Black-striped cichlazoma: maintenance, reproduction, compatibility

The black-striped cichlazoma might be the ideal fish for your aquarium if you’re looking to add something eye-catching and colorful. This species, which goes by the name "zebra cichlid," is well-known for its striking vertical stripes and lively disposition. These fish, which are native to Central America, infuse your tank with a little bit of the wild with their vibrant colors and active personalities. But they’re not just eye candy—they have certain care needs that must be met in order to keep them content and healthy.

Maintaining black-striped cichlazomas requires trying to replicate as much of their natural habitat as possible. They flourish in a tank that is densely planted, has lots of hiding places, and an effective filtration system. Because of their potential size, they require a large tank and prefer slightly acidic water to neutral. In order to avoid any health problems, regular water changes and quality monitoring are essential.

If you’re willing to take on a little challenge, breeding these cichlids can be a rewarding experience. Since they are known to be territorial when they breed, it’s important to have a special breeding tank or a well-thought-out setup to control their aggression. The procedure entails preparing a favorable habitat in which they can deposit and guard their eggs, which are normally tended to by both parents alternately.

Black-striped cichlazomas can be picky about their tank mates when it comes to compatibility. The best fish to keep them in with are strong, comparable-sized fish that can put up with their assertiveness. They could become stressed or even prey if kept with smaller or more timid species. An aquarium that is tranquil and flourishing can be ensured by conducting thorough research and organizing the community setup.

Overall, aquarists looking for a rewarding challenge will find black-striped cichlazomas to be a standout choice due to their vibrant appearance and interesting behavior, even though they do require a little more work in terms of compatibility and care.


This cichlazoma’s graceful appearance draws attention, which is why it has earned its popularity. The fish has a very endearing appearance with its distinct black stripes on a light background and iridescent scales among gray grottoes. The massive, slightly flattened body is characteristic of American cichlids. Although females have a reddish-orange spot on their abdomen, and are generally brighter in color, males are larger than females.

Its growth ranges from 13 to 15 cm, so aquariums slightly smaller than those holding other cichlids can be used for it. For two people, 100 liters should be sufficient, but it’s best to take 200 or more.

With the correct maintenance and care, the striking and colorful Black-striped Cichlazoma fish can flourish in a well-kept aquarium. You must give these fish regular care, a good diet, and an appropriate habitat if you want to keep them healthy. Owning a Black-striped Cichlazoma can be exciting when it comes to reproduction, but it takes knowledge of their breeding habits and proper setup. Knowing which tank mates these cichlids get along with best can also help create a peaceful aquarium, as they have specific needs when it comes to compatibility with other fish.


Cichlasoma consumes any kind of artificial or living food; it has no nutritional preferences. Consumes food for enjoyment:

  • tubifex,
  • bloodworm,
  • brine shrimp.

It requires plant food, which accounts for one-third of the diet, in addition to protein foods. Use the following as a top dressing:

The fish is extremely gregarious, so you have to keep a close eye on how much it consumes. Adults can be fed one or two times a day, and once a week fasting days can be scheduled. It is preferable to give the young animals small meals four to five times a day rather than limiting their diet.

Behavior in an aquarium

Fish that are territorial in nature are black-striped cichlazomas. It turns hostile and vigorously defends its young during spawning. For this reason, if the aquarium’s size and number of private areas permit, it is preferable to keep them in a species aquarium or with other medium-sized cichlids.

Stays in a heavily guarded shelter for the majority of the time. To prevent aggressive spawning, you can take one fish if reproduction is not your top priority.

You will have to bid your delicate plants farewell.

  • the soil will be dug up;
  • the roots will be damaged;
  • and the plant itself will be pulled out of the substrate or even eaten.

Cichalazoma is therefore unfit for storage in herbaceous tanks. Hard-leaved plants with robust root systems are suitable if you still want some greenery in your aquarium:

  • cryptocoryne,
  • anubias.


Due to its ability to reproduce without specific conditions, the black-striped cichlazoma has been a popular choice for aquarium fish breeders to practice on. The reason for the high survival rate among the progeny is the excellent parenting of cichlids.

The zebra is monogamous, much like other American cichlid fish. It is preferable to take a school of young fish and raise them together because couples are formed at a young age.

You have to pick sexually mature individuals of both sexes if you want young animals. Black-striped sexual dimorphism The fish’s sex can be easily ascertained because of the prominent cichlazomas:

  • Females are smaller than males, they have smooth, streamlined shapes, a bright, distinct pattern, a red-orange spot on the abdomen and an ovipositor at the anus.
  • Males are large, with a massive, fleshy body, a large, convex forehead and pale, blurred stripes.

The male has a fatty growth on his forehead and no orange inclusions.

The female’s abdomen is coated in orange, and she is more slender.

It is preferable to relocate the pair to a different spawning tank if there are other fish in the aquarium in order to lessen stress and boost the likelihood that the offspring will survive.

The substrate can be large, smooth stones or a tiny cave. The cichlazoma will still locate an appropriate location to lay eggs even in the absence of any.

In order to encourage spawning, you must:

  • do daily water changes of 1/5-1/4;
  • raise the water temperature to 28-29 ⁰С;
  • increase the proportion of high-protein feeds in the diet.

The male will start the marriage dance as soon as the pair is prepared to procreate. The male fertilizes the female after she sweeps caviar during courtship. Depending on her age, a female’s fertility can reach 300 eggs.

Parents start raising their children after spawning:

  • The female periodically cleanses the caviar, remove dead, unfertilized eggs, washes the masonry with fins.
  • The male is defending offspring, violently driving away other inhabitants of the aquarium from caviar. Sometimes it can be too aggressive, in this case it is pushed, leaving the female alone with masonry.

48–72 hours after the start of incubation, larvae begin to clasp.

When the yolk bag is redirected after two to three days, the fry exit the shelter. Before going to bed or, in the event of danger, the mother closely watches her walking children and directs them to a safe location. She assists them in eating at this point by lifting the turbulators from the bottom with the bottom. Large food chunks are bit off by the female and spit out for her young.

It is advised to feed the young in order to accelerate their growth. To begin feeding, use:

  • powdered dry food;
  • chopped egg yolk;
  • "live dust" (grown infusoria);
  • decapsulated brine shrimp eggs.

Additionally, you can feed the fry chopped live food, but you must ensure that it is of a good quality.

Due to the fry’s high sensitivity to water quality, adequate aeration and frequent water changes (one-third twice a week) are necessary.

The fry must be removed from their parents after three to four weeks because at that point they will start eating fish food intended for adults. If not, they can be consumed.

Aspect Description
Maintenance Black-striped cichlazomas prefer a clean tank with plenty of hiding places. Keep the water temperature between 24-28°C, and provide a balanced diet of flakes, pellets, and occasional live food.
Reproduction These fish are easy to breed. Once paired, they will protect their eggs. Provide a flat surface for egg-laying. The parents will care for the fry after hatching.
Compatibility They can be aggressive, especially when breeding. Keep them with similar-sized, semi-aggressive species to avoid conflicts.

For aquarium enthusiasts, caring for Black-striped Cichlazomas can be a fulfilling experience. These colorful fish’s eye-catching patterns and lively demeanor infuse any tank with a dynamic element. It is essential to provide them plenty of room and a well-organized tank that closely resembles their natural habitat when setting up their environment. They do best in an arrangement with lots of hiding places and a powerful filtration system to keep the water clean and steady.

Raising Black-striped Cichlazomas is a fun project. These fish are well-known for their intriguing mating habits and robust pair bonds. Make sure to provide a separate breeding area or tank in order to promote successful reproduction. Providing a healthy diet and preserving the ideal water quality will also aid in promoting their reproductive process. It can be fascinating to watch how they interact with each other and to see how they parent and take care of their offspring.

Black-striped Cichlazoma can be a bit picky when it comes to tank mates. It is ideal to keep them with fish that are not too aggressive themselves and can handle their assertive personality. Select companions who can adjust to their dynamic behavior and who are of a similar size. Making sure your tank is set up with enough territories and hiding spots will help reduce conflict and maintain harmony in your aquatic community.

To sum up, Black-striped Cichlazoma are an excellent option for individuals wishing to infuse their aquarium with a little excitement. These cichlids can flourish and add a great deal of enjoyment to your aquarium hobby with the correct care, breeding setup, and compatible tank mates. If you give them the care they require, they’ll be a lively and healthy addition to your aquatic habitat.

Video on the topic

Aquarium fish. Reproduction of black-striped cichlozoma.

Spawning of black-striped cichlazoma

Black-striped cichlazoma with fry 10 days old and 2 months old (fry are sold)

Reproduction of black-striped cichlazoma



Cichlasoma black-barred in an aquarium. Contents, breeding, compatibility.

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Ivan Kononov

Experienced aquarist with an emphasis on breeding and keeping exotic aquarium fish. Author of many articles and books on the topic of aquarium keeping. Always in search of new species and interesting solutions for home aquariums. I believe that an aquarium is not only a home decoration, but also a means of studying nature and its laws.

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