Breeding and reproduction of angelfish

For aquarium enthusiasts, breeding angelfish can be a rewarding experience. These elegant fish are a favorite among hobbyists due to their distinctive look and intriguing behaviors.

To guarantee the health and prosperity of the fry, it is crucial to comprehend the fundamental needs for angelfish breeding. Every aspect, from tank configuration to water quality, contributes to establishing the ideal environment for reproduction.

We’ll go over the essentials of breeding and raising angelfish in this post, along with some helpful hints to get you through the process and enjoy the sight of fresh life in your aquarium.

Angelfish are renowned for their elegant appearance and captivating behavior, so for aquarium enthusiasts, breeding and reproducing these fish can be a rewarding experience. The right conditions must be established for angelfish breeding to be successful, including ideal water quality, a balanced diet, and a calm environment. You can enhance the likelihood of having a robust and flourishing angelfish population in your aquarium by being aware of their mating habits and offering an appropriate habitat for the eggs and fry.

Sexual differences between the male and female of the angelfish are weakly expressed

Only when the fish are 9–12 months old and have reached sexual maturity can they be observed. Nobody will tell you who you are taking when you purchase young animals in a pet store up until this point.

Vitaly Chernyavsky, a fish breeder expert:

1) Conduct is not a standard. Frequently, two females without a male will even fully mimic the male’s sexual actions. But if you look closely, you can see that the "male" and the "female" will then switch places, allowing BOTH fish to lay the eggs—which are naturally unfertilized.

2) There are both males and females who have foreheads.

3) The line connecting the back and abdomen is the sole distinct indicator of gender differences in adult fish. In the male, the abdomen and anal fin almost form a STRAIGHT line, while the back and dorsal fin form an ANGLE. In contrast, the female’s anatomy is as follows: the anal fin and abdomen nearly form a right angle, while the back and dorsal fin form an almost STRAIGHT line.

We include this drawing, which will assist in identifying the sex of the calaria by looking at the angle of its fins, based on the expert’s opinion.


The male and female are mixed up in this drawing of Calaria, which is widely shared on the Internet with misleading information. This illustration is from "Aquarium Fish Farming," by Ilyin. Thus, the artist had confused the fish there.

Indeed, and those who sculpt this drawing on their websites on the Internet. They deceive everyone by not revealing the location of the male and female themselves. Everything in this drawing is accurate!

Spawning of angelfish

During mating season, males tend to the females. The eggs, which are affixed to the surface of aquatic vegetation in the nest area, protect both the male and the female. When angelfish are well-maintained, spawning takes place right in the shared aquarium. Replacing aquarium water with fresh water and raising the temperature by two to four degrees is what triggers spawning. The substrate for laying has a major part to play in this procedure. Angelfish may favor other surfaces, such as a grotto wall, glass, or a filter tube, but they typically prefer to lay their eggs on broad-leaved plants.

After the parents have meticulously cleared the area of any dirt, the actual spawning takes place. A large female can spawn up to 1000 eggs at a time, compared to the average 500.

You can buy specialized cones for angelfish spawning if you want to breed them more frequently or if you just want to give your pets more convenience. similar to these.

Scalararia like to spawn on these cones, but more importantly, it is easy to manipulate the caviar by moving it to another aquarium for further incubation without damaging the manufacturers. It is preferable to use cones made of black clay, as seen in the above photo, if you purchase decorations that are similar from the store. These are Gloxy decorative cones. Like brick analogs, they are rugged and somehow look better in the aquarium than red.

The parents vigorously fan the eggs with their fins during the two-day incubation period, clearing them of debris and removing the whitened, dead eggs. The parents move the larvae to another leaf in their mouths once they hatch from the eggs. This is done to improve cleanliness and remove any chance of contracting an infection from the eggs’ rotting shell.

The larvae hang on the leaf for the next seven days while the parents keep a close eye on them. The larvae become fry when the yolk sac runs out of nourishment for them. This is when they should start feeding.

The recommended beginning diet for young and kalyari is high-quality, thoroughly cleaned food. You can suggest nematodes and nauplii. Shrimp from under the brine, yushka? Use "adult dry food" rubbed into dust with your fingers if you don’t want to deal with "living creatures" or even if this is your first spontaneous spawning. In this situation, it is advisable to head straight to the closest pet store and buy foods from the Baby series, like Tetra Minbabie.

Keep in mind that the fry should initially be fed eight times a day, but in very tiny portions. Additionally, it’s advised to remove food remnants and other debris from the spawning aquarium twice a day.

A typical instance of calaria reproduction is the procedure described above.

Because of their close proximity to other fish in the same aquarium, parents and fry frequently go through a lot of stress. Naturally, this has no positive outcome. In some cases, parents have even eaten their children after becoming upset with their neighbors. Furthermore, since the technique of egg depositing is employed in calaria industrial breeding, it is currently challenging to locate a responsible pair of parents who could raise their children on their own. This is regarded as miraculous.

Considering the aforementioned, the eggs and the leaf they are on are typically transferred into a different aquarium with a capacity of 10–20 liters as soon as spawning occurs. In this instance, you are expected to perform all parental duties. Methylene blue is added to the water, the white dead eggs are routinely removed with a pipette, and a sprayer with a very weak aerated water flow is positioned beneath the leaf to shield the eggs from fungal diseases.

Cultivating Altum angelfish

This holds true for "pseudomorphs of altums." Almost no true altums are bred in captivity at this time.

Altum spawning takes place in April through June. A pair forms at this point, and they aggressively keep other fish out of the occupied territory. A pH of 5.5 to 6.0 will be required to sustain water parameters and encourage spawning. During the spawning period, the diet is varied as much as possible.

If the female has an ovipositor (2-3 mm thick and 4 mm long), and the male has a pointed genital papilla (3 mm long), then there are no more than two days left before spawning. As spawning approaches, the behavior of the calaria altum changes, they begin to show signs of attention, expressed in straightening and slightly trembling fins and circling around each other. Around midday, the female begins to lay eggs, which are immediately fertilized by the male. Spawning continues for about an hour and a half. The eggs are located very close to each other in quantities of 300 to 500 pieces. The clutch is considered fertilized if after a few hours a protein cap becomes visible on the eggs, indicating the development of the embryo.

The newly formed parents take turns tending to the eggs after they spawn, vigorously fanning them with their pectoral fins and cleaning them of dirt particles. In an aquarium, the first eggs frequently turn murky and die after a few hours, and the clutch as a whole usually dies after a day. There are two possible causes for this: first, the water is too hard for the development of eggs; and second, the water contains a high concentration of pathogenic microorganisms.

Transferring the clutch from a common or spawning aquarium to a pre-prepared container with a small amount of bacteria will not have any effect if the eggs have been exposed to negative influences for more than 90 minutes. Therefore, to obtain the maximum number of young from calaria altum, it is necessary to transfer the entire clutch immediately after spawning. To maintain high-quality water in the container with eggs, use an internal filter with peat filler. Fine-grained quartz sand, laid in a layer of 0.5 – 1 cm, is used as soil. You can add specialized antibacterial drugs to the water, but this does not always help. Using ultraviolet sterilizers is ineffective. The best solution for disinfecting water is considered to be pumping ozone through an air compressor. After two days, the larvae begin to hatch, hanging on the substrate or sinking to the bottom. After the resorption of the yolk sac, the fry are about 5 mm in size. In search of food, they begin to swim in a school throughout the aquarium. The first three days after the start of feeding are the most critical for the fry. For good growth, they need a spacious aquarium, multiple feedings, good filtration and frequent water changes. The so-called Hamburg filter is often used as a filter. Already on the 10th – 12th day, the appearance of the fry begins to change. In the Altum Angelfish, as in the Discus, during this period, there is a noticeable growth upward, determining the future shape of the body. With each new day, the fry become more and more like adult fish. On the 18th day, vertical stripes begin to appear in the fry"s diet. You can include such foods as crushed bloodworms, large brine shrimp, water fleas in the diet of the fry.

The fry should consume the amount of food added to the aquarium in no more than ten minutes. Five to six times a day, fry are fed with calaria a larva. Fish that have reached maturity are progressively moved to water that has a pH of 7.5, a carbonate hardness of 4 dKH, and a temperature of 28 C.

The calaria altum’s fins can grow to a maximum length of 20 cm after 12 months in large aquariums with ideal conditions, and up to 30 cm after 24 months.

Aspect Details
Tank Conditions Warm water (around 78-82°F), slightly acidic pH, and ample space are ideal for breeding.
Pairing Select a healthy male and female angelfish, and let them form a bond naturally.
Spawning The female lays eggs on a flat surface, which the male fertilizes afterward.
Egg Care Parents may guard the eggs, or you can move them to a separate tank for protection.
Hatching Eggs usually hatch within 2-3 days, depending on water temperature.
Fry Care Feed the fry with infusoria or special fry food until they are large enough to eat standard fish food.

For both new and seasoned aquarists, raising angelfish can be a fulfilling experience. Fostering a healthy environment where they can thrive requires an understanding of their specific needs, which range from the right water conditions to the right care of the fry.

A thorough attention to detail and patience are essential during the breeding process. It is possible to raise a new generation of angelfish by keeping a close eye on their behavior and providing ideal conditions for reproduction. These fish are very attractive.

The satisfaction of watching these elegant animals grow and develop in your tank can be obtained through breeding angelfish, which, with the correct information and care, can add a whole new dimension of enjoyment to your aquarium hobby.

Video on the topic

Secrets of breeding angelfish. Spawning, water parameters, caring for fry.

Breeding angelfish. Reproduction of angelfish. Growing angelfish. Spawning.

Breeding angelfish at home

Breeding angelfish from A to Z, growing fry: 90 days in 30 minutes with explanations and nuances

Breeding angelfish from A to Z.


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Olga Vishnevskaya

Biologist by education, aquarist by vocation. Specialization — breeding and care of freshwater aquarium plants. Since childhood I have been fond of aquariums, constantly experimenting with creating biotopes and selecting flora for various types of aquariums. I am sure that green aquariums can transform any interior and improve the quality of life.

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