Nano-aquarium or all about cubes!

You may have come across the adorable and small nano-aquarium if you’re interested in the world of miniature aquatic setups. These little tanks, which are frequently referred to as "cubes" due to their typical shape, are more than just a charming accent to your room—they’re a doorway to an entirely new level of aquarium hobbying. Because of their tiny size, nano-aquariums present a challenge for enthusiasts who want to build vibrant, thriving ecosystems in a small amount of water—just a few gallons.

It takes more than just picking a fish and putting it in water to set up a nano-aquarium. The goal is to create a balanced environment in which each component—from the plants to the filtration system—plays an important part. Because of the small volume of water, changes can occur quickly, so regular maintenance and close attention to detail are essential to maintaining the health of your miniature aquatic ecosystem.

The ability to experiment with a variety of aquatic plants and fish that might not be possible in larger setups is one of the greatest pleasures of owning a nano-aquarium. You can design an amazing underwater environment that is both lovely and sustainable with careful planning. Nano-aquariums provide a special and fulfilling challenge that infuses a little aquatic wonder into your daily life, regardless of experience level.

Aquarium Gloxy Optic Set

Glowing Optic Aquarium Set

Why would someone make such a decision? First, the price was taken from this online retailer, Aqua Logo Shop. As an aside, a good store that has been around for a while. That means that this aquarium is far less expensive than other branded cubes! Second, this is a comprehensive set that comes with:

– A 27-liter aquarium composed of OPTIWHITE glass;

– Three lighting modes for an Optical LED lamp: mixed (white and blue), night (blue), and day (white light);

2 kg of natural soil.

– Aeration-equipped glass-type internal filter.

Also included are an aquarium mat and a cover lid.

I agree; this is a great choice! Furthermore, the aquarium is composed of opticwhite, a type of glass that has been clarified and contains very little iron oxide. As a result, the glass loses its greenish tint and turns completely transparent.

A comparative analysis of opticwhite glass

And the most important thing! 30 liters is a great amount of space to keep a variety of fish and plants. We launched this aquarium twice, as seen in the video sketch of its design and launch below. Make sure to view the two videos.

* We would like to notify you that our aquarium is currently out of production and that time has passed before we begin the test review of the nanikas design. But in order to release Gloxy Optic Professional, an enhanced version of his cube, he replaced the manufacturer.

The lamp got stronger, the aquarium got taller, and the filter-rug showed up. Still, the cost is reasonable.

Nano Aquarium Design "Volcano"

Design of nano aquariums

The simplicity of the "Ala`vulkan"-inspired design is its best feature! Being a watercaper is not necessary to gather such a textured composition. Everything you’ll need is a Gloxy Optic set cube, a small gray diabase ("Stones for the bath", a huge box 300r., It is sold in any construction supermarket), an internal aerator, and a volcanic. Additional decor items include a wagon for a clip here that can be found in your city’s stores, online stores, and on the same Aliexpress.

The creation of a volcanic nano aquarium has an additional benefit. You can see how effective aeration is; this will help with proper oxidation and the removal of nitrogen compounds from the aquarium. You can achieve stable biobalance and excellent biofiltration in your aquarium by pre-placing a biosubstrate—such as lava chips—under the sand. We believe that you can accomplish that without having to install any filtration hardware. The only maintenance required for such an aquarium is a gentle sand siphoning and excellent water changes carried out on a confirmed schedule. Everyone!

If this style of aquarium design appeals to you. if Glofish is something you like. You enjoy the cozy atmosphere this type of aquarium creates at night. Simply carry it out. We believe that "cozy evening light" is the most crucial element in these kinds of aquariums; construction spotlights are not sufficient in this regard. It needs good blue light, ideally UV.

Once more, a lamp from the Gloxy Glow light UV Professional series would be a good choice. This series is specifically made for achieving the desired effect of maximum fluorescence in glofish and special decorations. Zagulite.

Nano aquarium design "Green Island"

Design of nano aquariums

An airy, light composition, but one that calls for plant-growing expertise. The basic idea is to make a hummock by taking a stone and adhering suitable plants and mosses to it. In this instance, taller plants like hygrophila pinnatifida and staurogyne bihar are in the background, along with some dwarf anubias. And an aquarium star, Pogostemon helferi, on the sides.

Below, we will discuss plants. It should be noted that maintaining a balance between lighting, CO2, fertilizers, and water parameters is important for both plant aquarium cubes and other herbalists.

One benefit of nano-aquariums is that you can easily install any type of lighting—construction spotlights, Chinese Chihiros, or any other brand—above them that is required for the plants you have chosen. What’s more, this lighting can be installed at a low cost.

Our advice on this matter is straightforward. Floodlights outside cost 500 rubles. Good spectral nano-lamps cost between 1500 and 2000 rubles. You have the option. Considering that we review Gloxi kits in this piece. Watch a video of their lamps here.

Two choices: The first is an 18-watt GLOXY Q2 LED PLANT lamp that has lenses to increase power. The video up above does a good job of presenting it. Most plants can be grown under it. A Gloxy Optic LED Professional lamp is the second choice. If you purchase a can, the kit includes this common lamp. Yet it’s also offered for sale separately.

The drawback of cubes is their small height, which means you have to be careful when mixing CO2, have a good spray diffuser to produce fine bubbles, and pay attention to water flow to ensure the CO2 bubbles stay in the water for as long as possible. But once more, skill and experience are the key factors in all of this. As long as you read FanFishka and take lessons from nature, nothing is too hard.

Starting a nano aquarium: all the secrets of magic!

Furthermore, this is not a secret! The tiny volume of a nano aquarium is the only feature that sets it apart from other home ponds. Furthermore, it is well known that maintaining and stabilizing biological balance in such an aquarium is more challenging.

Twenty to thirty liters is the ideal capacity for a cube, in our opinion. You can install high-quality filtration in such an aquarium by installing a backpack waterfall filter or a mini-filter glass, which is included in the Gloxi optic set, for example. A nano-heater makes it simple to maintain the desired temperature range. In 20–30 liters, aeration and lighting are likewise simple to choose and install.

The procedure for setting up a nano aquarium is standard. Before filling the aquarium, we advise you to visit your local pet store and request some squeezed water from the filter, or at the very least, some water from a healthy aquarium that is already running. For those who cannot find such a store or find the process too onerous, we suggest using starter products when establishing an aquarium. For instance, the Prodibo BioClean Fresh starter pack contains a range of items that effectively clean freshwater aquariums through biological means while also naturally inhibiting the growth of algae. It contains the goods BioTrace (a microelement and bioactivator) and BioDigest (a live bacterial culture).

We went into great detail about the advantages of the Prodibio ampoule form in this article, which you can read. What a great and practical idea!

Do not touch the aquarium for the first month after it is started. Do not clean the filter fillers or siphon off the dirt. Use drip tests to keep an eye on the concentrations of nitrogen compounds whether you started the fish right away or after a week. Lightly but often change the water (10–20% fresh water every two days, depending on the circumstances).

If none of the above apply, then pour a small amount of tea into the aquarium after it has been started. This will help "age the water," add beneficial elements to the water, and balance the nitrogen cycle.

Since everyone’s circumstances are unique and there are various methods to launch an aquarium cube, we encourage you to join our forum and have a discussion.

Fish for a nano aquarium, which ones to choose?

You can choose fish for your nano aquarium with ease once you’ve looked through the list. The primary prerequisite is compact size. Most characin fish are at your disposal.

Numerous tiny characin fish, including tetras, ternetia, and neons, will fit in a nano-house flawlessly!

Although corydoras are fantastic catfish, it’s important to remember that they are typically schooling fish and that some varieties are quite large. Taking from the three pieces is worthwhile.

The identical cocks,

A tiny nano-aquarium (less than 10 liters) can serve as a fantastic home for a fighting fish cock!

Endler’s guppy, Guppy

The most beloved fish in the world are guppies. Their sole Their rapid reproduction is the only negative aspect. however, a justification for purchasing an additional cube =)

Rasboras, especially the smaller varieties, are lively, swift fish that are ideal for an aquarium cube. The only issue is that rasboras are bouncing, so you absolutely need a cover glass.

Fish called danio are small but incredibly fast; to accelerate and swim, they require a long aquarium. However, you could try. Moreover, no remarks and at your own risk.

You can purchase a tiny gourami or lalius.

Among many others, Savbva!

Apistogramma ramirezi, dwarf cichlids of America, are even available!

It’s a very broad palette! Keeping an eye on fish compatibility and avoiding overcrowding the nano-aquarium are the most important things!

Plants for a nano aquarium

The clear choice for a nano-aquarium will be plants that grow on the ground. The majority of them are "capricious," that’s the only thing. We’ve listed some plants that are suitable for beginners below.

Marsilia doesn’t require a lot of lighting.

Compared to staurogyne repens, staurogyne brown is lower and less dangerous.

Gorgeous water buttercup with lighting starting at 50 lm/l.

Lileopsis brasiliensis is an unassuming plant that grows extremely slowly.

Lileopsis maclovian grows like a weed, reaching a height of 10 to 15 cm in reality.

Pogostemon helferi is a stunning plant that needs care and lighting.

We suggest the following in a cube among the taller plants:

Hygrophila pinnatifida: this plant can be hung on driftwood or stones and grows well in moderate lighting.

Bucephaladna: They grow incredibly slowly, calmly tolerate moderate lighting, bloom with beautiful candles, but it takes patience to get a hummock of butski in a year. This is not a fact.

Anubias: dwarf anubias and bonsai are clearly visible here!

New Guinea blyxa is less picky than Japanese blyxa.

Hydrocotyla tripartita thrives on driftwood and in moderate lighting.

In an aquarium, Echinodorus tender are simple plants that resemble a football field.

Aspect Description
What is a Nano-Aquarium? A small aquarium typically holding 5 to 10 gallons of water, ideal for limited spaces.
Benefits Space-saving, often more affordable, can be a beautiful focal point in small rooms.
Challenges Water parameters can change quickly, so maintenance requires careful monitoring.
Popular Fish Small species like neon tetras, dwarf shrimp, and tiny snails work well.
Plant Choices Low-light and compact plants such as Java moss, dwarf hairgrass, and anubias thrive in nano tanks.
Setup Tips Use a small filter, be mindful of overstocking, and choose hardy plants and fish.

A nano-aquarium is a great way to start a fishkeeping hobby, particularly if you’re on a tight space or want to add something different to your home’s interior design. With these small aquariums, you can enjoy the beauty of aquatic life without having to set up a large setup. They also provide an affordable way to get started with aquarium hobbies.

The adaptability of nano-aquariums is one of their main advantages. They can fit practically anywhere due to their small size, from a living room nook to a desk at work. Also, because of their small size, they can be stylishly and creatively aquascaped, which can create a big impact in a small area.

But it’s crucial to keep in mind that smaller tanks have unique difficulties. It’s important to monitor the conditions of your tank closely because water parameters can fluctuate rapidly. A thriving, healthy aquarium can be achieved with thoughtful plant and fish selection as well as routine maintenance.

A nano-aquarium can be a satisfying and entertaining project, regardless of whether you’re drawn to the visual appeal or the simplicity of these tiny tanks. These little aquatic worlds can become colorful, engrossing additions to your house with a little love and care.

Nano-aquariums are a great option if you’re considering establishing a small-scale aquarium, especially cube-shaped ones. These little tanks are perfect for hobbyists who wish to create an amazing aquatic environment in a small space because they offer a special blend of charm and challenge. This guide will cover all the topics you need to know to set up and maintain a healthy nano-cube aquarium, from picking the best plants and fish to using the best equipment.

Video on the topic

Nano Aquarium after 1.5 years / Aquascape

Aquarium cube for 110 liters and nano-cube 5.5 .Odessa 2025.

Aquarium NanoCube Dennerle 25x25x30.

Nano aquarium for beginners

Small nano aquarium for beginners or all about cubes on the table, video review!

What part of aquarium maintenance do you consider the most difficult?
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Anton Popov

A professional aquarist with over 15 years of experience. Main specialization - marine aquariums and creating optimal conditions for keeping rare species of fish and corals. I am fond of aquascaping, actively participate in international competitions. I love to share knowledge and experience to help others create the beauty of the underwater world at home.

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