Aquarium enthusiasts frequently use gammarus, a natural food source, to feed their fish. Packed with vital nutrients, these tiny shrimp-like organisms maintain the health and vitality of many fish species.
Gammarus has a high protein content that helps your fish grow and has better coloring, which is one of its main advantages. It’s a well-liked option for people who wish to feed fish a diet that resembles what they would find in the wild.
Apart from its nutritional value, Gammarus is also simple to use and store, which makes it a practical choice for aquarists of all skill levels. Gammarus is a trustworthy and advantageous option whether you want to give your fish a tasty treat or improve their diet.
- Gammarus: habitat and description
- Gammarus harvesting
- Reproduction of crustaceans at home
- Rules for harvesting and storage
- Dried gammarus
- Frozen gammarus
- Nutritional value of amphipods
- Video on the topic
- CAUTION! Dry gammarus in bags wholesale! Or Novosibirsk-Barnaul SCAM. Part 1.
- GAMMARUS for aquarium fish. HOW TO PREPARE frozen gammarus.
- Food 500ml, 65g STAR Gammarus for fish
- GAMMARUS – natural food for large and medium aquarium fish and freshwater turtles
Gammarus: habitat and description
Mormysh is a member of the class Crustaceans. More than 200 gammarus species have been identified to date. Their vast geographic range includes the mountains of the Mediterranean and Middle East, as well as the entire northern hemisphere. Both fresh and salt water bodies are home to amphipods, which tend to stay near the shore, under big stones, or among vegetation.
Gammarus shares many external characteristics with shrimp, including an arched body and a chitinous shell. With up to 14 pairs of legs, only Marmysh has more. The crab uses its first set of legs to chew food, resembling jaws, and its second set of legs to hold the food. Gammarus uses the next few pairs of limbs for swimming and walking, and the final three pairs are required to propel oneself forward during a jump. Additionally, the thoracic legs have gills.
While some species have different average sizes, males typically measure 15-20 mm and females measure 10-15 mm. Gammarus primarily consume plant matter, such as decaying algae leaves, but they will also accept animal matter, such as dead fish.
Gammarus has a very rapid growth rate and a year-long lifespan on average. The crustacean may molt up to several dozen times during this period.
In its native environment, nearly all freshwater fish eat gammarus. In fish farming, crustaceans are especially important because they feed valuable fish species like sturgeon and trout.
Aquarium fish can benefit from the natural and nourishing Gammarus fish food. Its high protein content encourages healthy growth and brilliant colors, and it also promotes a balanced diet that closely resembles the fishes’ natural eating habits.
Gammarus harvesting
Live amphipods are sold at the bird market; dried or frozen specimens are readily available in pet stores. It’s not hard to catch them yourself; it just takes time. There are multiple methods for obtaining Gammarus:
- Using hay or straw. First, you need to build a trap. A frame (square or round) is made of wire, and the net is attached to its edges. For convenience, you need to tie ropes. The finished frame is lined with bunches of grass and released into the pond. The gammarus will fill all the voids quite quickly. After some time, the device is pulled out of the pond and the crustaceans are shaken into a bucket.
- Using burlap. Tie a piece of burlap (necessarily natural) to a long stick and run it along the bottom of the pond, the disturbed crustaceans grab onto the fabric. You will have to collect the amphipods from the fabric manually.
- Using a net. This method is only suitable for ponds with a large population of crustaceans. The net in the net should be small.
When catching amphipods, you should gather soil and water from the pond if you intend to keep them in an aquarium in the future. The crustaceans will find it simpler to adjust to their new environment as a result.
In contrast, bloodworms removed from ponds feel more at home in an aquarium than those collected from streams, where they struggle to establish themselves. A 3-liter jar or bucket and an aerator are required if you intend to keep gammarus in water for a few days. Alternatively, you can store the crustaceans in the refrigerator for no longer than two days by wrapping them in a damp cloth and regularly washing both the crustaceans and the cloth.
The following circumstances are necessary for Gammarus’s long-term upkeep and reproduction:
- You will need a small aquarium of 8-10 liters for the crustaceans. You need to fill it with soil and pour out the water from the pond in which you caught the gammarus.
- Aeration should be provided, since the amphipod is especially susceptible to lack of oxygen.
- Room temperature is suitable, but not higher than 26 °C. The crustaceans die in warm water.
- The water needs to be renewed once a week, by about 30%. You can use settled tap water for replacement.
It is ideal for the aquarium to be located somewhere that will not receive direct sunlight, preferably in a dimly lit area.
It is imperative to consider the sustenance of the amphipods. Gathering algae from the native pond of the crustaceans and adding them to the aquarium would be the best course of action. Riccia, Java moss, and other common aquarium plants with narrow leaves work well. Every two days, you can also feed the gammarus frozen bloodworms and bread crumbs.
Reproduction of crustaceans at home
There are no particular requirements for Crusader reproduction. Gammarus reach sexual maturity after 10 molts or around 3 months, at which point they can produce offspring.
Males compete with females in sexual reproduction. Bigger crabs prevail. There are multiple stages involved in mating and fertilization:
- the male catches the female, and the bonded pair stays together for about a week (this process can be seen in the photo);
- in this position the couple waits for the female to molt, since only after this is mating possible;
- immediately after the female changes her skin, the male transfers the seed using her abdominal legs;
- fertilization lasts only a few seconds, after which the male releases the female.
The female’s brood chamber is where the next 15 to 20 eggs develop. This takes two to three weeks in warm weather and up to 1.5 months in cold weather. After the eggs hatch into developed crustaceans, the young remain in the mother’s brood chamber until their first molt. As adults, young crustaceans feed.
The female can give birth more than once a year in warm water and only once in cold water.
Rules for harvesting and storage
Fish may be at risk from live gammarus because it can carry infections and parasites. If you are certain about the safety of the source, you can feed fresh amphipods. One of two methods is preferred for preparing crustaceans due to the challenges. This type of food keeps well in storage and is safe for aquarium occupants.
Dried gammarus
For drying, only live, recently captured amphipods are appropriate.
- Before drying, the crustaceans must be doused with hot water. This action will slightly reduce the nutritional properties, but also reduce the risk of infection of the fish in the aquarium.
- The crustaceans must be dried in an open, well-ventilated space. You cannot dry them in the sun, only in the shade. An oven and specialized dryers are also not suitable.
- For good drying, all-round air flow is necessary. For this purpose, you can build a structure from gauze and a frame.
- The crustaceans must be laid out evenly and in one layer.
Three months is the shelf life of dried gammarus. The food loses its nutritional value after this point.
Frozen gammarus
The same applies to drying and freezing: only live, fresh crustaceans work well. The amphipods need to be well washed and dried before freezing.
To make portioning easier, it is advised to freeze the food in a plastic bag in an even layer that is 1 cm thick. Alternatively, you can make the food in portions all at once by purchasing a separate ice mold.
The ideal freezing temperature is between minus 19 and 28 °C. Before feeding fish, the meal should be kept in the freezer for about two weeks to ensure that all pathogenic organisms have died. Bloodworms that are frozen can be kept for up to 24 months without losing any of their important components.
Nutritional value of amphipods
The initial determinants used in the selection of fish food are its nutritional value and calorie content. Fry require more protein in their diet to reach their full potential, and adults require energy, which comes from fats and carbohydrates. The nutritional data presented in the table indicates that gammarus has equal value to industrial feeds.
Caloric content, kcal | Proteins, % | Fats, % | Carbohydrates, % |
300 | 56.2 | 5.8 | 3.2 |
Carotene, which is abundant in crustaceans, is said to have the power to intensify the natural color of fish by giving it a brighter, more saturated hue.
Type | Description |
Live Gammarus | Freshly caught or farmed, live Gammarus are a natural and protein-rich food for fish. They are especially good for carnivorous species. |
Dried Gammarus | Dried Gammarus is convenient and long-lasting. It retains much of the nutritional value and is easy to store. |
Frozen Gammarus | Frozen Gammarus preserves the freshness and nutrients. It"s a good option for fish that prefer fresh food but need the convenience of storage. |
Gammarus Flakes | These flakes contain ground Gammarus mixed with other nutrients. They are ideal for smaller fish that need a balanced diet. |
A natural and adaptable choice for feeding your aquarium fish is gammarus. It gives your fish the vital nutrients they need to stay active and healthy. Gammarus can be a beneficial addition to your fish’s diet, whether you decide to feed it fresh, dried, or in a mixture.
It’s important to take into account the dietary requirements and inclinations of your particular fish species when adding Gammarus to their diet. You can modify the feeding schedule for your fish based on how they react, as some may accept it more easily than others.
All things considered, feeding Gammarus to your fish is an easy yet effective way to improve the health of the people living in your aquarium and create a vibrant aquatic environment.