Aquarium fish Pecilia

Aquarium enthusiasts often choose pecilia fish because of their vivid colors and energetic personalities. Because of their laid-back disposition, these hardy, little fish are a fantastic choice for novice and seasoned aquarium keepers alike.

Pecilia fish, which are native to Central and South America, are available in a variety of species and color patterns, each of which gives your aquarium a special touch. They are a great addition to community tanks because of their calm nature and ability to adapt to various water conditions.

This post will discuss the various varieties of Pecilia fish, how to care for them, and how to keep your aquarium environment happy and healthy. This guide will give you all the important information you need, whether your goal is to improve the aesthetics of your tank or you just want to enjoy the beauty that comes with having Pecilia fish.

Common types of pecilia

Aquarists come across various kinds of pecilia. Breeds from various backgrounds can be found in pet stores.

  • Green swordtail
  • Montezuma swordtail
  • golden;
  • silver;
  • black;
  • marbled;
  • red.

There are over 130 breeding varieties in total, some of which have unique fins and tails.

Because of their vivid colors, low maintenance requirements, and ability to adapt to a variety of tank conditions, pecilia fish are a popular choice among aquarium enthusiasts. Pecilia, with their lively behavior and low maintenance needs, are a great addition to aquariums for beginners as well as experienced aquarium keepers. This article examines their traits, maintenance requirements, and ways to provide your tank with a healthy environment for them.

How to keep pecilia

It is recommended to have a minimum of 6-8 pieces of fish in the aquarium, ideally with 2-3 females for every male. Picking a large tank is ideal because pecilia multiply swiftly. Selecting a 40–50 liter capacity is ideal.

Arranging the aquarium in accordance with the guidelines is preferable:

  1. Place a lid on top so that the fish do not jump out during active games.
  2. It is important for individuals to create comfort using artificial backlight, for which you can use a regular low -power table lamp. Natural light should come to the tank, but not direct sunlight.
  3. The inner space of the aquarium must be equipped with shelters and plants. Walnut shells, snags, stones, branches are suitable. Lay out the horn and Elodeus along the rear and side walls. There should be a place to move the fish between them, but there should be many plants. Leave a free foreground.
  4. Pour dark soil to the bottom of the container so that the fish look more advantageous.
  5. Install the filter and aerator.

Every week, replace a portion of the water with fresh. Sprinkle some marble crumbs on the ground if it’s not hard enough.

The act of sucking water to disinfect it is a common practice among aquarists. Salt is a disease-prevention aid, particularly for children.

What and how to feed pecilia

Live food (at least occasionally) Dry food (main diet) Supplementary feeding

Steam-cooked semolina

It is advisable to give live food the upper hand and to give dry food less frequently. Plant food is the least important to pecilia, but it is still important for your pets’ gastrointestinal tracts to function normally, so don’t ignore it. They will start eating the green parts of plants if you do not give them plant food.

Feed food in portions lasting 5-7 minutes, 1-2 times per day. After this period of time, take out any food that may still be in the water.

The process of fish reproduction

Fish with pecilia are viviparous. They are sexually mature by six to seven months of age. It is not required to place them in a separate tank for spawning; a regular aquarium will suffice for the process. Because the fry develop inside the mother’s abdomen, they have a good chance of surviving.

You won’t need to get involved in the propagation process if the males and females settled together. Because pecilia are so fertile, all you will need to do in this situation is keep an eye on it. A pregnant woman’s round abdomen and darkened anus scales make her easily identifiable.

She can produce between thirty and fifty fry in a single spawning. The number of offspring will grow each month if you don’t keep an eye on this process.

The adult female should be removed as soon as possible after spawning to prevent her from destroying some of the young. When the females are spawning, most aquarists would rather remove them to a different aquarium and then bring them back to the main one. Individuals are kept in the same conditions during the breeding season. Following birth, the fry require feedings of starter food and live dust up to six or seven times per day.

Differences between males and females

Women differ significantly in a number of ways:

  • plump belly;
  • brighter color;
  • large body size;
  • A wide anal fin.

Males are identified by their smaller size and unique fin, the gonopodium, which is situated close to the anus. There is a bend at the end for a firmer hold on your partner. Seminal fluid enters the female’s anus through the gonopodium during sexual contact.

What fish and plants can be kept together with

One aquarium can contain a variety of pecilia species or representatives of other calm breeds:

  • guppies;
  • rainbowfish;
  • catfish;
  • rasboras;
  • apistograms;
  • swordtails;
  • tetras;
  • gourami;
  • cardinals;
  • danio.

Aggressive and large fish, such as cichlasomas, piranhas, and acaras, are incompatible with them. Since they have different temperatures, you shouldn’t settle them with carp family members.

Attribute Details
Common Name Pecilia
Scientific Name Pecilia spp.
Origin Central and South America
Size 2 to 3 inches (5 to 8 cm)
Tank Size 10 gallons or more
Water Temperature 72-78°F (22-26°C)
pH Level 6.5-8.0
Tank Mates Community fish like tetras, guppies, and mollies
Diet Omnivorous – flakes, pellets, live or frozen food
Behavior Peaceful and active
Breeding Livebearers – easy to breed in home aquariums

Pecilia fish, with their vivid colors and energetic personalities, are a great addition to any aquarium. These fish are perfect for both novice and seasoned hobbyists because they are not only gorgeous but also reasonably simple to care for.

Pecilia fish make a balanced and vibrant tank environment with their calm disposition and active nature. They flourish in an aquarium that is properly cared for, with the right water conditions and a varied diet. They are an excellent option for a varied aquarium setup due to their resilience and adaptability.

All things considered, pecilia fish are a great way to add more beauty and movement to your aquarium. You will be able to enjoy their vibrant presence and captivating behavior for many years to come if you provide them with an appropriate habitat and careful attention.

Video on the topic

Aquarium news with Vladimir Kovalev (09.02.2025).Swordtails and pecilia – a journey into the past!

Disc pecilia Kazan


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Elena Grishina

Ecologist and aquarist with a special interest in creating balanced ecosystems in aquariums. Main focus — ecosystems that require minimal human intervention. I support a natural approach to aquarium care, where each element plays its role, helping to maintain harmony in a closed ecosystem. I promote sustainable aquarium keeping and respect for nature.

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