Hengel”s blessing

Fish aquarists have been enthralled with Hengel’s Blessing, a rare species, for many years. A well-liked option for community tanks, this fish is noted for its vivid colors and calm disposition. It is a great addition to aquariums for both novices and experts due to its adaptability to different environments.

This fish, which is well-known for its glistening scales and elegant movements, brings elegance to any aquarium. Fish enthusiasts love Hengel’s Blessing because, despite its delicate appearance, it is hardy and relatively easy to care for.

What is Hengel"s Blessing? A unique trait in some aquarium plants that promotes healthier growth.
How does it help? It boosts plant vitality, making them more resilient to water conditions.
Who benefits? Aquarists who want vibrant, thriving plants in their tanks.
Why is it important? Healthy plants create a balanced environment for fish and other aquatic life.

In an aquarium, a thriving environment is created by the proper arrangement of fish, plants, and water parameters. This is referred to as "Hengel’s blessing." In order to ensure that all components of the tank coexist peacefully and produce healthier fish and vibrant plant life, this concept highlights the significance of careful planning and maintenance. Every aquarium owner can experience their own version of "Hengel’s blessing" and take pleasure in a stunning, harmonious aquatic ecosystem by adopting the appropriate methods.


In 1956, Rasbora hengelii was given a scientific description. It is native to Southeast Asia and can be found in Thailand, Cambodia, Borneo, the Sunda Islands, and the Malay Peninsula. These fish inhabit vast schools in the wild, occasionally overflowing leisurely-moving streams. The fish primarily inhabit forest streams and slats, where the water is stained brownish by a high concentration of tannins created when organic matter (leaves, grass) breaks down. They consume other zooplankton, worms, crustaceans, and tiny insects as food.


A tiny, thin fish that can grow to a maximum length of 3 cm. The fins have a lemon-yellow tint, and the color ranges from translucent ivory to pink or orange. The primary characteristic that sets it apart is a thin black line running the length of the back of the body, with a bright stripe that resembles a neon stroke above it.


An omnivorous species, the diet in a home aquarium should consist of premium dry food from reliable suppliers. Using live foods like bloodworms or brine shrimp, you can expand your menu. Rasboras exhibit curious behavior when feeding; they approach the feeder, snatch a piece of food, and then quickly dive to a shallow depth to finish it.

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It suffices to routinely replenish the water and remove any organic residues from the soil; neither unique circumstances nor costly machinery are needed. Fish originate from slow-moving rivers, so they don’t need strong filtration or aeration in their aquariums. The fish’s color is suppressed by bright light, so the lighting is moderate.

Dense plantings of plants with heights reaching the water’s surface should be prioritized in the design. To provide room for swimming, they ought to be positioned along the walls. More shade will be produced by floating plants. Because of the dark soil, natural driftwood is suggested as an additional decorative element. This wood will eventually provide tannins, returning the water’s composition to more closely resemble that of the environment.

Social behavior

School fish need to be kept in groups of at least eight. Within the group, there is a hierarchy of subordination, but there are no fights or injuries as a result. They act amicably toward the aquarium’s neighbors as well as one another. When around females, males exhibit their best coloring as they vie for their attention. It is advisable for the company to stick with Hengel’s lines of small active fish and avoid acquiring large fish as they may be viewed as a threat.

Breeding / reproduction

While breeding presents some challenges, the steps required for Rasbora Espes are essentially repeated. Since specific conditions must be met, it is advised that spawning be done in a separate tank. The water should be very soft (1-2 GH), slightly acidic (5.3–5.7), and warm (26–28 °C). A basic airlift filter will suffice for the filtration. Use large gravel soil with a minimum particle size of 0.5 cm and broad-leaved plants in the design. Install modest lighting and only fill the aquarium to a maximum of 20 cm; natural light from the room is more than enough.

Several pairs of fish of different sexes are released into the spawning aquarium, where they are fed live food or dry food with a high protein content. Temperature near the maximum permissible mark and an abundance of food will initiate spawning. After the mating dance, the male will accompany the female to the plant he has chosen, where the eggs will be laid on the inner surface of the leaf. After spawning, the parents should be removed back to the general aquarium, and the water level in the spawning one should be lowered to 10 cm. Make sure that the eggs are still below the water level. The fry appear in a day, and after another 2 weeks they begin to swim freely around the aquarium. Feed with micro food, Artemia nauplii.

Any aquarium gains a distinct charm from Hengel’s blessing. Fish aficionados love it for its vivid colors and elegant movements. This fish adds a vibrant and captivating underwater world to your tank.

It needs special attention to thrive, though, just like any other fish. It’s critical to maintain the proper temperature and cleanliness of the water. Hengel’s blessing will remain healthy and vibrant in your aquarium as long as you pay attention to its diet and tank mates.

This gorgeous fish can bring joy and beauty to your aquatic environment with proper care and attention, providing you with serene moments to observe it swim. In the end, a little work will yield a large reward.

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Rasbora hengeli (Rasbora hengeli Meinken, 1956)

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Anton Popov

A professional aquarist with over 15 years of experience. Main specialization - marine aquariums and creating optimal conditions for keeping rare species of fish and corals. I am fond of aquascaping, actively participate in international competitions. I love to share knowledge and experience to help others create the beauty of the underwater world at home.

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