One of the most important things to think about when setting up a calm and healthy aquarium is your fish’s compatibility. If you’re considering keeping a betta fish, also referred to as a cockerel, in your aquarium, you’ll need to make sure it has companions. Although betta fish are prized for their stunning fins and vivid colors, pairing them with other species can be challenging due to their aggressive disposition.
Particularly the males, betta fish have a tendency to be territorial and solitary by nature. This implies that they might not get along with other fish, particularly if they have similar fin structures or striking hues. To keep an aquarium environment harmonious, it is essential to know which species get along with bettas.
We’ll look at which fish are ideal to keep in a tank with bettas and which ones to steer clear of in this article. We’ll go over useful advice for keeping your fish happy and your tank balanced. By the time you’re done, you’ll know exactly how to set up the ideal tank for the benefit of all your aquatic inhabitants.
- Is it possible to keep a cockerel with other fish
- Potential neighbors
- Mollies
- Botia
- Ancistrus
- Gourami
- Corydoras
- Neons
- Rasboras
- Tetras
- Cardinals
- Snails
- Intraspecific neighborhood
- Tips for keeping in a common aquarium
- Video on the topic
- Betta in a common aquarium with other fish 🐟Everything is great, everyone is friends ✨
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Is it possible to keep a cockerel with other fish
The fish is a member of the family Labyrinthine. The species’ males can grow to enormous proportions of up to 7 cm.
Because of their remarkably beautiful appearance, betta fish have grown to be very popular among aquarists. The fish may be crimson or vivid orange. Green and blue specimens are frequently discovered. The bettas’ iridescent color, which changes constantly to reveal new hues, also draws the eye in. The betta’s color brightens even more during a fight, which is an incredible natural feature. They also display their most beautiful color during the mating season, which is how they get their partner’s attention.
The bodies of female bettas are larger, their fins are slightly shorter, and they have less brightness overall. Breeders are working hard these days to produce females that are just as beautiful as males. Unfortunately, these people aren’t on the market just yet.
The fish’s two sexes share similar traits. For instance, the fish’s whole body is covered in stripes. The fins have a circular form. The longest fin is on the bottom. It originates at the fish’s head and ends at the base of its tail. There are sharp pectoral fins. When a fish is in an unusual state, like when it’s getting ready for a fight, its gills enlarge and create a stunning collar around its neck.
Bettas’ organ known as the labyrinth allows her to breathe regular air. In order to allow air to flow freely, it is crucial to maintain the cleanliness of the outer water layer. However, you should also be cautious to make sure that a special mesh prevents people from jumping out. These fish can leap out of an open container because they are skilled jumpers.
Since bettas can only sense soft water, distillate is not used. Stores sell specialized products that aquarium owners can use to clean and enrich their water.
It is possible to feed bettas live food in addition to dry food. They adore bloodworms and earthworms alike. They are fed once or twice a day, and overeating is never permitted.
It is evident from all of these characteristics of aquarium fish that keeping them with neighbors is highly problematic. Even among themselves, bettas do not get along well, much less with other animals.
All issues, however, are solvable. Certain kinds of aquarium fish are devoted to bettas, so they won’t feel uncomfortable living in this neighborhood. However, it is imperative to consider these crucial points:
- Fish with long fins should not get into the aquarium where the betta is. He will immediately see it as a rival, which will lead to a serious collision.Their meeting can threaten serious injuries and death.
- The betta cannot be kept with other fish that have the same character. Even if the males do not show aggression in appearance, this does not mean that there will be no fight. They can fight at any time, for example, when the owner of the aquarium is fast asleep. Alas, but such quarrels often end with the death of one of the fish.
- It cannot be in cold water. In this case, its color will instantly fade, an unsightly cloudy shine may appear. All this leads to diseases, so you cannot keep it with goldfish – because of the temperature difference.
- Even if the neighbors have gotten used to each other normally, there are no problems, the owner of the aquarium should carefully observe them for at least a few weeks. It is possible that there will be a conflict, but later, since the fish have not yet appreciated each other"s capabilities.
- Small fish or those who have not yet reached adulthood cannot be placed in the same aquarium with bettas. It is especially not recommended to settle individuals whose body length is less than 4 centimeters. The betta will think that this is just food for him, and will certainly begin to behave aggressively.
- The calculation should be done in such a way that each cockerel has at least five liters of water. If there are neighbors, the volume increases significantly. Experts believe that to keep 5 or more cockerels, an aquarium of at least fifty liters is needed.
- There is a way out, if the cockerel is still small. It can be placed with other fish before sexual maturity. It is likely that it will get used to it and will not behave aggressively. Nevertheless, this method does not guarantee that everything will be successful.
- The explosive nature of this bright fish is not liked by predators and large individuals. Fish that exceed the cockerel in weight will not appreciate the new neighbor. The cockerel"s reactions can lead to serious injuries and even death.
The cockerel obviously does not live next to everyone. Nevertheless, there is no assurance of complete success even in the case that all requirements are satisfied. The traits of the people the fish will live next to and the fish itself will determine a lot of things.
Understanding the distinct behavior and environmental requirements of aquarium cockerels, also known as betta fish, is essential when evaluating their compatibility with other species. Because of their aggressive and territorial behavior, betta fish can be difficult to live with other fish. This post will examine the best methods for matching betta fish with compatible tank mates and discuss which fish get along well with these colorful pets without producing stress or conflict.
Potential neighbors
Experts point out that fish with a Nordic flair make the ideal neighbors for a prickly cock. Select the non-aggressive ones, and there won’t be any altercations. The ideal cockerel combination would include swordtails, kulya, tetras, macrognathus, and danio. They can also be suggested for aquariums that already contain rainbowfish, gouras, and ornatus.
Mollies are the best companions for bettas. The temperament of this fish is completely different. While mollies don’t stick out due to their vivid color, cockers will look fantastic against the background. On the other hand, if fishlings emerge, they must be relocated to a different aquarium to avoid becoming a cock’s meal.
Additionally, botia fish are frequently given to cocks. However, in this instance, decorations and shelters receive extra consideration. in order for the botia to occasionally escape from its active partner. A minimum of three to four botias should be present in the aquarium.
Additionally, cockers frequently live next door to remora catfish. Its peculiar shape and muted color set it apart. The betta and ancistrus, however, have similar preferences for the conditions of detention in spite of the external differences. They are intolerant of salt water and both adore fresh water. The aquarium’s owner will need to take care of adding algae if they want a nice neighborhood.
Cockerels will get along well with Guriki. Since they are neighbors and only fight when there is plenty of room, the aquarium ought to be large. In addition, they are somewhat explosive and active by nature. It’s unexpected that there are no issues with this.
Character-wise, catfish corydoras are the opposite. They can "calm down" even an agitated cockel because they are constantly composed. Their ability to live on the bottom and clean it is a wonderful feature. This will only benefit the aquarium owner because it will save money and time in maintaining the aquatic ecosystem. Aquatic plants are not necessary, and individuals of these two species are kept without decorations or shelters.
Cockerels coexist peacefully with neons as well. However, the owner of the aquarium may find that maintaining them is not the most convenient due to the differences in temperature characteristics. This tandem does best at 24–25 degrees, which is the upper limit for neons and the lower limit for cockers.
It is feasible to raise rasboras and cocks together. Due to their increased buoyancy and maneuverability, these fish are able to flee from an aggressive neighbor’s attack. Their range of motion will be restricted by the need for algae or shelters.
The temperaments of tetras and cockers are strikingly similar. This does not, however, stop them from living in harmony with one another. Bettas do not dare attack tetras in large groups because they travel in flocks.
Cardinals can coexist peacefully with bettas as well. The fish are tiny and barely noticeable. Simply put, bettas do not view them as competitors, so they are free to roam the aquarium as they please.
In the aquarium with the betta fish, snails are also permitted. However, they have to be grownups. Small individuals are what the fish will eat.
It is not advised by Fish in a Jar to keep aquatic life in spherical or cylindrical containers!
Intraspecific neighborhood
It is evident that bettas coexist with bullies in addition to other tranquil fish. Unfortunately, two bully bettas cannot be kept together. This particularly applies to men. When attacked, they will undoubtedly defend their territory because they watch each other very carefully. And it will be, for sure, even if not in the first week following the two people’s acquaintance. These fish fight to the death frequently, but even then, ripped fins are not the best result.
Partitioned aquariums are ideal for intraspecific cohabitation. Aquariums with 2, 3, and 4 sections are common.
Females tend to be less aggressive, and large aquariums usually house four or five of them. Even when they are mating, they live in relative harmony. However, the aggressive fish is temporarily separated from the others if there is a chance of a dangerous scenario.
Keeping males and females together in the same aquarium is also acceptable. One male and two or three females is acceptable. However, it is strongly discouraged to have an equal number of males and females (for instance, two hens and two cockerels).
Tips for keeping in a common aquarium
Therefore, it is simple to determine whether cockers will get along with other aquarium fish. Not just based on their personality. Additionally, the following elements need to be considered:
- Volume and size of the aquarium;
- Availability of shelters, decorations, algae;
- Age and number of fish;
- Characteristics of the species and temperament of a particular individual.
Is the betta friendly with other fish, like:
- Coridos catfish;
- Danio;
- Mollies;
- Spotted catfish;
- Rasboras;
- Tetras;
- Plants and snails.
They can stay together as long as you fulfill a few conditions:
However, bettas will not get along at all with the following fish:
- Barbs;
- Cichlids;
- Discus;
- Goldfish;
- Koi carp;
- Astronotus.
It presents issues to keep them in a communal aquarium. It might not seem like there is a fight right away and that the fish get along well with one another. But this kind of apathy is only a pretext for an assault. There will undoubtedly be a fight, and it could turn nasty for each of them.
You must realize that you can only include one adult member of a different species. It is the only fish that can coexist with cockers that is about the same size. Believing that the small fish are prey, the betta will corner them and attack. Small fish can occasionally live in harmony with cocks, but this is only true for those that swim in schools. Additionally, you ought to be mindful of the following:
- You cannot let cockerels into an aquarium where brightly colored fish are kept – they will certainly fight, most likely it will be the betta that will start the conflict;
- The species will also not tolerate neighbors with predatory individuals – this can end badly;
- It is imperative to set the average water temperature, it is important that the temperature is uniform everywhere;
- Decoration and plants are installed not only for decoration, but also so that the betta"s neighbors can take refuge during its attacks of aggression.
Although bettas can be very fighty, if you really want to add him to the aquarium, you can always find a way.
Even though cockers need special conditions to be kept and are highly abrasive, ill-tempered, and difficult to get along with, aquarists still love them. It’s more about their unique fish "charisma" and outstanding outside information. Owners of cocks often give them names; could this occur with other fish species as well?
Fish Species | Compatibility |
Guppies | Good |
Neon Tetras | Good |
Platies | Good |
Barbs | Poor |
Catfish | Neutral |
Angelfish | Poor |
Danios | Good |
Livebearers | Good |
Compatibility is essential when keeping aquarium cockerels, commonly referred to as Betta fish, with other fish. These colorful fish have strong personalities and can be territorial, despite their attractiveness and captivating nature. This means that in order to maintain a peaceful aquatic environment, selecting tank mates with care is essential.
In general, peaceful, non-aggressive species that won’t arouse their territorial instincts get along well with betta fish. Certain species of snails or Corydoras catfish are excellent companions. Refrain from combining aggressive fish, such as fin-nipping species, with Betta fish, as this may cause stress and even fights.
Having plenty of hiding places and room in a community tank with a Betta can help minimize territorial disputes. You can design a harmonious and lovely aquarium that highlights your Betta’s distinct charm and preserves harmony among its aquatic neighbors by choosing compatible tank mates and making sure the tank is well-structured.