Aulonocara – peacocks of Lake Malawi

If you’re getting into aquarium fish, you may have noticed the beautiful Aulonocara, which is another name for the Lake Malawi peacocks. These fish’s vivid colors and distinct personalities make them an amazing addition to any freshwater tank. The Aulonocara, which originates from one of Africa’s most well-known lakes, adds a touch of the natural world to your home aquarium.

There are numerous species in the Aulonocara group, and they are all distinguished by their vivid colors and intricate patterns. Their unique colorations and shimmering scales can make them the focal point of any tank. These fish have a truly captivating color display that varies based on the lighting, the fish’s mood, and even the time of year they breed.

These peacocks have intriguing behaviors and social characteristics in addition to their attractive appearance. They can be highly territorial in their natural environment, but they also show amazing parental care. By creating the perfect environment in your aquarium, you can ensure that these colorful fish flourish and display their best colors. This can be done by understanding their needs and behaviors.

Keeping Aulonocara can be a rewarding hobby for novices as well as experienced aquarists. They are an exceptional option for any freshwater aquarium because of their captivating behaviors and attractive appearance. Take a look and see how these Lake Malawi peacocks can turn your tank into an amazing water display.

Habitat, biotope

The cichlid family comprises numerous species and morphs that are grouped together under the genus Aulonocara. Cichlids native to Lake Malawi (Nyasa) in East Africa are called Aulonocara.

Lake biotopes have historically separated Malawi cichlids into two groups:

There are Nyasa cichlids that do not fit into any of these categories. Aulonocara are one of them. Aulonocara populations of various species can be found close to Utaka as well as in the Mbuna area.

In both Russian and English, the genus name "Aulonocara" is frequently abbreviated as "Acara." Because of their coloring, Aulonocara are known as "peacocks" in aquaristics. Men are particularly colorful and bright.

At a depth of five to thirty meters, large species of Aulonocara typically inhabit an exposed sandy bottom. Smaller varieties are frequently found nearer the coast on rocky underwater slopes where there are built-in hiding places among vegetation and stones. Young people who are single remain in flocks. During the spawning season, males individually guard small, distinct areas of the bottom that are occupied by temporary pairs.

In-depth research on aulonocara nutrition under natural conditions is lacking. Peacocks are known to eat both plant (such as aquatic plants and various algae) and animal (such as fry, worms, snails, mollusks, larvae, etc.) food.

Appearance, dimorphism

Any member of the Aulonocara genus looks like a regular cichlid.

Almost any color for the body and fins. The only species that determines color, shades, brightness, and saturation (and morph).

Any species of Aulonocara has larger males than females. In numerous peacock species, the male is more colorful and brighter than the peacock’s tail, while the female is often dull or even gray in color. In many species, female fins are rounded and shorter. The anal fin of a sexually mature male almost always has light spots on it.

Aulonocara can be kept in pairs, but a group of 7-8 members of the same species—two males and five or six females—is preferable. Males and females will be able to select a mate for reproduction within a group. For a pair, the minimum amount of water in the aquarium is 60 liters, and for a group, it is 180 liters.

Standard water parameters are used for cichlids in Malawi.

    temperature: 23-28 °C,
    acidity: 6-9 pH,
    hardness: 10-25 GH.

Up to 25% of the total volume should be changed twice a week in the event that the water gets dirty.

The kind and size of the cichlids should be taken into consideration when choosing the soil. Sand that is fine to medium in size, combined with small gravel or rounded pebbles, is appropriate for large peacocks.

Certain small-sized cichlid species will prefer a lot of pebbles, gravel, and sand. Peacocks must have their shelters made out of stones and other materials.

You can live on Wallisneria and Echinodorus, which are aquatic plants. There is a chance that other species will fall prey to Aulonocara, which damages roots by continuously excavating the ground.

Aquarium necessities include the following:

It is best to feed Aulonocara specialized dry food for Malawi cichlids in the form of flakes or granules in an aquarium. Any additional food meant for cichlids is also suitable.

It is best to mix or switch out dry food with frozen or living food:

Feeding intervals: once or twice daily.

The vivid and fascinating cichlids Aulonocara, sometimes referred to as the peacocks of Lake Malawi, add a pop of color and mystery to any aquarium. These fish are popular among both beginning and seasoned fish keepers due to their remarkable beauty and distinct behaviors. This post will discuss the unique qualities of Aulonocara, such as their variety of color patterns, their function in their natural environment, and advice on how to maintain their happiness and health in your own tank.

Reproduction and breeding

Reproduction in aulonocara is not dependent on stimulation. When spawning season begins, peacocks temporarily form pairs. The male prepares a spot where the female lays between 20 and 80 eggs. The female carries her eggs in her mouth, where they are fertilized. In two to three weeks, the fry hatch and start living on their own. The fry can hide in the mother’s mouth in case of danger.

Fed fry beginning their second week of hatching. The greatest option is special fry food that has been gradually supplemented with Artemia larvae, mosquitoes, and cyclops.

Peacocks mature sexually between 10 and 14 months of age; females reach this stage at 10 to 11 months, and males at 13 to 14 months. In certain Aulonocara species, males reach reproductive maturity before developing their distinctive bright color.

Aspect Details
Scientific Name Aulonocara
Common Name Peacock Cichlid
Origin Lake Malawi, Africa
Size 4-8 inches (10-20 cm)
Coloration Bright and varied colors, often with blue, yellow, or red
Habitat Rocky and sandy areas of the lake
Diet Omnivorous; feeds on small fish, invertebrates, and algae
Behavior Generally peaceful but can be territorial
Tank Requirements Large tank with rocky structures and clean, warm water
Water Conditions pH 7.5-8.5, temperature 76-82°F (24-28°C)
Breeding Egg spot males, mouthbrooding females

In conclusion, peacock cichlids, or Aulonocara, are an intriguing addition to any aquarium. They are among the most fascinating species from Lake Malawi because of their striking colors and distinctive habits. They can really turn a tank into a living masterpiece with their eye-catching colors and captivating personalities.

Maintaining Aulonocara in your aquarium has its own advantages and disadvantages. Although they are fairly hardy, they thrive in an environment that is kept up to date and closely resembles their natural habitat. Their full beauty will be on display if you can provide them a tank with enough room, good water, and compatible tankmates.

There’s no denying the appeal of Aulonocara, regardless of experience level. Your underwater world will be filled with endless enjoyment and a hint of exotica thanks to their captivating appearance and engaging behavior. You can enjoy these amazing fish and the vibrant energy they bring to your aquarium by understanding their needs and setting up a suitable habitat.

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Olga Vishnevskaya

Biologist by education, aquarist by vocation. Specialization — breeding and care of freshwater aquarium plants. Since childhood I have been fond of aquariums, constantly experimenting with creating biotopes and selecting flora for various types of aquariums. I am sure that green aquariums can transform any interior and improve the quality of life.

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