It can be thrilling to start your first aquarium, but it can be overwhelming to choose the right fish for a small tank. With so many choices, it’s critical to identify species that are low maintenance and adapt well to a smaller space.
The best aquarium fish for novices with limited space can be found with the aid of this guide. We’ll concentrate on species that are resilient, low maintenance, and ideal for small aquariums so you can start enjoying a lively, healthy aquatic community right away.
- Rasbora (microrasbora) galaxy
- Features of choice
- Guppies
- What kind of aquarium is called small?
- Dwarf tetradon
- The smallest aquarium fish
- Danionella dracula
- Tetra Amanda
- Microrasbora erythromicron
- Neoheterandria elegans
- Formosa
- Tetradon dwarf
- Carnegiella myersii or Pygmy wedge-bellied wedge
- Dwarf Corydoras
- Guppy
- Nannostomus marginatus
- Rasbora
- Amanda tetra
- Aquatic turtles
- Red-eared turtles
- Types of trionyx
- Dwarf Corydoras (Pygmy, Hastatus, Habrobus)
- Microrasbora erythromicron
- Red-nosed Rasbora (savbva)
- Video on the topic
- The best fish for a children"s aquarium #Shorts
- Small aquarium. Aquarium fish | Selection of fish | Aquarium keeping | Nano aquarium
- Small aquarium. Aquarium plants | Selection of plants | Aquarium keeping | Nano aquarium
- Launching a budget aquarium for guppies
Rasbora (microrasbora) galaxy
Only in 2006 did this little aquarium fish make its debut in the hobby, quickly winning over both experts and novices. Because of its exquisite beauty and compact size, it has gained immense popularity in a mere decade. These fish are known by their scientific name, which means "heavenly fish decorated with pearls." They are very little—just 2 cm! This one would be perfect in a nano aquarium.
Even though these are not schooling fish, keeping them in a group and in a species aquarium is preferable. It is appropriate to use a 40-liter aquarium for the galaxy microrasbora group. The only requirement for water is that it be clean; other factors are not as crucial.
Features of choice
A beginner aquarist should think about the following aspects of choosing phenotypes before learning which small aquarium fish are in style:
- The number of future inhabitants depends on the capacity of the tank – even small fish for an aquarium need personal space, so it is important not to allow overpopulation of the tank.
- Considering the small capacity of the reservoir, you should populate the tank with peaceful fish so as not to observe endless squabbles and fights over territory. Before purchasing the variety you like, you need to know about the compatibility of the fish.
- Even tiny fish have individual requirements for maintenance: water parameters, feeding regimen and care, which are important to follow. In any tank, even a small one, you will need to install a filter, lighting fixtures, an aerator and a heater.
- In addition to choosing colorful bright fish, you will need to plant live plants – they will fill the aquatic environment with oxygen, without which the pets will suffocate.
Naturally, members of this species make up some of the toughest and tiniest aquarium fish. Females can reach a maximum length of 6 cm, while males typically reach no more than 3.5 cm. There are always options to suit your preferences among the many guppy varieties, some of which are just plain amazing. For example, Endler’s guppies are always on sale and very popular.
In a small aquarium, it is preferable to have exclusively male fish because the population will grow steadily with females. Three of the males can be kept in a 20-liter aquarium. It is preferable to bring a bigger container—between 30 and 50 liters—for both men and women.
What kind of aquarium is called small?
Small aquariums, also known as nano aquariums, are defined as containers holding less than thirty to forty liters. Typically, purchases of glass products range from 5 to 20 liters. These days, complete aquarium sets are available for purchase.
Find out the ideal fish population for an aquarium.
They are far less expensive than large aquariums, and they require far less time to maintain on practically any stable surface. Frequently, they are just set up on a desk.
Using driftwood, stones, aquatic plants, and other elements, you can create a beautiful design even in a small container.
Crucial! Because of its tiny volumes, the water’s parameters are easily altered by outside influences, which is bad for the organisms that live there and the surrounding vegetation. As a result, it’s important to periodically change the water in nano aquariums and to monitor and regulate their parameters with specialized equipment (heater and filter).
Dwarf tetradon
Tiny aquarium fish are not very common, but recently dwarf tetradons have become very popular, mainly because of the Internet. The truth is that tetradons are fascinating to watch because of their remarkably interesting behavior. Because of their small maximum size of 2.5 cm, they work well in nano aquariums. Dwarf tetradons, however, have been known to act in a very hostile and territorial manner.
Tetradons should be kept in a species aquarium. The ideal setup consists of a 30–40 liter aquarium filled to the brim with live plants, one male and three–four female fish, or a 10–20 liter aquarium with just one fish. Maintaining cleanliness through routine water changes is essential.
The smallest aquarium fish
Small, modest freshwater fish are typically found in small aquariums. A single species of fish is kept most of the time, but some that stand out for having calm personalities can have additional aquatic residents added to them. All of these residents should first have their compatibility assessed, though.
Danionella dracula
Its name comes from the peculiar shape of the male jaw, which has teeth-like processes. The elongated fangs on the lower jaw give the fish a menacing appearance. Adult specimens are one centimeter long. The transparent body reveals internal organs and bones.
The key to feeding Danionella dracula is that their food must also be small in size. They are not fussy eaters. Foods such as freeze-dried, dry, granule, frozen daphnia, and artemia are suitable.
These peaceful fish need to be kept in groups of at least ten because they prefer to swim in schools, which are made up of about 200 relatives.
Owing to its small parameters, Danionella dracula is best kept alone in a species aquarium or with other small fish. For them, a 40-liter aquarium is suggested. The following requirements should be fulfilled by the aquatic environment: the temperature
20–26 °C, 6.5–7.5 pH for acidity, and 2-4 dGH for hardness.
Find out how to modify the fish’s temperature regime.
Tetra Amanda
Because of its monochromatic orange color, this well-known fish is also known as the fire tetra. Males and females have the same length, usually ranging from 1.5 to 2 cm.
They can consume any type of food meant for small fish and are indifferent to their confinement. They reside in the middle layers of schools, though a few can be kept in a small aquarium.
They get along well with other small peaceful fish and have a peaceful nature. Live algae is a great decoration for aquariums, and natural lighting works well too.
Learn about selecting a filter, the characteristics of an external and internal filter, and a phytofilter.
Microrasbora erythromicron
This little striped fish just recently became visible. On the back, pale green and dark blue stripes alternate, and there’s a black patch close to the tail. The fins of males are reddish.
It is best to keep it apart, but it can be kept with other small, peaceful fish due to its calm nature and average size of 2 cm. They favor swimming in the middle water layers.
It is perfectly acceptable to feed it various small-fraction foods and keep it in a 30-liter aquarium with tiny algae. In a 15-liter tank, a family consisting of one female and two males can be successfully raised for reproduction.
They adore pure water, and having driftwood and tree leaves inside their house is not recommended. They require regular water changes, effective filtration, and a temperature of
Were you aware? An aquarium’s fish display lowers heart rate and blood pressure. Scientists from the National Marine Aquarium and researchers from the Universities of Exeter and Plymouth came to this conclusion.
Neoheterandria elegans
Unknown little striped fish, up to 2 cm in length in the male and 2.5 cm in the female. This Poeciliidae family fish is an uncommon viviparous species.
A 12-liter aquarium is sufficient for two Neoheterandria elegans. Although they are omnivores and will consume any small food, it is best to feed them frozen or live food.
They adore soft, clean water. They require weekly half-water changes and filtration. The suggested range of temperatures is
Between 24 and 30 °C. They can live with other tiny residents.
It is among the world’s tiniest fish. It is perfect for habitation in 10 to 15-liter tiny aquariums. Experts advise putting a school of formosas—roughly 40–50 pieces—in an aquarium with a capacity of 30–40 liters.
In smaller quantities, ten or more individuals ought to be maintained. It should be remembered that there ought to be roughly three times as many men. Although formosas are peaceful and get along with a variety of fish and shrimp, an aquarium with fish of their own species is the best choice for these fish. They live in the upper and middle layers and are viviparous fish.
Examine the cause of the murky water in the fish tank.
The appearance of formos is unremarkable; they have transparent little fins and a gray body with a dark stripe running along it. Compared to men, females are larger. Females grow to 3.5 cm, while males are only 1.5 cm.
Because formosas consume planaria, or tiny white worms, the aquarium is naturally kept free of these undesirable visitors. They prefer live food since they normally eat tiny insects that fall into the water.
Brine shrimp, tubifex, and bloodworms are all delicious foods. Taking small or pre-crushed food is advised. The ideal water temperature for formosas is between 22 and 26 °C, though they can survive in temperatures ranging from 12 to 30 °C quite well.
In an aquarium, more aquatic plants are preferable. Water changes don’t need to happen often for these fish. Since the fish can jump out of the aquarium, it is preferable to cover it from above.
Crucial! There should be plenty of food and algae in the aquarium to deter formosas or other fish from consuming the fry.
Tetradon dwarf
The females of these fish reach an average length of 2.5 cm, while the males typically reach 2 cm and have a slightly more contrasting color. The tetraodon exhibits ball-like swelling and the appearance of tiny spikes on its body when it is scared.
You can house two or three fish in an aquarium that holds ten liters. Their coloring is mostly greenish-yellow with some dark spots.
Their eyes follow different paths from one another. These are simple fish, though they do better on live food though you can feed them frozen as well.
Tetradons require snails to sharpen their teeth, so they must be fed them as well. It is best to keep these active fish apart from other species.
Carnegiella myersii or Pygmy wedge-bellied wedge
Is the tiniest member of the wedge-bellied fish species. Its length reaches 2.2–2.5 cm. Its unusual elongated body shape, which is flattened on the sides, is shared by all members of this family.
The abdomen has a sharp arc-shaped curve, while the back is straight. The pale, translucent body has an olive hue, with dark specks in the abdominal region and a dark line running along the spine.
Crucial! It should be mentioned that carnegiellas have white spots on their scales and frequently become ill as a result of poor transportation tolerance. If these patches are discovered, they must be transferred to a different container for quarantine, which will continue for 14–28 days, or until the illness clears up.
It is advised to house these shy fish in groups of five. Aquatic environment parameters for optimum upkeep: the temperature
23–26 °C, pH 5.5–6.5 for hardness, and pH 10–20 for acidity.
Aeration, filtration, and water changes ought to occur continuously. Food that is both dry and live can be fed. Carnegiella pygmies consume food from the middle or water’s surface layers. They just don’t notice food that falls to the bottom.
Discover how to select an aquarium’s heater, background, light, sealer, and soil.
Dwarf Corydoras
This catfish only reaches a length of 2-3 cm. Its body is translucent, flattened on the sides, and has small antennae and colors that range from olive to golden-yellow with a dark patch.
Compared to males, females are somewhat bigger. It coexists peacefully with the aquarium’s other tiny residents and lives in a school. Tiny aquariums can hold multiple pieces.
It prefers to dig around in the earth and remains in the middle layers of the water. It consumes a variety of tiny lumps that fish eat. A weekly change of a fifth of the water is necessary, along with a filter and aeration.
Among the most understated and visually captivating fish, ideal for novices. This fish is a favorite among breeders and geneticists.
There are currently about 13 different types of guppies that have been bred, with differences in body size and tail shape: lyre-tailed, fan-tailed, veil-tailed, round-tailed, flag-tailed, needle-tailed, spade-tailed, spear-tailed, "lower sword," "upper sword," "double sword," fan-tailed acute-angled, and fan-tailed trimmed.
Find out about guppy fish diseases, species, and fry care.
It can also have a very wide range of coloring. Typically, they swim in the aquarium’s uppermost layers. Males typically measure 1.5 to 4 cm in length, while females appear nondescript and can reach up to 6 cm.
Owing to their diminutive stature and unassuming nature, guppies can be housed in tiny aquariums, as small as a three-liter jar. You can even decline the use of a filter and aeration if the aquarium’s plants are equally indifferent to the surroundings.
In any event, you shouldn’t disregard the importance of routine soil cleaning and water changes. They multiply readily and thrive in temperatures between 20 and 27 °C.
Nannostomus marginatus
This aquarium fish’s small (2–3.5 cm) body is slightly elongated and features longitudinal stripes. It becomes pale and changes color in the dark.
They should be kept in a school of no more than ten pieces in an aquarium with a capacity of thirty to forty liters, though smaller aquariums can hold a smaller group of fish. can coexist peacefully with other small fish. They enjoy dark soil and rich aquatic vegetation.
Find out what an aquarium at home requires.
They are not picky eaters; only dry small food is permitted, but brine shrimp and daphnia can be added to their diet to help them feel more satisfied. Weekly water changes and filtration are required.
They enjoy swimming in the upper and middle layers, tannin-saturated water, snags in the décor, and muted lighting.
A modest, unassuming carp-family fish that does best in a school. It is both quiet and bustling. Fish in this species range in size from 1.3 to 10 cm. Aquarists often use the following rasbora varieties:
- Brigitta. The smallest of the carp fish, reaching only 1.3–22 cm. Its body is colored bright orange-red color. Have stripes on the sides;
- Hengel. Average length is about 3 cm. It is dull in color, but has a neon stripe on the side, which looks very beautiful under appropriate lighting;
- Galaxy. This rasbora appeared recently, it grows on average to 3-3.5 cm. Because of the spectacular coloring with many colors, it is also called fireworks;
- wedge-spotted (heteromorph). One of the most common rasboras, 4–4.5 cm long with silvery or golden scales and dark wedge-shaped spots on the sides.
Rasboras are easily multiplied and indifferent to their confinement circumstances. Small portions of both dry and frozen food can be used. Algae are plant food for them, so you should find them where they live. retains in the water’s upper layers. The ideal maintenance temperature is between 24 and 26 °C, and it is required to replace a fifth of the water on a regular basis. Although a 50-liter aquarium is ideal for a school of these fish consisting of 8–10 individuals, a smaller aquarium will suffice for multiple pieces.
Were you aware? The dwarf goby (Trimmatomnanus), which inhabits the Indo-Pacific region, is the tiniest marine fish. The average length of a male is 8.9 mm, while that of a female is 9 mm.
Amanda tetra
A fish, no bigger than two centimeters, that is tiny, vivid, and exquisite. Given that it’s a tetra, the fish ought to be housed in groups of six or more. A thirty to forty liter aquarium is sufficient for a small gathering. Choosing an elongated, panoramic aquarium is preferable over a cube. Amanda tetras are peaceful fish that are perfect for a natural aquarium. They only require minimal maintenance to keep the water clear.
Aquatic turtles
Because they are so easy to care for, aquatic turtles are popular pets. The benefits of retaining them are as follows:
- Unpretentiousness. For a reptile, it is enough to equip a suitable aquaterrarium, feed it correctly and on time.
- Inexpensive food. An adult is fed 2-4 times a week.
- Calm nature. The reptile does not make loud sounds.
- Long life expectancy. A hardy animal can live 30-40 years old.
Red-eared turtles
A red-eared turtle’s typical size is between 25 and 30 cm. The specific parameters are determined by the detention conditions. Every time, men are smaller than women. Turtles can live up to 40 years at home, which is nearly twice as long as their wild counterparts. This reptile possesses highly developed eyesight and smell senses.
They can detect color differences on land as well as in the water. Turtles can detect movement up to 40 meters away.
Their keen sense of smell aids in their food finding. Due to the nerves that run through the shell, hearing is not as developed, and the shell is touch sensitive.
A red-eared turtle can resist, bite, and scratch, so you should use caution when handling one.
The reptile should not be allowed in the kitchen or any other area where food is prepared because it frequently becomes a carrier of salmonellosis.
A 200-liter aquarium with a water heater, filter, UV lamp, thermometer, lamp, and shore (island) is sufficient for one person. Soil can be made from large stones.
Feeding the reptile with prepared food, veggies, fish, invertebrates, insects, and aquarium plants is essential. Because turtles have a tendency to overeat, the amount of food must be regulated. Moreover, the animal requires water to swallow, as it does not secrete saliva.
Types of trionyx
An aquatic turtle up to 20 cm in size is called a Chinese trionyx. The reptile features an extended nose resembling a trunk and a soft leather shell.
These three-toed turtles are fierce and highly energetic. Their plates, which are placed on the jaws, frequently cause injuries to victims. A young specimen is bought to keep at home.
The African trionyx is a large turtle with a maximum length of 90 centimeters. The young reptiles grow swiftly and also have bites. Having this animal at home is not advised.
Dwarf Corydoras (Pygmy, Hastatus, Habrobus)
Additionally, adding bottom dwellers to nano aquariums is a good idea as they will help remove food particles from the bottom and encourage movement in the lower portion of the tank. Since dwarf corydoras can only reach a maximum size of 2-3 cm, they are perfect for this use. These catfish are the tiniest known aquarium species. However, keep in mind that these species require room for swimming, well-oxygenated water, and a strong current, so getting a larger aquarium is still advised.
Microrasbora erythromicron
These babies’ names pretty much say it all—they are only two centimeters in size. Nearly as well-liked and appealing as Microrasbora galaxy is Microrasbora erythromicron. It is preferable to keep this species in schools; fifteen to twenty fish should fit in an aquarium that holds thirty to sixty liters. Males tend to be dominant and belligerent, so it’s best to keep the fish in large aquariums in groups. It is not advised for novices to acquire these fish because their aquarium’s water needs to be perfectly clear.
Success in starting a small aquarium depends on picking the right fish. Fish that are suitable for beginners, such as guppies, bettas, and neon tetras, are resilient, simple to maintain, and capable of thriving in a smaller space. This makes them ideal for beginning aquarists who wish to have a colorful but low-maintenance tank.
Red-nosed Rasbora (savbva)
Up to 2.5 cm in length, this fish is another tiny but pretty aquarium fish. Its brilliant red nose and tail tips add to its amazing color, which makes it even more remarkable than its enormous size. Although the fish prefer to live in schools, a 35-liter aquarium will suffice for a group of these small fish. This fish requires frequent care because it prefers clean water, so it’s not for the novice.
Fish Species | Key Features |
Betta Fish | Colorful, easy to care for, can live alone |
Guppies | Hardy, vibrant colors, peaceful |
Tetras | Small, schooling fish, active |
Zebra Danios | Resilient, fast swimmers, lively |
Corydoras Catfish | Bottom dwellers, help clean the tank, social |
This is a succinct summary:
If you start with the right fish, owning a small aquarium can be a rewarding experience. Selecting hardy and low-maintenance species will greatly ease your transition into the world of aquarium keeping.
Recall to find out what each fish requires in order to make sure they can live happily in a small area. You can help your new aquatic friends live in a healthy environment by doing a little preparation beforehand.
When done correctly, a small aquarium can be a peaceful pastime that you enjoy for many years to come in addition to being a lovely addition to your home.