=Our chicken is sick, the temperature is thirty-seven!=

When your aquarium chicken is ill, it’s critical to take prompt and sensible action. Thirty-seven degrees Celsius is a warning sign that something may be wrong with your tank. Since fish and other aquatic life are sensitive to temperature fluctuations, an abrupt increase may cause stress or even disease.

Knowing how the inhabitants of your aquarium are affected by temperature will help you identify the issue. Temperatures in a well-kept tank should be consistent and within the range that is best for your particular fish and plants. Deviations from this may cause problems for their health by upsetting their natural processes.

This post will discuss how temperature affects fish health and what to look for when your fish exhibits symptoms. We’ll also go over doable actions you can take to help your aquatic friends get back on track and stabilize the environment in your aquarium. Maintaining the health and vibrancy of your tank can be greatly impacted by knowing how to react, whether the problem is transient or more ongoing.

The cockerel"s tail dissolves

(Variations include "The cockerel’s fins were fraught with something," "What is with the cockerel’s tail?", and Plavniki "burn" at the cockerel.)

The cock destroys the picture of its tail.

There are a great many reasons for this trouble. Let"s start listing the troubles in ascending order. a) The tail is torn off mechanically. Carefully observe what is happening in the aquarium. Perhaps the tail was plucked by inappropriate neighbors. Even peaceful fish are not averse to tasting their neighbor"s fins. Watch the behavior of the cockerel itself. Some individuals with a lush tail can bite it off themselves. The fish is extremely flexible and sometimes even bends into a ring. The cockerel"s own lush tail may seem like the fighting plumage of an enemy to him, and clinging to the enemy"s tail is a debt of honor for the fighting fish! If the handsome fish is offended by neighbors, then it is worth thinking about getting a separate living space for the cockerel. The fish does not claim huge apartments and will be quite happy in an aquarium with a volume of about 10 liters. A filter is desirable, an aerator is not necessary. The best solution in such a small volume is an airlift filter or a waterfall filter. But the main thing to take care of is a stable temperature of at least 26 degrees, a stable balance and live vegetation. If your smart guy himself inflicts wounds on itself, then it is worth thinking about occupying it with something more constructive. For example, put a mirror – let him fight with a virtual enemy. Plant the vegetation more densely – let him study: a healthy cockerel is a tireless explorer. There is no such loophole or crack in the aquarium where a curious little dog will not look. He will study the corners and nooks many times, because.. The fish"s RAM is small and, as "British scientists" claim, memories are stored in its brain for no more than three minutes. Inflicted mechanical wounds and bitten tails are treated by adding MELAFIX from the American company API to the aquarium . You can also make Melafix yourself. I will not publish the recipe, you can easily find it on the Internet if you type in the search bar "homemade Melafix, how to cook".

b) Your cockerel is not kept correctly. This is my "favorite" topic. For some reason, the reputation of a “indestructible” fish, which can be kept almost in a glass of water, was fixed behind a cockerel. This is partly true, you can also use a glass if you are going to keep the fish for a short time, in a warm place, with daily water changes. In all other cases, in order to admire your fish longer, you will have to provide this handsome fellow with at least the slightest conditions of keeping: a capacity of 5 to 10 liters with a stable balance, at least some live vegetation, a stable temperature of at least 26 degrees, regular water changes of at least 10% once every 10 days, moderate balanced varied nutrition. In all other cases: with increased nitrites, low temperature, strong current, radioactive soil, increased water hardness, restless neighbors, etc.p. cock "horrors", your handsome fellow will almost 100% lose his tail. c) The cockerel has t.n. "fin rot". O! I can talk endlessly about fin rot! This is my second favorite topic. Two out of three aquarists will definitely call fin rot a fungal infection of the fins, costia, chilodonellosis, epistylisis and a bunch of other wonderful fish diseases, in the anamnesis of which there is destruction of fins. By the way, a) and b) are also often included in this universal formulation. Most likely, you will not take your cockerel to an ichthyopathologist for an accurate identification of the microorganism that is harming the cockerel. Where to look for these ichthyopathologists?! In addition, such an examination, in most cases, if it does not concern washings and scrapings from the surface of the body, is fatal for the fish. What to do if your pet has been diagnosed with "fin rot", and it is not possible to determine the specific disease? First, AND THIS IS THE MAIN THING! you need to make sure that your case does not fall under a) and b). Secondly, it is necessary to carefully collect and analyze other signs of the disease, in addition to "fin rot": how the fish behaves; does it scratch or not scratch on the ground; does it hang at the surface or lie on the bottom; does it breathe often or not; how does it breathe – heavily or not, does it "flap" its gills; does it eat or not; what other damage is there on the gills, skin, eyes, etc.p. If you are confident in yourself and have guessed a specific disease by the signs, then God help you, buy a suitable branded product and use it according to the instructions. If you need help from the club – you are welcome to the forum. But if you are a proud and independent aquarist and you are ashamed to admit that you do not know something – use any complex chemicals like "Antipar" from AVZ or OMNIPUR from SERA.

Two Sets

The cockerel has a swollen belly

Why does the belly of cockerels swell? A million reasons.
The first and simplest thing you should make sure of is that you are not overfeeding your cockerel. Mentally imagine the volume of the stomach of such a tiny fish and compare it with the amount of food that you want to offer the cockerel at one time. The necessary and sufficient amount of food is two or three small bloodworms at a time. It is best to feed the fish two or three times a little bit a day. And, as I wrote above, the diet should be varied. Remember, feeding fish with dry food in abundance and in the same way is a sure way to kill the fish. The other day, one aquarist on our forum suggested treating cockerels for bloat with green peas. This is very bad advice. Don"t even think about following it.
Another reason for the excessively protruding rounded belly of a female cockerel may be her readiness to spawn. The state of readiness for spawning is also characterized by a small white "bead" at the edge of the abdomen – this is the ovipositor. It is better not to leave healthy females with eggs without male attention. The fish must spawn. Long-term maintenance (over three months) of an adult female without spawning is fraught with a cyst. The behavior of a cystic female is the saddest sight I have ever seen. Her belly becomes like a drum and protrudes forward. It is difficult for the female to swim, the petrified pressed, or, conversely, degenerated into a cyst, eggs pull her to the bottom. On the Internet, you can find advice to "massage" the poor fish"s belly so that it sheds its eggs. Drive such advisers away! In such a sad state, you will not be able to squeeze out any eggs. Even if you do not plan to raise the fry, it is better not to let the fish die and send it to spawn at least once every two or three months.

The next sad reason for abdominal swelling can be ascites (dropsy). As a rule, ascites is an indicator of a serious disease, such as, for example, aeromonosis, pseudomonosis, another bacterial or viral infection that affects the organs of the excretory system. If you notice lethargy in the fish, a small but already noticeable increase in the abdomen, it is better to consult with the club in time, describe what is happening in as much detail as possible, take as large a photo as possible. For the treatment of internal bacterial diseases of fish, such drugs as Bactopur direct from the German company SERA or the domestic drug Antibak-250 from the company AVZ are used.
There are also other microorganisms, the result of which will be an increase or change in the shape of the abdomen of your fish. These are helminths – parasitic worms of all stripes and breeds. To combat them, branded preparations Sera med Professional Tremazol, Sera Med Professional Nematol have been created. How to avoid bringing parasites into your aquarium? One way is high-quality fish quarantine. However, parasites can enter the fish"s body along with poorly processed live food (crustaceans, bloodworms, tubifex often become intermediate hosts of the parasite). Therefore, live food must be well processed and, preferably, frozen for at least a week at a temperature of -40 degrees.

Third Position

The cockerel"s scales have become ruffled

If your pet has become similar to an open pine cone, then this is a very bad symptom. And, most likely, you are already late with treatment. In my practice, a disheveled cockerel was saved only a couple of times out of about ten cases. Most often, ruffling of the scales occurs together with the so-.n. "dropsy". The fish swells, the scales rise – a sure sign that the kidneys have failed. And with failed kidneys, no one, including fish, lives long. Therefore, when you do a daily external inspection of your fish composition (and you, of course, do it), then look not only in profile, examine the fish from above – this is the best way to notice if the scales begin to stick out from the fish.

There could be a number of causes for the fizzling. The worst are the effects of an internal viral or bacterial infection. The treatment guidelines in this instance are as similar as those in the previous point regarding ascites. Ectoparasites from the outside that collect in the pockets of fish scales are the "safest" explanation for the frizzling. The classification of this microfauna can be studied at http://aquariumok.ru/content/praktikum_po_ihtiopatologii_opredelenie_parazitov_ryb if you’re interested.

Who uses complicated medications and doesn’t want to venture into the world of parasitology Sera Omnipur, JBL Ektol Crystal, Sera Protazol, Sera Ectopur, Antipar, etc. p. However, I must stress again that ruffling is typically a very dangerous indication that the fish is getting ready to migrate to the land of fresh water and delicious bloodworms.


It is imperative that you take care of both the temperature and the illness in your chicken when it reaches 37°C (98.6°F). This article explains how high temperatures can impact the health of your chicken and provides advice on how to identify and handle common problems. To assist you in keeping your feathered friend healthy and on the road to recovery, we’ll provide helpful tips on controlling the temperature in the coop and identifying symptoms of illness.

The cockerel lies on the bottom

The photo at the bottom has the cock.

In general, cockerels are not record holders for high-speed tracks. And this is not surprising. In nature, they live in silted ditches and in stagnant ponds, without any current. On farms, they are kept for half their lives in cramped containers where you can barely turn around. Therefore, active swimming around the aquarium is more likely to be considered unusual behavior of the cockerel, rather than a calm, measured movement with the purpose of studying the bottom for what you can eat there. Quite often you can see your cockerel sybaritizing on a moss hummock or on a branch of aquatic plants. This is how they rest. And this is a completely natural behavior of cockerels. He will rest – he will swim further. Movement for cockerels with luxurious fins is like swimming with a wet pillow – very tiring.
However, if your cockerel lies most of the time and hardly moves, this is a bad sign sign. As usual, there are many reasons.

First of all, check how it floats (and whether it floats at all). Sometimes a dead cockerel can look just like a living one. If the patient moves and runs away from your hand, then there is still hope for recovery. Remove and treat for internal bacterial infection (recommendations for drugs see. above). Secondly, (although, rather, this is the “firstly”) indifferent lying on the bottom can be a sign of poor water parameters. Nitrite and ammonia poison the fish and, depending on the concentration of these substances, it may no longer be possible to save it. Low and high PH also does not contribute to carefree swimming. High nitrate levels have a bad effect on cockerels (as well as on other fish). And in combination with increased phosphates, high nitrates can be fatal. Thirdly, your cockerel may already be an old man. Old cockerels swim little, do not build nests, sigh heavily and increasingly reflect on the frailty of life. How to understand the age of a cockerel? In textbooks for students of fish universities, it is recommended to find out the age of a fish, like trees, by the number of annual rings on the scales. This advice is good for large fish, such as cod, sterlet. And how does this apply to tiny ones, which are allotted three years at most to live? No way. An indirect sign of the age of a male cockerel is the size of the tail and fins. The larger the fighting plumage as a percentage of the body, the older the cockerel.
In any case, lying on the bottom for a long time is an alarming sign that requires the aquarist to pay close attention to the fish.


The cockerel has a bulging eye

The photo of the cockel’s protruding eyes

Unilateral or bilateral bulging of the eyes in fish (exophthalmos) occurs for various reasons, including the fault of careless aquarists – due to improper start-up of the aquarium or improper maintenance of the fish. If your pet has one or both eyes bulging, the first thing you need to do is test the water it is kept in for nitrite, ammonia and nitrate. If elevated levels of these poisons are detected, the water needs to be changed, but very carefully, having first equalized the temperature, otherwise there is a risk of getting even more bulging eyes, now from temperature shock. In addition to the presence of obvious nitrogen-based poisons in the water, eyes can also bulge from elevated or lowered pH values, excessively high or low hardness values. Let"s remember the ideal water parameters for cockerels: t 26-30 degrees Celsius, GH hardness from 5 to 15 degrees, pH not less than 6 and not more than 7.5. However, it should be immediately noted that I have not encountered cockerels that would bulge their eyes from not very suitable water parameters. Still, this fish is well adapted to adverse conditions, and can tolerate them for some time. Therefore, having taken this information into account, let"s move on to the most common causes of exophthalmos in bettas. The first and very sad reason – is mycobacteriosis, popularly called "fish tuberculosis". Unfortunately, fish of the labyrinth family are very prone to this disease. Almost all bettas are carriers of this bacterium. However, whether or not a particular fish will get sick depends largely on the aquarist, on his ability to create suitable, comfortable living conditions for the fish. When such conditions cannot be created or a systemic failure of the fish"s immunity occurs, the number of mycobacteria begins to grow rapidly in different parts of the body, most often in the eye sockets. A cluster of bacteria surrounded by connective tissue is called a granuloma, the larger it is, the more the eye bulges. What to do in this situation. Particularly squeamish and not burdened with reflections aquarists flush the sick fish down the toilet. However, I would advise to try to treat the unfortunate one. Treatment of fish tuberculosis, like human tuberculosis, exclusively with antibiotics. The treatment is long, multi-stage, with subsequent vitamin rehabilitation of the patient. After treatment, the fish still remains in the risk group and will never be full-fledged and suitable for breeding. So the aquarist must clearly understand in the name of what ideals he is entering the battle for the life of a small fish. We have a heroic aquarist on our forum who uncompromisingly fought for the life of his cockerel. And. ta-da-mmm – was grateful! His Duncan MacCloud lived another year after treatment. True, his eyes never returned to their place, which is not surprising: tuberculous granulomas do not dissolve, but only become more densely overgrown with epithelial cells.

The second joyless reason bulging eyes in cockerels can be aeromonosis, pseudomonosis or a viral infection (viremia). All these diseases have several similar external manifestations: red spots, exophthalmos, ruffled scales, ascites (dropsy). And exactly in this sequence. If you "caught" a sick cockerel at the stage of exophthalmos – there is a chance to cure it. I had one chicken, which I brought back from the other world twice. First, the chicken"s left eye bulged. After treatment with Antibak-250, the fish came to its senses and enjoyed life for about six months, exactly until its right eye bulged. The fish was named "Typhoid Mary" and was treated with human cycloprofsacin (this synthetic antibiotic is the active ingredient of Antibak-250). By the way, the chicken turned out to be a real fighter, the second eye also fell into place. Another six months and. the fish quietly went to the land of eternally fresh bloodworms. Towards the end of her life, her muzzle was somewhat distorted and, I suppose, her vision was also not very good, which, however, did not stop her from sometimes hunting for shrimp. Agree, almost two years is a lot for such an eventful life. From the stage of "ruffling scales" or "dropsy" I managed to return the fish to normal life in a ratio of 2 to 10. I.e. as many as 20% recovered!
Another story that can lead to bulging eyes in cockerels – protozoan or helminthic invasions. The waste products of parasites, and often the parasite itself, localized in the eye socket, squeeze the eye out of its usual orbit. How to save yourself? Depends on the etiology of the parasite. From worms Sera med Professional Tremazol, Sera Med Professional Nematol. From protozoa – a whole range of drugs with a targeted effect on this particular type of parasite.

Frequently, we receive letters on the forum from aquarists in parts of Russia where "even by plane it is difficult to fly." They bemoan the lack of specialized fish medications available to aquarists in the local pet trade or the exorbitant cost of such medications. Any branded medication can have its equivalent purchased from a human or veterinary pharmacy. Particularly, take note of the biltricide, prazikantel, and azinox if you are positive that your fish has helminthiasis.

Sixth position

The cockerel stopped eating

The cock quit munching on a picture.

The cockel probably stopped helping if he stopped eating. This also holds true for all other fish. Fish are made by nature so that eating is the last thing they do before they pass away. For the most part, all diseases can be treated with food, even in the nearly terminal stage of death. A very bad sign is if the cockel has stopped reacting to food. You have obviously already ignored every other indication. Unfortunately. Still, the therapy has started and will go on. Cockerels: well-known combatants. They will fight to the very last breath for their lives.

Focusing on real-life cases. One aquarist on our forum used a syringe to feed a dying fish. Yes, we were discussing a rather sizable cichlid. Though it is difficult to think of, a small cockel could be given medication via syringe.


The cockerel has some spots

(Gray, white, red, and black)

The photo shows some spots on the cock.

I will immediately make a reservation. Red spots may not be visible on red cockerels. They are also not visible on blue, purple, lilac, turquoise, emerald individuals. Only on white cockerels can you see these characteristic spots-divorces and diagnose Spring viremia (or rubella) of carp. To understand that my cockerels had this disease, which does not suit them in the meaning of the name (this happened in the fall, and cockerels are labyrinth fish), I had to lose five males and two females! Red stains are localized in the area of ​​​​the head and pectoral fins. Rubella (or spring viremia) of carp is a very dangerous contagious disease. Unfortunately, cockerels are very susceptible to it. The incubation period is about a week. I.e. a week or ten days may pass from the female"s contact with the sick male. In my case, a poorly quarantined handsome man infected the female during spawning, after being removed he infected all the males in a five-room betta tank and died, bulging his eyes, disheveled, with a swollen belly. Then, about a week later, with an interval of two or three days, all the colored males and a couple of colored females died, which were infected by the one removed to them after spawning. I would never have been able to figure out the reasons for such a plague, if not for the white cockerel and white hen, who suddenly blossomed with red circles in the head area. At first, I considered this coloring to be the quirks of the marble gene (I will write about it below), however, these two began to show the same signs as those who had left earlier – they became lethargic, moved away, swelled and ruffled. Thank God, I managed to stop the epidemic with Sera Bactopur direct tablets. Five-room apartments were relaunched, pre-sterilized. Smart books on fish farming advise, when detecting rubella in carp, to completely drain the cages of pond farms and fill the empty pond with chlorine. The fish contained in such ponds are disposed of. This is what a terrible disease this is – spring viremia or rubella in carp.

But there’s a more mundane explanation for the redness: nitrogen compound poisoning from banal exposure. Thus, it is essential to test the water for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate before pretending to be a doctor.

Fish that have white spots, or more frequently dots (semolina), are indicative of protozoan disease infections. Like ichthyophthirius, oodinosis, and chilodonellosis, to name a few. The parasitic ciliates that cause these illnesses are common visitors to home aquariums. As a result, the forum has numerous instances of people successfully combating them. I won’t go into detail about them here.


The cockerel"s eyes have become cloudy

The photo of the cockel shows how big its eyes are.

You can guess what the first reason I’ll give for the clouding of my eyes is. Yes, there is an excess of dangerous materials in aquarium water. The great majority of the time, poor water quality is the root cause of health issues with cockerels and all other aquarium fish. This includes harm to the eyes brought on by extended exposure to an alkaline environment. For example, if the pH in your aquarium contains fish that prefer "acid water," and the pH rarely falls below 8.5, you can eventually anticipate eye clouding and possibly blindness.

Vitamin insufficiency comes next in terms of how difficult it is to eradicate the cause. The primary cause of a fish’s deficiency in vitamins (particularly vitamin A) is repetitive feeding, typically with dry food. For a small predator, the best options are bloodworms, corethra, and other live and frozen food. The vitamin complexes JBL Atvitol, TETRA Vital, and Sera Fishtamin, however, will support and enhance immunity and overall health.

Fish eye damage caused by fungi or bacteria is unquestionably one of the most dangerous causes. Specialized antifungal medications like Sera Mycopur or medications for external bacterial infections like Sera Bactopur are used to treat fungal or bacterial plaque or film.

In cockers, clouding of the eyes can also be a sign of helminth activity, including diplozoonodes.

Place Nine

Damage to the swim bladder

The cock swims with its head down, tail down, and sideways. The cock flips over.

The swim bladder photo has damage.

Fish swim bladder issues are a common topic of discussion on aquarium forums. Any unusual behavior—such as drowning, not floating, falling head- or tail-down, etc.—is adapted to this issue. Nevertheless, the swim bladder is frequently unrelated to the issue. For this reason, I ranked this illness as the penultimate condition. While experts occasionally report that fish suffer from a condition known as "swimming bladder inflammation," this is extremely uncommon in aquarium environments.

What is the actual cause? Constipation, gas accumulation, and mindless overeating are the most common causes. The fish is advised to fast for two or three days in this situation. Squeezing the swim bladder can also occur from malformed and enlarged internal organs brought on by obesity. Another way to solve this issue is to alter the feeding schedule and the food. "Problems with the swim bladder" are typically a sign of a bacterial infection. Well, I would strongly advise being aware of the warning indications of helminthic invasions. Either way, if you have never used this method before, it is never harmful to "poison" the fish with parasites.

Still, there are genuine issues with the swim bladder in cocks. primarily due to mechanical damage: ejecting from the aquarium and landing on the floor, cockfights amongst cockerels, and the aquarist’s negligent behavior. Time is the best healer in this situation. There is a story on our forum about an aquarist’s remarkable and unwavering battle to get a goldfish’s swim bladder back to normal, along with an extreme treatment method that involves puncturing the peritoneum.

Tenth position

Issue Temperature
Our chicken is sick 37°C

Having to tend to a sick chicken can be quite stressful, particularly when the temperature is close to 37 degrees Celsius. Since hens can frequently recover with the correct care and attention, it’s critical to maintain your composure and concentration. Remember that keeping a careful eye on your chicken’s health and giving them a cozy space can greatly aid in their recuperation.

Make sure the area where your chicken is kept warm, dry, and free of drafts. Give them lots of clean water and nutritious food to help them get stronger again. Occasionally, enhancing their water with vitamins or electrolytes can strengthen their immune system. Do not hesitate to seek the advice of a veterinarian with experience treating poultry if you observe any additional symptoms or if the fever continues.

Recall that the health of your hens is largely dependent on how fast you attend to their needs. You are able to assist them in returning to their vibrant, healthy self with the right care and attention. Your commitment to their well-being is vital, and each action you take to help them recover more quickly is a step in the right direction.

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Olga Vishnevskaya

Biologist by education, aquarist by vocation. Specialization — breeding and care of freshwater aquarium plants. Since childhood I have been fond of aquariums, constantly experimenting with creating biotopes and selecting flora for various types of aquariums. I am sure that green aquariums can transform any interior and improve the quality of life.

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