Pearl cichlid

The Pearl Cichlid is an enthralling fish that has drawn interest from aquarium enthusiasts worldwide. This fish, which is well-known for its vivid colors and distinctive patterns, can bring some brightness into any tank. Its appearance, which is characterized by vivid colors and shimmering scales, makes it a popular option for both novice and expert aquarists.

The Pearl Cichlid is prized for its fascinating behavior in addition to its attractive appearance. These fish are highly entertaining because of their vibrant personalities and tendency to be active in the aquarium. But in order for them to flourish, they also need particular care, so it’s critical for owners to completely comprehend what they need.

Finding out about the needs of a pearl cichlid’s diet, habitat, and compatibility with other fish is crucial if you’re thinking about getting one for your aquarium. These gorgeous fish can thrive in the correct conditions and add a lively and dynamic presence to your underwater world.

Characteristic Description
Scientific Name Geophagus brasiliensis
Size Up to 12 inches (30 cm)
Water Temperature 75-82°F (24-28°C)
Diet Omnivore, prefers pellets, flakes, and live food
Behavior Semi-aggressive, best kept with similar-sized fish
Tank Size Minimum 55 gallons
pH Level 6.0-7.5
Lifespan Up to 10 years

The Pearl Cichlid is a gorgeous and colorful fish that is well-liked by both inexperienced and seasoned aquarium hobbyists. It is distinguished by its shimmering scales and unique coloring. This species, which thrives in an aquarium with proper water conditions and a balanced diet, is not only aesthetically pleasing but also reasonably easy to care for.


Originates in the river systems that flow into the Atlantic Ocean in Uruguay and eastern and southern Brazil. introduced to a number of nations, including the Philippines, Australia, Taiwan, and the United States. Primarily found in coastal areas and the lower reaches of rivers, some populations can also be found in brackish lagoons that are connected to the ocean either permanently or temporarily.

In a nutshell:

  • Aquarium volume – from 300 l.
  • Temperature – 18–28 °C
  • pH value – 6.0–8.0
  • Water hardness — from soft to medium hard (5–15 dGH)
  • Substrate type – sand
  • Lighting – subdued
  • Brackish water is acceptable in a concentration of 1 h.l. per 10 liters
  • Water movement – weak or moderate
  • Fish size – 15-25 cm.
  • Feeding – any
  • Temperament – quarrelsome
  • Keeping alone or in a formed pair male/female


Male adults can grow up to 25 cm in length, while female adults are much shorter, measuring only 13–15 cm. Males also have more saturated colors, and like many cichlid representatives, they develop an occipital hump on their heads. Numerous turquoise specks can be seen in the body pattern on a gray-blue background, which is reflected in the species name, "pearl." All of the previously mentioned information pertains to ornamental forms that are sold. Depending on their place of origin, wild Brazilian Geophagus representatives vary not only in size and body shape but also in color.


Takes popular aquarium fish food in all forms, including frozen, live, and dry. Supplemental plant and protein sources should be part of the daily diet for optimal development. Purchasing specialized food for South American cichlids is advised, as it contains all the essential microelements.

Aqvium flake food for aquarium fish

Give our recently released product, which has quickly become a bestseller, a 4.9 on Ozon. Most fish in aquariums can eat flake food. The production of raw materials complies with new EU (EU 2018/848) standards. includes Omega 3-6 and vitamins A, C, D3, and E.

The minimum aquarium volume for one pair of fish starts from 300 liters. Since the Pearl Cichlid lives in a wide variety of conditions in nature, there are no special requirements for design. As a recommendation – you can use a soft sandy substrate, several snags, smooth flat stones, create subdued lighting and place artificial plants, live ones will probably be damaged, torn out.
Water conditions have wide tolerances for pH and dGH parameters, temperature, and possible salt content. Successful maintenance is only possible with high water quality, this can be achieved by using high-performance filtration systems and replacing part of the water (50–70% of the volume) with fresh water every week. If using a sand substrate, ensure that the mechanical filtration is adapted to the ingress of sand particles and does not fail.

Behavior and compatibility

An unbeatable species, particularly when the males start fiercely defending their territory from other fish during the spawning season. Neighbors that are smaller might suffer. It gets along well with non-aggressive fish of similar size in a large aquarium (500 liters or more); in a small aquarium, it’s best to stick to one or two fish, such as male/female.

The Pearl Cichlid adds color and personality to any aquarium, making it a visually striking and captivating addition. Their vibrant hues and lively actions can make them an instant focal point in your aquatic setting.

Even though they are fairly simple to care for, these fish do need some consideration for their surroundings, especially with regard to tank mates and water quality. Giving them the ideal environment will ensure that they flourish and show off their entire color spectrum.

All things considered, the Pearl Cichlid is a rewarding option for aquarists of all skill levels, adding color and vibrancy to your tank with their distinct appearance and interesting habits.

Video on the topic

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July 30, 2025. Pearl cichlid (Geophagus brasiliensis)

Film series: "My underwater world" PEARL CICHLID

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Anton Popov

A professional aquarist with over 15 years of experience. Main specialization - marine aquariums and creating optimal conditions for keeping rare species of fish and corals. I am fond of aquascaping, actively participate in international competitions. I love to share knowledge and experience to help others create the beauty of the underwater world at home.

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