tropical vegetation for its habitat. The fish stays away from bodies of water with stagnant water because it is sensitive to oxygen levels. It feels normal in both clean and muddy water at the same time.

The Altum Orinoco people live a sedentary lifestyle and congregate in groups of ten to twenty people. They remain in the vicinity of underwater vegetation, which shields them from predators, at medium depths (up to 2-3 m). The fish is a calm and peaceful creature by nature. The school may have a hierarchy, but it isn’t inflexible. The largest fish in the group usually takes the lead. Males do not compete with one another for territory or leadership. Additionally, no hostility toward other species has been noted.


Altum orinoco is a member of the genus Scalaria within the family Cichlidae (cichlids). The fish resembles a sail in appearance due to its broad, flat body that can reach a length of 20 cm.

The anal and dorsal fins are extremely long and have sharp tips. The fins have a maximum span of 35–40 cm. The caudal fin lacks a notch between its lobes and is comparatively small in size. Moreover, the pectoral fins are extremely long.

The body is so wide that the head is hardly visible. The forehead region has a distinctive concavity. The eyes are big, with iris color that is yellowish-black and large black pupils. The transverse black stripes contrast with the yellow-gray body color. Furthermore, the environment, the fish’s level of excitement, and its living conditions all affect how saturated the color is.

The coloring fades in the event of danger. The black in the fish’s eyes and stripes intensifies during the spawning period when it is most excited.

The expression of sexual dimorphism is weak. Males have a steeper forehead, more saturated color, and are marginally larger than females.

You must make an effort to give the fish a comfortable habitat because they have high maintenance requirements.


The fish’s size compels you to select a large aquarium. Furthermore, since altum orinoco inhabit schools, a small school with three to four students should have a minimum tank capacity of 80 to 100 liters. Aquariums with a capacity of 2000–3000 liters are advised for total comfort.

Because it likes to swim a lot, the fish needs a lot of open space. It will become stressed if there is not enough room, which will negatively affect its ability to grow, reproduce, and engage in other activities.


Without fail, the following needs to be installed:

Since fish use a lot of oxygen, aeration is required continuously. It is also advised to place a lid on the aquarium. Despite always remaining in the middle layers of the water, altum orinoco occasionally tries to jump out of fear.


Here, there are two choices. The first option involves having no soil at all, as this will prevent many issues related to the aquarium’s hygienic and sanitary conditions. The fish’s fins come into contact with the earth at night because it frequently sinks to the bottom to rest. Diseases or parasite infections may result from this. Furthermore, cleaning the bottom is simpler when there is no soil.

Use quartz sand that is no thicker than 10 cm if you still want to make soil. Manually siphoning it is simple.


This species is fond of snags of all kinds, big stones, and plants. And the fish feels secure with them. It is advised to use plants like Echinodorus that have broad leaves. They will be deposited with eggs by Altum orinoco during the spawning season. In this instance, the plants ought to be arranged so that the middle is left empty.

Water requirements

It is possible to generate a small current in addition to a high oxygen level. Every seven to ten days, 20–30% of the water is replaced. Temperature of water: 27–29 °C, pH: 4.5–6.5, dH: 5–12 °.


Light fixtures that emit a diffused light are required. moderately bright illumination. The aquarium should have some shaded spots so the fish can hide there if needed.

Light that is too strong or bright will stress you out. Periodically using ultraviolet lamps can help eradicate harmful microflora.


The primary food sources in their natural habitat are insects, their larvae, crustaceans, worms, and fry.

Within confines, Altum Orinoko eats:

Altum Orinoko either picks the food as it dives or takes it from the surface. The food should swim for as long as possible because the fish never eats from the bottom. Feeds that quickly drown are inappropriate; they merely contaminate the aquarium.

Feeding occurs twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. They give twice as much in the morning as they do in the evening. Dinner takes about four to five minutes. An adult must eat the maximum amount of food permitted for a certain amount of time. Overeating is not recommended because it can lead to health issues. Three times a day, young animals are fed.

It’s advised to occasionally give plant foods in addition to animal feed. Fish will receive vitamins and other healthy materials from this.

It might be:

Alternatively, you can purchase fish granules made from plants.

Here, it’s important to observe the fish’s response to the food. The altum orinoco will spit out food if it doesn’t like it. You’ll need to adjust to your pets’ needs and do some food experimenting.

Aquarium enthusiasts may find the Altum Orinoco, a striking species of freshwater angelfish, to be intriguing but difficult to care for due to its distinct appearance and particular requirements. It is essential to comprehend the various varieties of Altum Orinoco, as well as their social behaviors and habitat needs, in order to establish an environment in which these fish can flourish. Fishkeepers can successfully care for these lovely and delicate creatures in a home aquarium by offering the proper tank conditions, food, and close attention to water quality.


A specific season is when this species reproduces. The best time of year to spawn is from April to June. Before spawning, the fish typically form pairs on their own, though this can be artificially induced if needed.

The two are put in a different soft-water aquarium. The male is unable to fertilize the eggs in water that is too hard. The female can spawn in the spawning ground if it has shelters and a variety of plants.

Both partners watch over and tend to the clutch until the larvae hatch after spawning and fertilization. Three to four days are needed for incubation. The larvae do not feed at all during their initial days. They have a unique, nutrient-filled yolk sac. They simply float on the water’s surface or sink.

Around 5–6 mm of body length is when activity starts. They currently require feedings consisting of rotifers, ciliates, and cyclops. Around 15 to 20 days old is when an adult’s distinct features start to emerge. You will need to feed them larger food as they grow. You can move to adult food at one month old.

Two years old is the age at which sexual maturity is reached.

Feature Details
Species Altum Orinoco is a type of freshwater angelfish known for its tall, laterally compressed body and striking fins.
Size These fish can grow up to 15 inches in height, making them one of the largest angelfish species.
Water Conditions They thrive in soft, acidic water with a pH of 4.5-6.5 and a temperature range of 79-86°F (26-30°C).
Tank Setup A large tank with plenty of vertical space is essential. Use driftwood and plants to mimic their natural habitat.
Diet Altum Orinoco fish are omnivores, so they need a varied diet of high-quality flakes, pellets, and live or frozen foods.
Behavior They are generally peaceful but can be territorial, especially during breeding.
Breeding Breeding is challenging and requires very specific water conditions, with a focus on very soft, acidic water.
Maintenance Regular water changes and monitoring of water parameters are crucial for their health and well-being.

The fascinating Altum Orinoco species needs special attention and care. Their distinct looks and behaviors set them apart in any aquarium, but because of their delicate nature, they are best suited for seasoned aquarium owners.

It’s crucial to establish an environment in your tank that closely resembles Altum Orinoco’s natural habitat before adding them. This entails keeping the water soft and acidic and giving them lots of room to swim around freely.

You can make sure that these lovely fish flourish in your aquarium and bring a little bit of the wild into your house by being aware of their requirements and traits.

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Altum Orinoco . Altums in my aquarium.

ALTUM. Description, habitat, species.

Altum angelfish in an aquarium. Maintenance, breeding, compatibility, what to feed

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Elena Grishina

Ecologist and aquarist with a special interest in creating balanced ecosystems in aquariums. Main focus — ecosystems that require minimal human intervention. I support a natural approach to aquarium care, where each element plays its role, helping to maintain harmony in a closed ecosystem. I promote sustainable aquarium keeping and respect for nature.

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