Cichlazoma citron

Cichlazoma citron could be the ideal choice for you if you want to give your aquarium a pop of color and personality. This fish, which is well-known for its vivid yellow color and eye-catching features, is not only a visual delight but also adds movement and energy to your tank. The Cichlazoma citron, also known as the Citron Cichlid, is a popular choice among aquarium enthusiasts due to its relatively easy care requirements and attractive appearance. It originates from the waters of Central America.

The Cichlazoma citron has a distinctive appearance due to its bright yellow body with bold black stripes that stand out. It stands out in any aquarium due to its vibrant colors and lively personality. But this fish is more than just pretty; it can add a new level of intrigue to your aquatic setup with its intriguing behavior and social dynamics.

Although it takes some planning, taking care of the Cichlazoma citron is worthwhile. These fish do best in clean, spacious aquariums with lots of hiding places. Given their reputation for being territorial, giving them a good home is essential to their happiness and well-being. When kept in the proper conditions, they will interact with each other and display their brilliant colors, adding life and color to your aquarium display.

Aspect Details
Common Name Cichlazoma citron
Scientific Name Cichlasoma citrinellum
Origin Central America
Size Up to 12 inches (30 cm)
Color Bright yellow with a greenish tinge
Temperament Aggressive, especially during breeding
Tank Size Minimum 50 gallons
Water Conditions pH 6.5-7.5, Temperature 72-78°F (22-26°C)
Diet Omnivorous, eats pellets, live food, and vegetables
Care Level Moderate
Tank Mates Other large, robust fish


The first lemon cichlasomas were discovered in Europe in 1970. It was found in neighboring reservoirs and the San Juan River in Nicaragua, Costa Rica. The citron cichlid was first described by Albert Gunther in 1864.

The fish’s color in the wild ranges from gray to olive-brown. The body is striped in vertical fashion. There are occasionally white, pink, orange, or yellow fish to be found. Through selection, scientists were able to obtain the fatty growth and vibrant body color. These people are only found in nature during specific stages of their lives. Because of their diet, fish that live in the wild have larger lips. People who live in the country do not have large lips.

The cichlazoma’s habitat has grown significantly in size today. It has adapted to live in the brackish water reservoirs of Singapore and the southeast region of America.

Appearance of the fish

Males reach up to 30-35 cm in length in the wild, while females reach up to 20-25 cm. Fish in aquariums are typically smaller in size. The lifespan of a cichlazoma in a home aquarium is over ten years.

The body of the citron cichlazoma is massive and elevated, with flattened sides. Head Her lips are thick, her eyes large. Above the line of the eyes is a depression in the head. The appearance of a fatty lump causes the forehead to protrude as they age. The mouth’s function is to grasp food suspended in the middle layers of water. The size of the lower and upper jaws is the same.

Children are not the same as adults. Fry have an olive-blue or gray body color. There are distinct dark stripes running vertically down the sides of the body, and a dark patch sits in the middle of the lateral surface.

Fish that are older have more color. They range in color from pale yellow to orange, exhibiting great diversity. The sides and fins might have dark patches. Differentiating an adult male from a female is quite simple. The dorsal and anal fins of males are pointed and arranged into a braid, and they are bigger and have a fatty growth above the eye line. In comparison to males, females are smaller, have almost undetectable fatty growth, a nearly imperceptible depression above the eye line, and round anal and dorsal fins.

The female ovipositor has a moderate pyramidal shape, while the male develops a pointed vas deferens during spawning.

The Lemon Cichlid, also known as Cichlazoma citron, is a colorful fish that adds a pop of color and personality to any freshwater aquarium. This species, which is native to Central America, is well-known for its vivid yellow coloring and vivacious nature. This post will discuss the special qualities of Cichlazoma citron, such as its habitat requirements, care needs, and the best ways to keep this striking fish in a healthy environment. Knowing the requirements of the Lemon Cichlid will help you design a stunning and well-balanced aquatic setup, regardless of experience level.

Aquarium maintenance conditions

The fish known as lemon cichlazoma is fierce and possessive. You’ll need a 200-liter aquarium to keep a pair. The fish are less aggressive in larger tanks. Aggression rises when the species is spawning. The lemon cichlazoma has the ability to move décor and break equipment in small aquariums. The thermostat, lights, and filter are all mounted outside the tank. Put a lid on the aquarium to keep it closed.

The following are parameters for comfortable water: temperature between 22 and 26 degrees; hardness dH between 10 and 12 degrees; and acidity between 6.5 and 7.5. It needs an aerator. It will add oxygen to the water. Replace 25% of the water with fresh water and siphon the soil once a week. It can become poisoned by the numerous waste products left behind by the lemon cichlazoma. A strong external filter on the tank is required to stop this from occurring. Moderate lighting is ideal.

Use large or medium-sized river pebbles or granite chips for the soil. Without a doubt, Cichlasomas will dig and arrange the design however they see fit. Only plants with robust root systems and hard leaves—like cryptocorynes, anubias, Thai fern, and echinodorus—can be planted. The aquarium’s center is left open at the same moment. Floating plants such as duckweed, hornwort, and pistia are permitted to float on the water’s surface in order to soften the lighting. Stones, driftwood, and sizable grottoes work well as decorations.


Predators like lemon cichlasoma exist. It consumes snails, tiny fish, insects, and their larvae in the wild. Add bloodworms, brine shrimp, gammarus, shrimp meat, and sea fish pieces to the aquarium. You can give it lean beef once a week, but you shouldn’t go crazy with this diet because it causes obesity and improper gastrointestinal tract function. Give your pets plant-based food, such as cabbage, lettuce leaves, and chunks of cucumber and zucchini. Dry food meant for cichlids will not be turned down by Cichlazoma.

Give the fish tiny meals two to three times a day.

The lemon cichlid, or Cichlazoma citron, is a colorful and interesting fish that can make a unique addition to any freshwater aquarium. It is a well-liked option for hobbyists wishing to add a pop of color and energy to their tanks because of its vivid, lemon-yellow coloring and vivacious personality. These fish can flourish and make their owners very happy if given the proper care.

Making sure they are in the proper habitat is one of the most important parts of caring for Cichlazoma citron. They do best in aquariums that closely resemble their natural habitat and favor clean, roomy aquariums with lots of swimming space. Keeping them healthy and active will require providing them with appropriate hiding places and a balanced diet.

It’s also critical to keep in mind that these fish can be highly territorial, so carefully consider how your tank will be set up. Ensuring that all of your fish get along and reducing aggression can be achieved by providing adequate space and establishing distinct territories. You can cultivate a harmonious environment that will support the growth of your Cichlazoma citron by getting to know their needs and behaviors.

All things considered, the Cichlazoma citron can be a lovely and fruitful addition to your aquarium with the right maintenance. They are a fish that any enthusiast wishing to improve their aquatic setup should give some thought to because of their eye-catching appearance and lively personality.

Video on the topic

Citron cichlazoma

"SOS" CITRON or LEMON CICHLAZOMA. (Amphilophus citrinellus).

Citron cichlazoma

Citron cichlazoma or lemon cichlazomaAmphilophus citrinellus

About the aggressiveness of Cichlids and a black background.


Citron or lemon cichlazoma

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Olga Vishnevskaya

Biologist by education, aquarist by vocation. Specialization — breeding and care of freshwater aquarium plants. Since childhood I have been fond of aquariums, constantly experimenting with creating biotopes and selecting flora for various types of aquariums. I am sure that green aquariums can transform any interior and improve the quality of life.

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