Scalars are black

You’re not alone if you’ve ever passed an aquarium and found yourself drawn to the remarkable elegance of scalars. Any fish lover will be enthralled with these fish, which are distinguished by their elegant movements and unusual triangle shapes. However, did you know that scalars are available in a stunning black variant, among other colors?

The rich, deep color of black scalars, also known as black angelfish, makes them stand out. This eye-catching appearance can give any aquarium a dramatic touch. In addition to being aesthetically pleasing, their dark color can draw attention to the lighter-colored fish and plants in your tank, resulting in a dynamic and well-balanced scene.

Making the most of the beauty of black scalars can be achieved by being aware of their special qualities and maintenance needs. These fish require particular conditions to survive in addition to being visually stunning. Let’s explore what makes these dark beauties so unique and how to set up the ideal environment in your aquarium for them.

Topic Details
What are Black Scalare Fish? Black scalare fish are a color variation of the angelfish species, known for their dark, almost black appearance with striking patterns.
Origin They are bred in captivity and are a popular choice among aquarium enthusiasts due to their unique look.
Care Requirements They need a well-maintained tank with clean water, proper filtration, and a diet that includes high-quality flakes or pellets and occasional live or frozen foods.
Tank Mates Black scalare fish generally get along well with other peaceful species. Avoid aggressive fish to prevent stress and potential conflict.
Tank Size They thrive in larger tanks with plenty of swimming space, ideally at least 30 gallons for a small group.
Behavior These fish are known for their graceful swimming and can exhibit interesting behaviors such as pairing up and forming territories.

The compatibility of the Scalary is black

Scalar black picture

Angelfish are calm schooling fish by nature, but they become extremely aggressive during the breeding season. Gets along well with fish that value peace: swordtails and little notebooks (like neons, Amanda Teters, etc.) make a stylish combination. Wonderful neighbors who have small loricariid catfish and corydoras.

Guppies and goldfish are incompatible with angels. Although they are also "relatives," we don’t think discus and angelfish make the best neighbors. Discus are irrational, grow to be large fish, and prefer warm water (30+). Generally speaking, discus should be kept apart in a species aquarium.

Black-scaled aquarium fish can add a striking element to any tank when they are added. Angelfish, which are recognized for their astounding variety of hues and patterns, are frequently referred to as "scalars." On the other hand, some angelfish species have dark, nearly black scales, which can create a striking contrast in your aquarium. Knowing the features of these black-scaled angelfish, such as how they should be cared for and how they fit into the aquatic ecosystem, will help you design an aquarium that is both aesthetically pleasing and healthy.

What to feed black angelfish?

The fish have no pretense when it comes to food and are omnivores. Live and specialized food hamsters. We advise using tried-and-true Tetra food when it comes to branded food. On the company’s official website, which can be found here, you can get comprehensive information about them.

When purchasing food for aquarium fish, it’s important to check the product’s expiration date; avoid purchasing food based solely on weight or in deteriorated packaging. Fish food deteriorates like any other product, and if storage guidelines are broken, pathogenic flora can grow there.

Breeding and reproduction of black angelfish

Picture of a black angelfish

During mating season, males tend to the females. The eggs, which are affixed to the surface of the aquatic vegetation in the nest area, are watched over by both the male and female.

Angelfish male and female sexual differences are not well expressed. Only when the fish are 9–12 months old and have reached sexual maturity can they be observed. Nobody will tell you who you are getting when you purchase young specimens in a pet store until this point.

From the knowledgeable fish breeder Vitaliy Chernyavsky:

1) Conduct is not a standard. Frequently, two females without a male will even fully mimic the male’s sexual actions. But if you look closely, you can see that the "male" and the "female" will then switch places, allowing BOTH fish to lay the eggs—which are naturally unfertilized.

2) There are both males and females who have foreheads.

3) The line connecting the back and abdomen is the sole distinct indicator of sexual differences in adult fish. In the male, the abdomen and anal fin form an almost STRAIGHT line, while the back and dorsal fin form an ANGLE. In contrast, the female exhibits an almost straight line formed by the dorsal fin and an almost right angle formed by the abdomen and anal fin.

We add this image, which will assist in identifying the sex of the calaria based on the angle of its fins, considering the expert’s opinion.


The fact that incorrect information about this image of a calaria is widely disseminated online—the male and female are mixed up. This image is from the book "Aquarium Fish Farming" by Ilyin. Thus, the artist had confused the fish there.

Indeed, and those who create this impression on their websites on the Internet. They themselves do not cut off the male and female’s locations, deceiving everyone. Everything is right in this picture!

Spawning takes place right in the main aquarium with consistent, comfortable care for the calaria. Replacing aquarium water with fresh water and raising the temperature by two to four degrees is what triggers spawning. The substrate for laying has a major part to play in this procedure. Scalaria frequently favor broad-leaved plants as their preferred nesting sites, but they may also enjoy other locations, such as a filter tube, glass, a grotto wall, etc.

After the parents have meticulously cleared the area of any dirt, the actual spawning takes place. A female can lay roughly 500 eggs at a time, and a large one can lay up to 1000.

The parents vigorously fan the eggs with their fins during the two-day incubation period in order to clean them of debris and remove any whitened or dead eggs. The parents move the larvae to another leaf in their mouths once they hatch from the eggs. This is done to improve cleanliness and remove any chance of contracting an infection from the eggs’ rotting shell.

The larvae hang on the leaf for the next seven days while the parents keep a close eye on them. The larvae become fry when the yolk sac runs out of nourishment for them. This is when they should start feeding.

Starter food for calaria fries should be fresh, clean, and of the highest caliber. We can suggest nematodes and nauplii. You can feed the fry any mashed dry food, though this is not recommended as it will result in more dead fry. Additionally, it is advised to remove food remnants and other debris from the spawning aquarium twice a day.

A typical instance of calaria reproduction is the procedure described above.

Because of their close proximity to other fish in the same aquarium, parents and young frequently go through a lot of stress. Naturally, this has no positive outcome. In some cases, parents have even eaten their children after becoming upset with their neighbors. Additionally, it is now challenging to locate a responsible pair of parents who could raise their children on their own because calaria is used in industrial breeding, which uses the technique of egg transfer. This is regarded as miraculous.

Considering the aforementioned, the eggs and the leaf they are on are typically transferred into a different aquarium with a capacity of 10–20 liters as soon as spawning occurs. In this instance, you are expected to perform all parental duties. Methylene blue is added to the water, white dead eggs are routinely removed with a pipette, and a sprayer with a very weak aerated water flow is positioned beneath the leaf to shield eggs from fungal diseases.

Scalarial illnesses

The most typical signs of common illnesses that cause calaria will now be listed:

– rubs up against different surfaces – invasion (oodium, fish semolina, etc. d.). All preparations containing formalin and malachite green, such as Tetra Contralk, Sera Costapur, and Antipar, are used to treat it.

Swells, ruffles, and swings the entire body, indicating gastrointestinal tract inflammation. Metronidazole treatment is recommended if the stage is not terminal.

Scratching the Scalary’s eye with mud. It usually happens as a result of skirmishes. Iodinol in cases of moderate beatings. Average severity: a drop of Metrogil right by the eye. Serious, heavy septic tanks. Generally, it passes itself in a few weeks (assuming there are no more arguments or stressful situations).

Mushrooms; fluff of moss on the body. any agent fungicidal. To assist, use regular methylene blue.

These and a lot of other fish are always available at the online store Aqua-Shop or the physical super-brakes Aqua Logo. Live goods are transported to the Moscow area and beyond.

Angelfish, also known as scalars, are a popular option among aquarium enthusiasts. They can look even more striking in an aquatic setting when they have a black coloring. This striking color variation can accentuate the beauty of their exquisite fins and flowing movements while adding a dramatic touch to the tank.

Black scalars can occasionally be misinterpreted because of their dark color, which could indicate environmental or health problems. But for the most part, their color is just a naturally occurring variation or a result of selective breeding. In order to maintain their health and vibrancy, it’s crucial to make sure they receive proper care, including a clean tank and suitable water conditions.

In general, black scalars can add a breathtaking touch to any aquarium. Their unique look adds to the aesthetic appeal of your tank and gives you an opportunity to observe the variety and adaptability of aquatic life. These graceful fish will flourish and add a sophisticated touch to your underwater environment if given the proper care.

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Ivan Kononov

Experienced aquarist with an emphasis on breeding and keeping exotic aquarium fish. Author of many articles and books on the topic of aquarium keeping. Always in search of new species and interesting solutions for home aquariums. I believe that an aquarium is not only a home decoration, but also a means of studying nature and its laws.

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