How and how many times a day to feed aquarium fish

Fish in aquariums need to be fed in order to stay happy and healthy. The amount and frequency of food you give your fish can have a significant impact on their health.

Underfeeding could deprive your fish of the nutrition they require, while overfeeding could result in health problems and problems with the quality of the water. Achieving the ideal balance is crucial.

This article will help you feed your aquarium fish the proper amount of food at the right times of day so that the environment in your tank isn’t harmed.

Fish Type Feeding Frequency
Tropical Fish (e.g., Guppies, Tetras) 2-3 times a day, small portions
Goldfish 2 times a day, small portions
Betta Fish Once a day, small portion
Bottom Feeders (e.g., Catfish, Plecos) Once a day, sinking food
Herbivorous Fish 2-3 times a day, plant-based food

Types of feed

Aquarium fish can be fed with the following kinds of feed:

  1. Dry. These are dried daphnia, cyclops or gammarus. They are inexpensive, stored for a long time, do not drown in water, they are easy to grind into dust for feeding fry. However, it is impossible to keep fish only on such a diet, since it does not contain all the nutrients necessary for animals.
  2. Corporate party. These feeds are sold in pet stores and have the appearance of flakes, granules or tablets. Branded diets are completely balanced and suitable as a monodet. However, overfeeding them is dangerous, since uneaten remains quickly decompose, heavily pollute the water and poison the fish.
  3. Live. Live food is represented by bloodworms, tubifex, corethra, brine shrimp nauplii and infusoria. They need to be stored in the refrigerator and fed every few days, alternating with other types of food. Live food is nutritious and healthy, but it is not stored for long, and you can also bring an infection or parasites into the aquarium with it.
  4. Frozen. A good way to get rid of a possible infection or parasites is to freeze live food. In addition, ready-made frozen food (bloodworms, tubifex, cyclops, corethra) is sold in pet stores in industrial packaging. They are easy to store and dose.
  5. Protein. An alternative to live and frozen invertebrates are protein foods such as boiled chicken eggs, liver, squid, fish. They are cut into pieces of suitable size and fed to predatory aquarium inhabitants. It is necessary to remove uneaten remains in a timely manner, as they quickly spoil and poison the water.
  6. Vegetable. From time to time, aquatic organisms can be fed with purchased tablets and granules of spirulina and other algae, and pieces of cucumber, zucchini, cabbage leaves, lettuce, nettle and dandelion can be placed in the aquarium. Uneaten remains must be removed promptly.

Depending on the kind of fish, you should feed them one of these foods. Live, frozen, protein, and occasionally dry and branded foods are used for obligatory predators. Branded mixtures and plant-based foods work well for aquatic herbivorous species. Typically, fry are raised on appropriately sized, branded, dry foods.

Since the majority of domestic fish are omnivores, you can alternately feed them all of these kinds of food. Branded or dry foods should form the foundation of the diet; additional types are occasionally provided (e.g., twice a week).

For aquarium fish to be healthy and happy, proper feeding practices are crucial. Fish should normally be fed once or twice a day, depending on the size and species. The secret is to avoid overfeeding and to keep the water clean by only giving them as much food as they can consume in a short period of time. Your fish will flourish and the balance of your aquarium will be maintained if you modify the feeding schedule to correspond with their natural behavior.

How to properly feed aquarium fish

The right amount and frequency of food for fish to eat depends on a number of variables, including the kind of aquatic organisms they are, their age, sex, size, physiological condition, and general health. Furthermore, there are variations in the feeding technique. Fish kept in captivity should be fed according to their natural diet, so keep this in mind.

Methods of feeding fish

Fish feeding techniques are based on their body structure, specifically the location of their mouth. There are three ways to feed fish in this regard:

  1. Surface. Fish living in the upper layers of water prefer to take food from its surface. Their mouth is directed upward. They are fed with food that does not sink for a long time.
  2. In the water column. Such fish eat best the food that is right in front of them. They are given food that sinks slowly and remains suspended for a long time.
  3. Bottom. Bottom fish have mouths directed downwards, and it is most convenient for them to collect food from the surface of the ground. They are fed heavy tablets and granules.

How many times a day to feed aquarium fish

Fish do not require frequent feeding as adults. Providing food one or two times a day is sufficient. Feeding occurs 15 minutes after the light is turned on in the morning and 3 hours before it is turned off in the evening. Once a day, after the lights are out, animals that are nocturnal are fed.

Since fish in captivity have limited activity and daily access to food—something that does not occur in the wild—it is necessary to schedule a fasting day once a week as a preventative measure. It promotes sexual activity, aids in body cleansing, and enhances general health in fish.

Feeding fish depending on age

Fry need to be fed far more frequently if adults only need one or two feedings a day. Young animals need a steady flow of nutrients into their bodies to grow quickly. Cannibalism and stunted growth are the results of starvation. Fry are fed in this way four to six times a day until they are two months old. Food particles shouldn’t be bigger than the fry’s eye size. Young fish should not fast on certain days. Fish should be fed less frequently as they get older.

Alternating feeds

Fish naturally consume a wide range of foods, which provides their bodies with all the nutrients needed for a healthy life. The owner of the aquarium fish determines what the fish eat at home. All food types should ideally be included in the diet. You can use dry or branded mixtures as the basis. Once or twice a week, additional varieties are sporadically introduced. Plant supplements should be given occasionally, along with protein and live or frozen food, but not every day. Fish only receive one kind of food at a time.


Although it is thought that a healthy adult fish can survive for several days or even weeks without food, conducting such experiments in real life can have unfavorable effects. The fish in the aquarium lose weight and develop dull coloring when they are not fed enough. Animals with weakened immune systems are more vulnerable to infections. Fish that receive little food prior to the breeding season may not be able to reproduce. Bigger specimens start attacking smaller ones, inflicting wounds, or devouring them whole.


The majority of aquarium fish constantly look for food and try to consume everything that is available. Inexperienced aquarium keepers may mistake their pets’ increased activity for hunger and end up overfeeding them. Feed aquarium fish in fact in such amounts that they will consume the entire meal in three to five minutes. Giving people a lot of food at once encourages overeating, which in turn causes obesity, infertility, and digestive issues. Moreover, food particles that are left undigested and not cleared promptly deteriorate and contaminate the water.

Feeding during vacation

Feeding can be automated if the pet owner must leave them alone for an extended period of time. There are specialized automatic feeders that are preloaded with a lot of food. A measured amount of food will flow from the hopper into the water at a predetermined time, which is determined by the aquarist.

Using briquettes and capsules, which gradually dissolve in water and offer a continuous supply of food, is an additional choice.

Note: You can portion out the food ahead of time to prevent overfeeding if you give your friends care of the aquarium.

For the sake of your aquarium fish’s health and wellbeing, you must feed them correctly. Underfeeding your fish can leave them devoid of vital nutrients, while overfeeding can cause problems with the quality of the water.

Fish should generally be fed tiny portions two or three times a day. By doing this, you can make sure they get the nutrients they require without overflowing the tank with waste.

It’s crucial to keep an eye on your fish’s behavior and modify the feeding schedule as necessary. You can establish a balanced feeding schedule that promotes a healthy aquarium environment by paying attention to their needs.

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Elena Grishina

Ecologist and aquarist with a special interest in creating balanced ecosystems in aquariums. Main focus — ecosystems that require minimal human intervention. I support a natural approach to aquarium care, where each element plays its role, helping to maintain harmony in a closed ecosystem. I promote sustainable aquarium keeping and respect for nature.

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