Fire-bellied newt (Cynops orientalis)

The fascinating amphibian known scientifically as *Cynops orientalis*, the fire-bellied newt, adds a touch of the wild to any aquarium. Aquarium enthusiasts love this little newt because of its eye-catching orange-red belly and sleek black body. Its vivid colors warn potential predators about the toxic secretions on its skin, so they’re not just for show.

Beyond just being attractive, the fire-bellied newt is also prized for having comparatively easy maintenance needs. Because it grows well in a cool, aquatic environment, aquarists of all skill levels can comfortably choose it. Generally calm, these newts get along well with their tank mates of a similar size.

It’s fascinating to watch the behavior of the fire-bellied newt. This gracefully swimming newt gives dynamic life to an aquarium setup, whether it’s resting on a rock or swimming through the water. To make sure it remains healthy and lively in captivity, it is essential to comprehend its natural habitat and requirements.

Characteristic Description
Scientific Name Cynops orientalis
Common Name Fire-bellied Newt
Origin China
Size Up to 10 cm (4 inches)
Lifespan 10-15 years
Temperature 18-22°C (64-72°F)
pH Range 6.0-7.5
Diet Insects, worms, and small fish
Tank Size 20 liters (5 gallons) minimum
Behavior Peaceful, semi-aquatic


Almost the whole eastern half of China is covered by it, which is fairly large in comparison to other species. These areas include the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the provinces of Zhejiang and Jiangxi, southern Anhui and Hubei, Hunan and Henan, Gansu, Jiangsu, and Fujian.

The Chinese dragon favors moderate climates, slow-moving rivers, and stagnant lakes found in mountains. can survive in flooded fields and on plains.

Those that live on land are more active at night, while newts that mostly live in the water are active during the day.

The peasants around Lake Tien-tse, which is close to Mount Luchan, think that this is the newts’ breeding ground and they are sure that these newts can make rain.


An adult’s length is between 7 and 9 cm. The abdomen is bright reddish-orange with dark spots, while the back is an unremarkable dark gray or brown color.

The back color of some newtons can momentarily change, becoming brighter and sometimes tinged with red. The color does not shift in the abdomen. The eastern Triton has strongly developed mumps, or subsareless glands, but no back crest.

Most people have smooth skin, but those who spend a lot of time on land often have rough, granular skin.

Larvae are colored entirely black, but as they mature, their coloring changes to that of a typical adult.

Recognized for its serene demeanor and vivid orange belly, the Fire-bellied Newt (Cynops orientalis) is an eye-catching and resilient amphibian that adds a captivating element to any aquarium. This species thrives in cool, well-kept environments with lots of hiding places, making care of it relatively simple. Because they can live long, healthy lives in captivity with the right care, these newts are a popular choice for aquarists of all skill levels.

Arrangement and parameters of the aquarium

You will need an aquarium that holds 10 to 15 liters for a pair of these newtons, and since they like to go outside to dry off and unwind, you should definitely outfit the aquarium with an island or raft made of foam or traffic jam. This stone embankment rising out of the water can be used. A lid is placed over the aquarium to prevent the newts from escaping.

Many different types of plants are needed for a comfortable life, such as feathery leaf, anubias, salvinia, watercress, cryptocorynes, echinodorus, and elodea.

Soil is either gravel or coconut substrate that is bigger than the newt’s mouth.

Its ability to swallow tiny gravel poses a threat to its survival. Diverse hiding places and obstacles are ideal for the aquarium’s above-and below-water sections.

A low water temperature—no more than 20–22 °C in the summer and 12–15 °C in the winter—must be maintained.

Newts find it extremely uncomfortable when their body temperature rises. Water: mildly acidic, yet still soft. A third or less of the old water should be replaced when changing the water, which should happen about every three weeks. Since they are highly susceptible to chlorine, you can only use water that has settled.

In order to survive during the day, newts require 10–12 hours of UVB 2% exposure. These lamps combine lighting and irradiation functions.

Although powerful filters are impractical for them because they live in slowly moving waters, some filtration and aeration are still required.

Behavior and compatibility

It gets along well with goura, lumps, iris, notebooks, somi, and dwarf frogs.

Keeping newtons with big predators like crap frogs, cichlids, and water turtles is not a good idea.

Tritons spend two months hibernating, from October to November. Period of sexual activity: December to May.

You must make preparations for the wintering season while closely adhering to certain guidelines. The temperature and number of daylight hours gradually drop two weeks before winter sets in. After that, the Triton is housed in a specialized cage made of peat moss (sphagnum) and kept in an environment with a maximum temperature of 15–17 °C. The cage needs to be kept in the refrigerator on a shelf at a temperature of +5-8 °C after three days. If all is well with the animal, wintering takes the full two months that are needed, and withdrawal from it happens in the same way that preparation does: by progressively raising the temperature and lengthening the amount of daylight hours.


Under natural circumstances, invertebrates, small fish, amphibian larvae, and tadpoles are the primary foods consumed by fire-bellied newts that live in water. They mostly consume invertebrates when on land.

They can be fed bloodworms, crickets, tubifex, banana and house worms, chunks of fish, and meat in a terrarium.

Little invertebrates like daphnia and cyclops are fed to the larvae, and as they get bigger, bloodworms and chopped tubifex are added to their diet. Use of specialized feeds is another option.

Larvae and young individuals need to be fed every day, while adult newts should only be fed every two days. Including calcium-rich mineral supplements in the diet, like crushed eggshells, is beneficial. Ready-made vitamin supplements should only be taken once a month and strictly in accordance with the directions.

Sexual dimorphism

Other than size, there are no particular distinctions between males and females. Males have a shorter tail but a more fully developed fin than females, which are only slightly bigger by about 2 cm. The female’s tail is either longer or equal to her body length. In males, the cloaca thickens during reproduction.

The Chinese newt takes three years to reach sexual maturity following the completion of its metamorphosis.

With its vivid colors and captivating behavior, the Fire-bellied newt is an amazing addition to any aquarium. Because of how simple its maintenance is, both novice and expert aquarists can enjoy it.

You can make sure your newt thrives by giving it the correct habitat, which includes a mix of land and water areas and maintaining appropriate water quality. To keep them active and vibrant, pay attention to their diet and overall health.

Bring a little bit of the wild into your home aquarium with a Fire-bellied newt pet, which has a distinctive appearance and minimal maintenance needs.

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Ivan Kononov

Experienced aquarist with an emphasis on breeding and keeping exotic aquarium fish. Author of many articles and books on the topic of aquarium keeping. Always in search of new species and interesting solutions for home aquariums. I believe that an aquarium is not only a home decoration, but also a means of studying nature and its laws.

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