Nannostomus mortenthaleri

The Coral Red Pencilfish, or Nannostomus mortenthaleri, is a small, colorful freshwater fish that enthralls aquarists with its eye-catching hues and serene disposition. This species, which comes from the crystal-clear Amazon River basin, is well-liked by hobbyists looking to give their community aquariums a splash of color.

These pencilfish are distinguished by their long bodies and vivid red colors that accentuate their black horizontal stripes. They make peaceful fish companions because of their gentle nature, which fosters harmony in the tank. They are ideal for nano aquariums because of their small size, which allows their vibrant colors to really pop.

Although Nannostomus mortenthaleri are relatively easy to care for, there are certain requirements that must be met regarding water quality, food, and tank arrangement. If the proper conditions are met, these fish will flourish and show off their vibrant colors. In order to give their tank a splash of color and elegance, aquarists can use the


Characteristic Description
Common Name Nannostomus mortenthaleri
Scientific Name Nannostomus mortenthaleri
Family Lebiasinidae
Origin Amazon Basin, South America
Size Up to 3 cm (1.2 inches)
Temperament Peaceful, best kept in groups
Water Temperature 24-28°C (75-82°F)
pH Level 5.5-7.0
Diet Omnivorous, prefers small live or frozen foods

Habitat and habitat

South America, which is native to Peru’s Nanay River basin, was also discovered in the Tigre River, a little distance to the west.

Lives in swamps, small rivers, and channels, particularly in places where there is a lot of aquatic vegetation. Frequently found in floodplain lakes and forest flooding areas where there is "black water."

Habitats typically consist of nearly calm, shallow waters; nearby species include dwarf cichlids and small characinids belonging to the Apistogramma genus.


One of this genus’ most striking members, it is covered in vivid coral-red color throughout its body and fins, creating a striking contrast with the black stripes that run horizontally across it.

It can be distinguished from similar species by the following combination of features: pronounced sexual dimorphism in adult males, having bright red pigmentation between the central and upper (primary and secondary) dark lateral stripes, extending from the tip of the snout to the base of the caudal fin and including the upper part of the iris; all three dark lateral stripes are clear and characteristic; the central (primary) lateral stripe in males runs ventrally to the posterior half of the anal fin base; the last ray and the posterior margin of the pelvic and anal fins are black; the anterior part of the dorsal fin in males is white at the base, red at the tip; the adipose fin is absent; all rays of the dorsal fin are partially black; males have modified thickened rays of the anal fin.


Maximum 25–30 mm in length.

Behavior and compatibility

Is a calm, gorgeous aquarium fish with a lively personality. An excellent complement to a community aquarium with other peaceful small fish. Must be housed in a minimum of six fish per group.

It is preferable to retain as many males of this species as possible in order to diffuse aggression, as males of this species can be aggressive toward one another, though usually without major consequences. In maintaining a school, there should be more females than males. Thankfully, they don’t act aggressively toward other kinds of fish.

Purchase as many as you can in quantities of ten or more, as these quantities tend to make the fish more gregarious, less bashful, more noticeable, better colored, and more naturally behaving.


Basic measurements are 90 by 30 cm, or the same if you wish to maintain a group.

An aquarium with lots of swimming areas and dense thickets of aquarium plants would ideally have dark, finely grained, branching snags for the soil. Adding floating plants is a good idea.

Aquarium species with poor filtration; air filters work well in most situations.

Water parameters:

In the range of 24 to 28 °C pH range: 4.0 to 7.0 Hardness: GH 2–10°

At least 25–30% of the water should be changed every two weeks.

This species shouldn’t be added to an aquarium that is still developing because it needs stable conditions.

The Coral Red Pencilfish, or Nannostomus mortenthaleri, is a colorful and serene freshwater species that gives community aquariums a bold pop of color. These little, gregarious fish, which are distinguished by their slim bodies and vivid red colors, do best in well-planted aquariums with soft, acidic water and calm tankmates. Nannostomus mortenthaleri can be a fascinating and low-maintenance addition to any freshwater aquarium setup with the right care, which includes a balanced diet and stable water conditions. Their gentle behavior and beauty will delight aquarists.


It consumes other zooplankton and small invertebrates in the wild.

It is omnivorous in the aquarium and will accept small, live, and frozen food in addition to dry food of an appropriate size.

Sexual dimorphism

Females are distinctly rounder, and adult males are more intensely colored, especially when spawning.

Furthermore, males begin to develop a white mark on the front of their dorsal fin at a relatively young age.


Fry may appear in the aquarium on their own when the conditions are right.

It takes a little more of an organized approach to get them to multiply.

Separate the males and females a few days before putting these fish in a breeding tank. More live food will increase the population’s readiness to spawn.

Set up one or more tiny spawning tanks with settled water in them. Use artificial substrate or small-leaved plants to cover the majority of the area.

Lighting and filtration are not required, though you are welcome to install a tiny air-powered sponge filter if you so choose.

One or more pairs can be put in each container once the breeders are ready.

If more than one pair is being used, arrange the plants or artificial fibers to form distinct territories; for instance, if there are two pairs, place the spawning substrate in different locations within the aquarium, leaving space between them.

After two or three days, the adults can be removed, and the first fry should appear in a day or two.

An alternate strategy if you’re using artificial fibers as a spawning substrate is to check them every day, replace them when you find eggs, and raise the fry somewhere else.

Rotifers and infusoria make good starter food. Brine the shrimp nauplii as they develop.

After about 8 weeks, adult fish patterns start to emerge.

It lasts roughly five years.

The Coral Red Pencilfish, or Nannostomus mortenthaleri, is a colorful and enthralling species that adds a pop of color to any aquarium. It distinguishes itself from other freshwater fish with its eye-catching red and black stripes and gives community tanks a special charm.

To maintain the health of Nannostomus mortenthaleri, the tank should be peaceful, well-planted, and have soft, slightly acidic water. These fish do best in calm settings without hostile tankmates, where they can swim freely. They will remain vibrant and healthy as long as you feed them a balanced diet of premium flakes, tiny live foods, and frozen alternatives.

The Coral Red Pencilfish is a fantastic option for aquarium enthusiasts wishing to add a little elegance and variety. They are a fun addition to any well-kept aquarium because of their playful nature and striking appearance.

Nannostomus mortenthaleri and Otocinclus cocama

Nannostomus mortenthaleri / Coral Red Pencilfish spawning

Nannostomus Red | (Nonnostomus mortenthaleri).

Nannostomus mortenthaleri

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Ivan Kononov

Experienced aquarist with an emphasis on breeding and keeping exotic aquarium fish. Author of many articles and books on the topic of aquarium keeping. Always in search of new species and interesting solutions for home aquariums. I believe that an aquarium is not only a home decoration, but also a means of studying nature and its laws.

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