The lizard loach, or Homaloptera orthogoniata, is an interesting species that adds a special charm to freshwater aquariums. Aquarists adore this little, elongated fish for its unique look and captivating behavior, which makes it a great complement to any community tank.
Homaloptera orthogoniata is a native of Southeast Asia, where it lives best in settings that resemble its native streams with swift currents. Its unique body shape and fin structure make it well suited to cling to rocks and swim through strong currents. Aquarium enthusiasts will love watching this fish as it glides along the tank’s bottom with such ease.
This loach is renowned for its serene disposition in addition to its captivating movements, which makes it a great tank companion for other subdued species. Understanding the requirements and maintenance of Homaloptera orthogoniata can improve your aquarium-keeping experience, regardless of your level of experience.
Common Name | Homaloptera orthogoniata |
Habitat | Streams and rivers in Southeast Asia |
Diet | Omnivorous, prefers small invertebrates and algae |
Size | Grows up to 8 cm |
Temperature | 22-26°C |
Behavior | Generally peaceful, enjoys moving water |
- Habitat
- Description
- Size:
- Behavior and compatibility
- Aquarium
- Water parameters:
- Feeding
- Sexual Dimorphism
- Breeding
- Video on the topic
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- Homaloptera under a leaf.avi
- Rare fish HOMALOPTERA ORTHOGONIATA. Features of keeping Compatibility and what to feed
It was previously believed that they were common throughout the majority of Indochina, but additional research revealed that they are unique to the island of Borneo.
Exists in the river basins of Sungai Baram, Sungai Tatau, and Sungai Rajang in Sarawak (Malaysian Borneo), and has been documented in Sungai Samba, Sungai Kapuas, and Sungai Mahakam in Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) in Kalimantan Barat (Indonesian Borneo).
It’s likely that animals that live in swift-moving streams and the upper sections of rivers with oxygen-rich water favor shallower areas.
Usually made up of gravel, stones, boulders, or bedrock, the bottom is covered in a biofilm of microorganisms and algae. Rarely do we find aquatic plants, but the coastal vegetation is typically quite developed.
The body and head of the fish are flattened, the line of the abdomen is straight. Several pairs of antennae are present, and the mouth is lower. The pharynx and gill cavity are enlarged, and the eyes are small. There are no millstones and the pharyngeal teeth, which can number eight or more, are arranged in a single row.
The anal and dorsal fins are small, stubby, and spineless. The term "flat-finned" refers to the large, well-developed, horizontally structured abdominal and pectoral fins, on the other hand.
The fish’s fins function as a sort of suction cup at the base of its body, enabling the homoptera to remain afloat on stone surfaces even in the face of a swiftly moving stream of water. The suction cup’s pectoral fins’ purpose is to generate a vacuum.
The head and belly are very small compared to the rest of the body, and they are scaleless. The fish was given the nickname "loach-lizard" because of its peculiar skin structure and the way it moved in abrupt "jumps," appearing to crawl from surface to surface.
The maximum size of specimens from Borneo is approximately 95 mm, while many records of sizes up to 120 mm correspond to other species.
Behavior and compatibility
Because of their behavior and appearance, Homaloptera species are all fascinating to keep in aquariums and are frequently referred to as "lizards."
A calm fish that gets along well with calm neighbors who have similar preferences for habitat.
In flocks, where they spend their lives, it is necessary to maintain at least six; in isolated or small groups, they become more timid and less active.
Can eat small shrimps.
For long-term upkeep, an aquarium with basic measurements of 120 * 30 cm or similar is needed.
Because it inhabits swift high-mountain rivers with cold, oxygen-rich water in their natural habitat, the aquarium must be roomy, ideally species-specific, and the size should be chosen based on the number of inhabitants.
As a substrate base, small gravel, sand, or a combination of the two are appropriate. Driftwood, large stones, and various sized pebbles can be used to decorate the aquarium. Although live plants in the aquarium are not strictly necessary for these fish, it is still preferable to have them. Thai fern, Crinums, and Anubias are good choices. Since the loaches will rest on their leaves, the latter are most likely the most ideal. The plants will also support the preservation of the biological balance and appropriate water quality.
Algal growths on rocks and driftwood serve as the foundation for nourishment, and they need intense light to develop.
Because the lid can literally climb up the glass, it must fit snugly.
Water parameters:
Outside temperature: 20–25.5°C pH range: 6.0 to 7.5 Hardness range: 6–12 dH
It is essential to have good filtration with aeration, well-organized flow, and frequent water changes along with substrate cleaning. The aquarium’s water should be pure and fully saturated with oxygen.
Requires constant water parameters. These fish are extremely sensitive to nitrites, so it’s important to regulate the amount of them in the water. They are also intolerant of the buildup of organic waste. It adapts most readily to stable, biologically mature aquariums and shouldn’t be added to biologically immature aquariums.
Homaloptera orthogoniata, sometimes referred to as the Borneo Sucker or Lizard Loach, is an intriguing freshwater fish that does well in streams with rapid flow and high oxygen content. As such, it is a great addition to well-kept aquariums. This species is distinguished by its unusually flattened body and mouth that resembles a sucker, which it uses to cling to surfaces like rocks. This post will discuss the natural habitat, behavior, maintenance needs, and reasons this fish is so well-liked by aquarium hobbyists who want to add a resilient and active fish to their collection.
Since the fish are naturally algae eaters and can be finicky in aquarium settings, occasionally rejecting all food, feeding them can be challenging.
It can take some sinking dry food in the aquarium, but regular feedings of frozen or live brine shrimp, bloodworms, daphnia, etc., are necessary to keep it healthy. Nevertheless, it is imperative to give the fish their natural food—algae fouling—if at all feasible. Obesity is caused by a diet high in animal feed.
In the beginning, if the fish are extremely weak, they will need a reliable, convenient source of appropriate food as well as the lack of competitors in the food chain.
Sexual Dimorphism
Generally speaking, mature females are plumper and slightly larger than males.
Males are more colorful, more graceful, and smaller in stature.
Seasonal spawning in nature, I’m afraid, but I’m not aware of any instances of breeding occurring in aquariums.
The average lifespan is five years.
A fascinating species that can add vibrancy and diversity to your aquarium is Homaloptera orthogoniata. Both new and seasoned aquarists will find it to be an intriguing option due to its distinct appearance and lively behavior. You can create a cozy habitat where this fish can thrive by being aware of its needs, which include a strong current and lots of hiding places.
You can keep your Homaloptera orthogoniata healthy and active by giving it a balanced diet and attentively monitoring the quality of the water. This species may need a little more care than other fish, but the vivid energy it brings to your tank makes the effort worthwhile.
Homaloptera orthogoniata is a species worth taking into consideration, whether your goal is to add more fish to your aquarium or just enjoy unusual aquatic life. It can become a prominent feature in your aquarium with proper care, providing hours of entertainment as you watch it investigate its surroundings.