Dwarf tetradon

Many aquarium enthusiasts have developed a deep affection for the fascinating little fish known as the Dwarf Tetradon, or Pea Puffer. In a well-kept aquarium, this little pufferfish, despite its diminutive size, has a lot of personality and can be entertaining to watch.

This species is distinct in a variety of ways, including its vivid colors and inquisitive disposition. Because of their curious nature, dwarf tetradons are well-known for thoroughly investigating every corner of their surroundings. They are a unique addition to any freshwater aquarium because they are one of the rare freshwater pufferfish.

A dwarf tetradon can thrive and add a lot of life to your aquarium with the correct care, but it does require some attention to detail. The dwarf tetradon is a species worth considering for your tank, regardless of experience level with fish keeping.

Dwarf tetradons in the natural environment

Fish from Indian reservoirs are being sold more frequently these days. These species include rasboras, danios, and denison barbs, which have become more and more popular among home aquarists. However, the dwarf yellow tetradon, which was initially found in the South Indian state of Karala, is a little bit further away from them.

These fish inhabit the Pamba River’s waters, which flow down from the mountains into Lake Vembanad. By the way, these tiny residents are also present here. The yellow tetradon is accustomed to the slow-moving current and abundant vegetation in the river. Furthermore, these residents don’t require salted water, in contrast to their bigger brothers.

If you can meet its specific care requirements, which include a spacious tank, a varied diet, and careful tankmate selection to avoid aggression, the dwarf pufferfish, also known as the dwarf tetradon, is an excellent choice for small aquariums. It is an interesting and tiny freshwater fish with unique behaviors, vibrant colors, and a curious personality.

Description of the appearance of the fish

The attractive appearance of dwarf tetradons is largely responsible for their popularity and demand. The fish’s body is shaped like a pear and smoothly transitions into a large head. When the tetradon is at rest, its small, invisible spikes are covered in a dense body. Members of the family were dubbed pufferfish as a result of them.

The fish inflates and assumes a spherical shape when it feels scared or anxious, and the spikes end up serving as a protective mechanism. On the other hand, if someone changes a lot, their health may suffer greatly. As a result, you shouldn’t frighten your pet to the point of inflating it.

The yellow tetradon is a very small fish, growing to a length of 2.5 cm. Its anal fins are weakly expressed, and the rest resemble gentle rays. They appear small and movable in relation to the body, akin to a tiny beliberian bird’s wings. People have very expressive, large, and highly mobile eyes. However, they can remain motionless for extended periods of time if they are engaged in something.

These unique fish have mastery over their behavior; upon spotting their owner, they approach the glass and start to examine it closely. They can also play and beg for food, which is what makes them comparable to other pets, where these behaviors are accepted as normal.

Fish mouths resemble the combined beak, premolar, and mandibular bones of birds. Predators, dwarf tetradons have four plates of teeth, two at the top and one below.

When aquarists first bought fish of this breed and put them in the tank, they might have noticed that the fish’s tail was twisted. This is a common occurrence that indicates people’s protective response. Бта особенность исчезнет, как новые обитатели освоятся и познакомятся с территорией и владельцем. In the future, when the fish are sleeping, resting, or staring at strange objects, they will bend their tails.

Features of aquarium maintenance

The dwarf tetraodon doesn’t require a large tank, but foreign aquarists advise estimating the volume based on 10 liters for a single animal, and domestic experts state that a 30- to 40-liter aquarium can be sufficient for a small flock.

In any case, yellow tetraodon need a smaller tank than their larger counterparts, so the truth is somewhere in the middle. Since these fish are extremely sensitive to nitrates and ammonia, it is crucial that the environment in the tank be kept in a balanced state. Furthermore, the following characteristics need to be considered:

  1. It is not recommended to add salt to the water. You do not need to add salt to the water, this can harm the inhabitants. And if such a recommendation is found in various sources, it can relate to other varieties of tetradones, except for dwarfs.
  2. The aquarium requires careful maintenance. These fish cannot be called clean, they leave a large amount of waste after eating. Tetradons do not completely eat any organic food, and its particles remain to rot in the soil. Therefore, it is advisable to equip the tank with a powerful filter and change up to 30% of the total water volume weekly. It is worth taking care that there is no strong current in the tank – tetradons are considered poor swimmers, and they are accustomed to slow water movement.
  3. Suitable water parameters. Aquarium inhabitants are not very demanding on the parameters of the aquatic environment, they adapt well to existing conditions. The main thing is to exclude sudden changes, which almost all fish do not tolerate. These guests from India love warm water, its temperature should preferably be kept within 24 ° – 26 ° C.

Are yellow tetradons poisonous

When pufferfish were discovered to be their closest relatives, researchers discovered that they were indeed pufferfish. They are loaded with toxins and are also members of the pufferfish family. Cooking technologies have the potential to be fatal if misused. However, this does not deter skilled cooks in the slightest, and fugu is regarded as a true delicacy.

Though not as toxic as fugu, tetraodon, including dwarf, also release harmful substances into the air. As a result, the owner needs to exercise caution when dipping his hands into the aquarium. A bite from a pufferfish can cause serious harm because of its razor-sharp teeth, which also sever skin.

There is proof that ingesting Tetraodon caused the deaths of numerous predators. This phenomenon is linked to people’s capacity to swell rather than to their toxicity. The fish grow larger, obstructing and harming the digestive systems of ravenous animals.

How and what to feed small pufferfish

The most challenging aspect of caring for yellow tetradons is selecting the appropriate food. Through their own, sometimes fruitless, experience, aquarists learn that feeding these fish flakes or granules is not advised. They consume insects, small invertebrates, and snails in the wild. Additionally, the food served to aquarium residents should closely resemble this diet; otherwise, the patients will go hungry. The best food to feed puffer fish is as follows:

  • small snails: physes, coils, melania;
  • frozen food: fish love bloodworms, daphnia and brine shrimp.

These fish are known as snailophiles because of their passion for snails. You can combine frozen food with live food if the wards prove to be finicky eaters. These tiny predators have a voracious appetite for anything that moves.

Since snails in a shared tank can quickly run out, it is advised to breed them separately to ensure that the residents have an adequate supply of snails. Additionally, if a novice owner starts to notice that the fish reject the suggested food, but they appear to be fed enough and there are fewer tiny snails or shrimp, the tetradons will take it upon themselves to extract their preferred food.

Observing the tetradones "hunt" for live food is fascinating. They appear to hover over their target, take aim, and launch a serious assault.

With whom the dwarf snails get along with

Dwarfs are not an exception to the rule that notebooks are always gregarious, roving, and restless. The opposite is true for different owners’ opinions regarding their liability. Some perceive these tiny intruders as peaceful coexisting with other living things, while others have terrorized and mercilessly devoured their neighbors’ fins.

It is ideal to keep a flock of these scuttlers under control without putting anyone in danger. You can add larger shrimp to them, but these tiny pufferfish will only eat smaller ones. If tetraodonts do wind up in a communal aquarium, a large tank with lots of plants will help lessen their hostility. The same holds true for keeping them apart.

The best company for these little tyrants can still be named, even though it’s hard to predict how they’ll act toward other residents:

  • Rainbowfish;
  • Otocinclus;
  • Danio;
  • Espei rasboras;
  • Cherry and Amano shrimp;
  • Apistogramma ramirezi;
  • Discus.

However, it is not advised to raise yellow pufferfish alongside the following aquatic species:

  • Veiltails;
  • Small shrimp;
  • Guppies;
  • Pecilias;
  • Cichlids;
  • predatory catfish.

Differences between females and males

This breed’s individuals do not differ much in terms of their sexual orientation. Unless you can observe the adult fish’s abdomen, which lacks a dark longitudinal line in females and has one in males. Females are also more rounded in shape.


Unlike most of its relatives pufferfish, the dwarf tetraodon reproduces well in aquarium settings. Expert breeders advise using a separate spawning tank with one male and two to four female fish in it. Given that tetraodon can eliminate rivals, this will aid in preventing confrontations.

The following is how the aquarium is set up:

  • it is advisable to equip it with a small filter;
  • the water in it is changed regularly;
  • abundant vegetation is placed in the spawning tank.

Snails and live food should be provided in abundance for future parents. The male is ready to spawn if his brightness has increased. He pursues her in an unusual manner, biting and chasing before the pair, driven into the thickets, releases eggs and milt. The tiny, colorless eggs of the dwarf tetraodon drop freely rather than adhering to surfaces. Although females of this breed are capable of laying eggs every day, a litter consists of approximately ten eggs.

Since individuals may consume eggs, it is best to use a hose or pipette to remove them from the spawning ground. After 48 hours, the fry emerge and initially consume the yolk sac’s contents. They ought to be fed tiny starter meals like ciliates and microworms in the future. The owner needs to sort the fry because the offspring grow unevenly. If not, the bigger brothers will start consuming the smaller brothers.

The dwarf tetraodon is an odd fish with many contradicting characteristics. It is hard to believe that you are facing a serious predator when you look at this small creature with large eyes. To be persuaded of this, though, one only needs to throw a snailfish into a typical aquarium. It is therefore worthwhile to become familiar with the traits and requirements of this breed of fish before making a purchase.

Photos of tetraodon

Aspect Details
Size Up to 2.5 cm
Diet Carnivorous, prefers snails and small invertebrates
Tank Size Minimum 20 liters
Water Temperature 24-28°C
Behavior Territorial, best kept alone or in species-only tanks
Lifespan Up to 5 years

A fascinating and unusual fish, the dwarf tetradon can add a lot of personality to your aquarium. They are noted for their inquisitive and occasionally territorial behavior, and despite their diminutive stature, they have bold personalities.

Compared to some other species, these little puffers need a little more care, especially with regard to their diet and the quality of their water. They can, however, flourish and add value to your tank if given the proper care.

The dwarf tetradon is a fish to think about, whether you’re a novice seeking something new or an expert looking for something different. They are an excellent option for any aquarium because of their unusual appearance and captivating behavior.

Video on the topic

Dwarf tetraodon – Carinotetraodon travancoricus

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Dwarf tetraodon

Dwarf tetraodon. Maintenance, breeding, compatibility, care and what to feed


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Anton Popov

A professional aquarist with over 15 years of experience. Main specialization - marine aquariums and creating optimal conditions for keeping rare species of fish and corals. I am fond of aquascaping, actively participate in international competitions. I love to share knowledge and experience to help others create the beauty of the underwater world at home.

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