Angelfish: 27 species with photos and descriptions

Among the most well-liked and fascinating freshwater fish for aquarium hobbyists are angelfish. They are a favorite of both novice and expert aquarists due to their elegant movements, distinctive shape, and vivid colors.

With breathtaking images and succinct descriptions of each species, this article will take you on a tour through 27 different kinds of angelfish. You’ll find a wealth of useful information here, whether your goal is to learn more about angelfish or to add one of these fascinating creatures to your tank.

Every species of angelfish has its own unique qualities and charm, ranging from the common species found in most pet stores to the rarer, more exotic varieties. Find out which angelfish would be the ideal addition to your aquarium by reading on.

General characteristics of angelfish

The fish’s body is small and triangular, with sides that are compressed. Their long fins that extend upward are what give them their true beauty. They become lengthy threads beneath the belly.

Angelfish resemble a sail that is open to all winds due to their length distribution, which is 15 cm for the body and 25–30 cm for the fins. Small scales cover the body; in certain species, this results in a lovely play of light.

The male’s convex forehead sets him apart from the female. The fish in an aquarium swim around the reservoir in a calm and leisurely manner, waiting to be fed.

Angelfish are only seen to be hostile and active during the breeding season. The pair attacks any offender with two blows, protects Caviar without reservation, and keeps others away from her.

With its concise descriptions and eye-catching images, this article presents readers with 27 different species of angelfish, enabling them to recognize and recognize the variety of this well-liked fish. It will be simpler to select the ideal angelfish for your aquarium with the help of this guide, which offers crucial details on the traits, hues, and maintenance requirements of each species, regardless of your level of experience.

Species diversity

The waters of the central Amazon are home to the fish in its pristine natural form.

The types of angelfish that are available for purchase in stores are chosen. These are angelfish, as described here: species, names for the photos.

Common angelfish

Large-sized wild Pterophyllum scalare representatives have not been able to be domesticated by aquarists.

Currently, the Eimeki angelfish and wild species are crossed to create the common angelfish, which is a selective breed.

The fish has transverse black stripes on its silvery body. The height with fins is 20 cm, and the body length is approximately 15 cm.


A brown-bodied species with barely noticeable stripes that is rarely found for sale.

Belgium’s King Leopold III is credited with giving it its name. His interest in zoology led him to send an expedition to the Amazon, the source of these unusual fish.

Not the biggest species, with a roughly 15-cm-long body. It can be identified by its well-formed fins, which have a pattern of proportional triangles.


The diamond angelfish, closely related to the golden angelfish, is dazzling with magnificent scales. The silvery scales shimmer so intensely in the light that they resemble a scattering of diamonds.

Fish breeders frequently use this species to produce new fish varieties.


The species’ distribution of light and dark colors on the body gives it decorative value. The fish’s body is colored in two tones: light near the tail and dark near the middle.

The bicolor angelfish loses its ornamental value and becomes less valuable if it develops additional stripes.

Altum, or high-finned

If you don’t mind, this species looks a lot like the common angelfish in the picture, with the exception of the body stripes, which have more distinct lines.

The fins’ elegant form gives the species more aesthetic appeal. The altum can grow up to 45 cm in height in the wild. The fish are fond of large aquariums.


The fish was given the name "platinum" due to its entire body being covered in scales that have a light silvery sheen. Its body is striped free, and its fins are nearly transparent.


The angelfish’s blue hue is the outcome of a protracted and laborious selection process led by Filipino aquarist Ken Kennedy.

Three original varieties of blue emerged as a result of the color’s successful consolidation: blue zebra, platinum, and diamond. The blue pinoy is always in style.

Fascinating! Ken Kennedy provided the push for the selection of pinoys, which is how the world first saw the pinoy smoky, or smoky angelfish, and the pinoy clown with his multicolored hue.

Blue angel

The finest specimens of the species can be identified by their deep blue scale color. Angelfish enthusiasts particularly value expensive specimens with translucent fins and no stripes.

Experts logically conclude that the blue angel is the original blue variety.

Despite being rare and hardly ever being sold, the green angelfish is equally stunning.

The hue of the fish is shades of green and gold. Its body has olive-green, not black, stripes and spots.

Blue pearl

The fish’s body is covered in tiny scales that have a mother-of-pearl sheen when lit in specific ways. The scales are colored in shades of pearl.


This angelfish has a weaker golden hue than a goldfish; their colors are very different. On the other hand, it was dubbed golden due to the pleasing yellow color of the scales with a hint of silver.

The amount of yellow varies with color variation; in one fish, it is clearly predominant, while in another, it is very little.


The leopard angelfish’s silvery body is covered in spots of varying sizes rather than stripes.

The fish does not like a lot of decorations or dense vegetation, so it needs an aquarium with a small amount of water.

Take note! It is not advised to keep this kind of angelfish in aquariums with a lot of vegetation.

Koi angelfish

This species’ reddish-orange head, erratic black strokes, and white body base are all color-borrowed from koi carp.

Every fish has a different pattern of colors. People who don’t have much red on their heads are very valuable.


The red variety came from angelfish that were koi. The goal of breeding was to create a monochromatic species, so they chose individuals with a lot of red pigment.

The color gradually appears in young fish, reaching a high saturation level by the first year of life. Tetra Rubin is fed to the fish in order to artificially maintain their color.

Red devil

The fish that goes by the menacing moniker "red devil" is entirely red; it has no inclusions or spots.

It is amiable by nature and gets along well with its neighbors.


The species is related to the common angelfish, but it is smaller and has a marble-like pattern of black dots, stripes, and spots.

Silver is the color of the body. A large aquarium is not necessary for the marble variety.

Take note! Some marble individuals have patches of green and gold on their back and forehead.

Striped zebra

The zebra fish shares an appearance with other fish with stripes, but its body’s stripes are more evenly spaced and have distinct borders. There are four or more stripes, the first of which goes through the fish’s eye.


For a very long time, breeders focused on this species. They chose to cross common angelfish with broad black stripes so that the entire body would be black.

The resulting species has gained a lot of popularity among aquarists, who are particularly drawn to the fish’s black veil shape.

Fascinating! Another amazing variety is black velvet, which has noticeable silver spots on its belly and fins.

Pink glowing

The species was bred by genetic engineering experts from the Glofish company. They were given a fish that was a delicate pink color with glowing scales in the dark.

Because of its high cost, home aquariums hardly ever contain this fish.

Dantum Albino

The long fins of the Dantum Albino are well known for reaching a height of 25–27 cm. The fish dislikes bright light and has poor vision.

Its aquarium should be furnished with sturdy hiding places and shade-producing plants. Although it gets along well with others of its type, it is low-communal in nature.

Voil scales

The species’ amazing long fins with their beautiful curve are its greatest asset. Owners of such decorations must, however, keep their pet apart from fish that are aggressive.

The only fish that Voil scalaria will tolerate are those that inhabit the main body of water in the reservoir.


The recessive gene gave the fish its pearl. Mercenary overflows are nicely conveyed in light-colored people.

Pharaiba phantom

There are two asexual genes in this species. The blue pearl variety of this species is incorporated by some aquarists. Paraiba angelfish are said to be incapable of procreating.


An exquisite species of angelfish, with a scarlet train running the length of its back to contrast with its black and silver stripes.

The Manakapuru region of Brazil is the inspiration behind the species’ name. The fish has striped fins and a nose that is slightly elongated.


The rare original Jacobin, with its upturned nose, wide fins, and stunning stripes on both the body and fins, is a sight to behold.

Rio Nanai

The Peruvian altum is a member of the high-finned variety and has a notably elongated body. Its height will increase to 40 cm if fins are added to the body.

Rio Nanai is another name for the fish. The angelfish’s body is adorned with two black stripes, and its back seamlessly transitions into its lowermost fin.


The fish’s unusual black stripe pattern, which closely resembles the color of birch bark, gave rise to its name. The body’s predominant tone is silvery.


Dwarf, or mini, angelfish are a developmental defect of the fish that resulted from inadequate nutrition or neglecting maintenance requirements. They are not a distinct species.

Species Description
Altum Angelfish Known for its tall, slender body and striking vertical stripes. Native to the Orinoco River Basin in Venezuela.
Emperor Angelfish Features a vibrant blue and yellow coloration with bold, vertical stripes. Found in the Indo-Pacific region.
Pearlscale Angelfish Distinguished by its unique, pearl-like scales and orange color. Native to the western Pacific Ocean.
Black Angelfish All-black coloration with a sleek, elegant appearance. Commonly found in the Amazon River Basin.
Koi Angelfish Has a stunning pattern similar to koi fish, with bright orange, white, and black colors. Popular in aquariums.
Marble Angelfish Characterized by its marbled pattern of white and black. Originates from the Amazon River Basin.
Silver Angelfish Features a shiny, silver body with subtle black stripes. Found in the rivers of South America.
Gold Angelfish Bright gold coloration with occasional black markings. Native to the Amazon River region.

Because of their distinctive forms, hues, and behaviors, angelfish make fascinating additions to any aquarium. There is an angelfish for every kind of aquarist, whether they are drawn to the traditional freshwater species or are fascinated by the more unusual ones.

You can create the ideal environment for these fish to thrive by having a thorough understanding of the various species. Selecting the appropriate species for your setup is crucial because each one has unique requirements, ranging from tank mates to water conditions.

You can add vibrant life and beauty to your aquarium and make it a more pleasurable and rewarding experience for your fish and yourself by investigating the diversity of angelfish.

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Anton Popov

A professional aquarist with over 15 years of experience. Main specialization - marine aquariums and creating optimal conditions for keeping rare species of fish and corals. I am fond of aquascaping, actively participate in international competitions. I love to share knowledge and experience to help others create the beauty of the underwater world at home.

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