How to distinguish an aquarium from a terrarium

Although they may initially appear to be similar, terrariums and aquariums have quite different uses. Anyone trying to create the ideal environment for their plants or pets needs to be aware of the differences between these two types of enclosures.

An aquarium is made especially for aquatic life, housing fish, plants, and other creatures that thrive in water, even though both are intended to resemble natural habitats. In contrast, land-based organisms like insects, reptiles, and some kinds of plants that require a dry or humid environment belong in terrariums.

When setting up your tank or terrarium, knowing what each enclosure is best suited for will help you make informed decisions. The health and well-being of your plants and animals depend on the habitat you choose, whether you prefer the peace and quiet of an underwater world or the distinctive charm of a dry landscape.

Aquarium Terrarium
Designed to hold water for aquatic life. Made for land-based animals and plants.
Requires filtration and heating systems. Needs proper ventilation and lighting.
Commonly houses fish, aquatic plants, and invertebrates. Typically home to reptiles, amphibians, and some plants.
Uses water as the primary environment. Uses soil, sand, or other dry materials as the base.

A terrarium is made to mimic a land habitat for plants, reptiles, or amphibians, while an aquarium is made to house aquatic life, offering a water-filled environment for fish and plants. It is easier to make sure that each environment meets the unique needs of its occupants when one is aware of the major distinctions in their purpose, design, and maintenance requirements.

What is a terrarium

An open or closed sealed container that can hold both plants and animals (terrestrials, reptiles, insects) is called a terrarium.

What is an aquarium

Another sealed container used exclusively for aquatic life is an aquarium.

Historical information

The word "terrarium" is derived from "aquarium," where aqua (Latin for "water") was replaced with terra (Latin for "earth"). It is only a derivative, even though the word has Latin origins.

The origins of the term "terrarium" can be traced back to the 1820s, when English gardener Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward attempted to grow a fern in his east London home, where production was booming. But the air was so contaminated that his attempts were unsuccessful. He once discovered a sprouting fern in a bottle containing insects from one of his experiments.

The boat that is used to create the aquatic habitat is one of the older inventions. The word itself comes from the Latin adjective aquarius, which means "watery." It was a term for "watering hole" in Roman usage.

Even in this instance, though, the word’s Hellenic etymology does not suggest that the object itself is Latin in origin. Goldfish and African tilapias were already bred in ancient China and Egypt, respectively. These details are related to the emergence of the first containers used to breed and grow aquatic plants and animals.

Similarities between a terrarium and an aquarium

These containers’ primary characteristics in common are:

  1. Made from one material – glass or transparent plastic;
  2. Observation and research;
  3. Maintenance and breeding of animals and vegetation;
  4. Vivariums, i.e. closed ecosystems recreated on a smaller scale;
  5. One transparent side of the container;
  6. The presence of spaces that have common decorative items (for example, driftwood).

The difference between an aquarium and a terrarium

Among them are:

  1. Purpose. An aquarium is an aquatic environment, while a terrarium is a terrestrial environment (for example, with fillers such as soil and sand, not water).
  2. Inhabitants: in the first – aquatic animals, in the second – terrestrial and reptiles (for example, snakes).
  3. Different density of material: aquariums have thicker walls to withstand the weight and pressure of water.
  4. The presence of a special lid in the front of the container: terrariums have one, aquariums do not.
  5. Possibility of placement in the sun: aquariums should not be placed in open areas, since.. this can provoke the growth of algae, for terrariums this is most often favorable.

Ecosystem capabilities

You can replicate a variety of ecosystems in both containers, including an aquarium shark colony and an underwater jungle.

On the other hand, complicated ones demand perseverance and strength to both build and maintain the system.

Particular tools can assist with the latter. Thus, various meters (such as salinity, etc.) or sensors (such as air temperature, temperature) are used.

Beneficial effect on humans

A study was carried out in England in 2011. (Medical Research Council, 2011). Its goal was to investigate how aquariums affect people. It states that humans are positively impacted by an aquatic environment that has been recreated to the extent that their pulse becomes less when they observe it.

Both interest and mood rise. There are several theories as to why a person is affected in this way by an artificial ecosystem. The biophilia hypothesis is one of them. It is rooted in the fact that humans have developed a taste for all living things over a protracted evolutionary process.

If this theory is correct, then there are live animals from the wild in the aquarium’s aquatic habitat, despite its artificial creation.

Humans are calmed by the water and its dimensional swaying (Amber L. Pearson & Daniel Nutsford, Michigan State University, the academic journal Health& Place). Aquariums therefore have a therapeutic impact on people.

Establishing the ideal environment for your pets requires an understanding of the distinctions between an aquarium and a terrarium. Although both are used as habitats, they are made with different purposes in mind: terrariums are used for creatures that live on land, and aquariums are used for aquatic life.

Whether your pet swims or crawls, making the right setup guarantees their wellbeing. Every habitat needs different maintenance, such as humidity control in terrariums and water filtration in aquariums.

You can enjoy the beauty and tranquility your pets bring to your space in addition to giving them the best conditions possible by choosing the right habitat for them.

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Anton Popov

A professional aquarist with over 15 years of experience. Main specialization - marine aquariums and creating optimal conditions for keeping rare species of fish and corals. I am fond of aquascaping, actively participate in international competitions. I love to share knowledge and experience to help others create the beauty of the underwater world at home.

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