Among the most well-liked and eye-catching freshwater fish kept by aquarium enthusiasts are angelfish. They are a captivating focal point in any aquarium thanks to their graceful, triangular bodies and long, flowing fins.
These fish are well-known for having distinct personalities; depending on their surroundings, they can be either aggressive or peaceful. They are an excellent option for hobbyists looking for a fish that is both beautiful and interactive, as they thrive in well-maintained tanks with lots of room to swim and explore.
When given the right care, angelfish can live for a very long time and provide a lifetime of enjoyment to aquarium owners who value their beauty and tranquility. Angelfish can lend a touch of elegance to your aquatic environment, regardless of your level of experience.
Feature | Description |
Scientific Name | Pterophyllum scalare |
Size | Up to 6 inches |
Temperament | Peaceful but territorial |
Water Temperature | 24-28°C (75-82°F) |
Diet | Omnivorous, prefers flakes and live food |
Tank Size | At least 20 gallons |
Lifespan | Up to 10 years |
- A little history about angelfish
- Habitat of angelfish
- Description of angelfish
- Skalary"s care and maintenance
- Compatibility of angelfish
- Video on the topic
- Angelfish fry (Pterophyllum). All stages of Angelfish development. Eggs / Larva / Fry / Adult fish
- Angelfish did not survive
- Angelfish. 5+1 best biotope aquariums. Maintenance in the aquarium
- Angelfish. Maintenance, reproduction, care and compatibility.
- Angelfish – All about the fish species | Type of fish angelfish
- How water changes affect the aggressiveness of angelfish
A little history about angelfish
The renowned Austrian zoologist I.Ya. Heckel gave angelfish the Latin name Pterophyllum in 1840. The name translates to "winged leaf" when combined with "pteron," which means feather, and "phyllon," which means leaf. The translation of the species epithet "scalare" is "ladder."
Martin Heinrich Karl Lichtenstein named this fish Zeus scalaris in 1823 after describing it several times before Heckel gave it the name Pterophyllum. Additionally, Baron George Leopold Frederick Bagobert Cuvier described the fish in 1931. It was named Platax scalaris by him. The market name for the angelfish was also "Blattfische," which translates to "leaf fish." G.B. Sagratsky gave this name because he was the first to introduce these fish to Germany from Rio Negro.
Actually, they debuted in Europe under this name initially, but it was short-lived. Angelfish are referred to as "Angelfishes" or simply "Angels" abroad; in Germany, they are called "Segelflosser," which means "sail."
Contrary to what some sources claim, angelfish did not initially appear in Europe until 1909. They have been "delivered" since this year, but sadly, they are dead. It was only possible to bring live angelfish in October 1911. The "aquarium-scalar boom" in Europe didn’t start until after that, with descriptions, arguments, magazine articles, breeding attempts, etc.
In 1914, Hamburg-based aquarist Kvankaru achieved the first successful artificial reproduction of scales. Just a year later, American aquarist U.L. Polynn duplicated his success. Because the angelfish was so valuable at the time, it is important to note that the reproduction secret was kept in the strictest of confidence. All secrets, though, come to light at some point. Angelfish breeding has been popular since 1920.
In 1928, angelfish started to reproduce in Russia. Our aquarist A. Smironov experienced this: after going to the theater in the evening, his aquarium heater caught fire at home. When the water reached 32 °C, the angelfish started to spawn on their own. To add a lighthearted note, I would like to mention that for Russians, everything is normal and happens at random.
However, aquarists didn’t stop there after successfully creating artificial angelfish offspring. A constant state of selection on angelfish was observed during the second part of the twentieth century. The veil angelfish was bred in 1956. A striking black scaler was first introduced in the US in 1957. The third species, Pterophyllum leopoldi, was named after the zoologist and king Leopold III and was first described in 1963. The marble angelfish was discovered in 1969, once more by Ch. Ash, an American.
Habitat of angelfish
Angelfish inhabit the basins of South America’s Amazon rivers, Orinoco and Essequibo. These graceful fish favor slow-moving reservoirs and rivers with lots of vegetation and transparent or, more frequently, silted water.
Description of angelfish
Angelfish have a compressed, disc-shaped body that makes it easy for them to squeeze through plant stems and hunt for food. The rays that form the dorsal and anal spines get longer as they move from the front to the rear of the fin. Angelfish have excellent vision, and they keep an eye on everything going on in the aquarium and surrounding areas.
Angelfish are big, sweeping fish that grow to a maximum length of 15 cm but a maximum height of more than 25 cm. It is advised that aquariums hold a minimum of five individuals.
Popular freshwater aquarium fish, angelfish are distinguished by their brilliant colors and elegant, triangular form. They are a favorite of both novice and seasoned aquarists due to their comparatively simple maintenance. Angelfish can flourish in the proper tank conditions, with lots of plants and room to swim, and they can even exhibit interesting social behaviors.
Skalary"s care and maintenance
Considering the previously mentioned breeding experiments, the scales’ content frequently does not indicate any issues because they were so well suited to aquarium conditions. Perhaps the most important requirement is having a tall, spacious aquarium. As previously stated, a scalar aquarium should have a minimum volume of 100 liters and a minimum height of 45 centimeters. Experience has shown that they feel very comfortable in Kalyaria, amidst the thickly planted long-ostle vegetation, almost like they are at home in Yu. America.
For the majority of species and morphs with Calaria, the ideal water temperature range is between 22 and 27 degrees. able to transport temperatures between 16 and 35 degrees.
They are modest in nature and can typically be found in a variety of water conditions, including extremely soft and fairly hard water. Ideal dH: up to 10, ideal Ph: 6-7.5. Every week, at least thirty percent of the aquarium’s water must be replaced with fresh water. In an aquarium featuring rolling pins, a good filter and aeration are essential! The reputable FF online retailer Aqua Logo Shop is where you can get the gear listed above as well as other helpful items for aquarists. We advise against it!
The most important thing is that there are no excessive concentrations in the aquarium nitrogen compounds and phosphates. This is the main problem for fish that beginners allow. Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphates are the root cause of diseases and death of pets. Every conscientious aquarist should always have a set of drop tests on hand, at least for nitrate and phosphate. Fortunately, they have now become inexpensive, there are no problems with their assortment and acquisition. For example, we can recommend you with a clear conscience the cool UHE drop tests that we have tested on ourselves, but they are sold only online. In the shops of your city – offline, you can find inexpensive Vladox tests.
It won’t be unnecessary to use preparations that neutralize dangerous substances when changing the water with a clean supply. For example, Tetra AquaSafe eliminates heavy metals and chlorine compounds while also including B vitamins, iodine, and other beneficial ingredients for aquariums. That is, you can use it to fill the aquarium with water without worrying about endangering your beloved pets.
Fish with an extreme hierarchy are angels. It is best to keep them in a school where they will form their own clan structure: stronger and dominant pairs will rule, and the weaker ones will be shunned by the second plan.
Additional details for novice aquarists:
– it is not necessary to cover the aquarium, angelfish do not jump out of the pond.
– it is advisable to make the lighting above the aquarium diffused. For example, you can make shading zones with the help of aquarium plants and snags . The fish do not like bright light and are timid when it is turned on. It is recommended to use Vallisneria and other long-stemmed plants as aquarium plants for angelfish. Creating thickets of plants imitates the natural habitat of angelfish.
– aquarium design, at your discretion: stones, grottoes, driftwood and other decorations. The aquarium must necessarily provide open space for swimming. Angelfish do not need shelters.
Compatibility of angelfish
Calaria are peaceful schooling fish by nature, but they become extremely aggressive during the breeding season. Coexists easily with peaceful fish species: swordtails complement small tetras (such as amanda tetras, neons, etc.). Wonderful neighbors who have small loricariid catfish and corydoras.
Guppies and goldfish are incompatible with antalyas. Although they are "relatives," discuses are not the ideal neighbors for angelfish, in our opinion. Discus are irrational, prefer warm water (30+), and develop into big fish. Generally speaking, discus should be kept apart in a species aquarium.
Aquarium enthusiasts often choose angelfish because of their graceful appearance and low maintenance needs. They are a favorite among novice and expert aquarists alike because of their unique shape and vivid colors, which can lend an air of elegance to any tank.
It’s critical to keep an environment that is stable and clean for angelfish to thrive. Your angelfish can live long, happy lives if they have a healthy diet, regular water changes, and suitable tank mates.
You can create a peaceful and lovely aquatic habitat where your angelfish can thrive by being aware of their needs and behaviors. Angelfish are a rewarding addition to your aquatic world, whether you’re just starting out or looking to expand your aquarium. They offer both beauty and serenity.