
Angelfish, or scallarides, are some of the most well-liked and exquisite freshwater fish kept in aquariums. Both novice and expert aquarists adore them for their elegant form, lengthy fins, and distinctive patterns.

These fish are indigenous to South America’s slow-moving rivers and swamps, where they like the warm, slightly acidic water. They have a reputation for being calm in home aquariums, but they can also be aggressive, particularly when mating.

Scalare are available in a variety of hues and patterns, including solid, marbled, and black and silver stripes. They are an intriguing addition to any tank because of their versatility and eye-catching look.


When examining the plants and animals of South America in 1823, European scientists made the initial discovery of scaleary. It can be found in what is now Brazil, Peru, and the eastern portion of Ecuador, in the central basin of the Amazon River and its tributaries. It can be found in swamps, flooded river valleys with dense vegetation, and slowly moving backwaters. Eat invertebrates and tiny fish as food.

Angelfish, or scallare, are among the most well-liked and eye-catching freshwater fish for home aquariums. Their unique fin patterns and graceful form make them a favorite of both beginning and seasoned aquarists.


A highly compressed high body with long dorsal and anal fins that form rhomboid outlines is a defining characteristic. Long, filamentous breast fins are present. Angelfish come in a range of colors, ranging from a single color to a combination of multiple colors, as they are a member of the artificially bred selective forms.

Differences between Angelfish species

Distinguishing characteristics of the three species of angelfish, using the form of their heads as an example


Takes all varieties of frozen, dry, and live feeds. Food should be varied and must include plant additives and high-protein products (such as bloodworms, mosquito larvae, etc.). Angelfish-specific foods are available for purchase. They incorporate sublimated protein products along with all the required microelements. Feed twice or three times a day; to avoid overeating and water loss, remove any uneaten food.

Aqvium flake food for aquarium fish

Give our recently released product, which has quickly become a bestseller, a 4.9 on Ozon. Most fish in aquariums can eat flake food. The manufacturing process for raw materials complies with the new EU 2018/848 standards. includes Omega 3-6 and vitamins A, C, D3, and E.

The fish are relatively unpretentious, provided that the water meets the necessary parameters and is renewed weekly by 15-20%. The recommended equipment consists of a filter, an aerator, a heater and a lighting system with subdued lighting. Since the fish comes from bodies of water with a weak current, the water movement in the aquarium should be minimal.
Dense thickets of plants, located in groups around the perimeter of the tank, are welcome in the design, so that the central part remains free for swimming. Wooden objects such as driftwood, branches, roots, etc. are desirable as shelters. . Any substrate, in this case it is selected based on the needs of the plants rather than the fish.

Social behavior

A somewhat hostile species that becomes territorial when it spawns. Not advised for fish that are the same size or smaller. In a large aquarium (at least 300 liters), only large, peaceful fish are suitable as neighbors. An aquarium with species is better.

Breeding / Reproduction

Due to difficulties in determining the sex of the fish, the optimal solution is to purchase several fish, for example, 4-8 individuals. Angelfish begin to reproduce at the age of 6-12 months, depending on external conditions.
The stimulus for spawning is a change in water parameters, the pH value is set at around 6.5 (slightly acidic), and dH is about 5 (soft). The diet shifts towards protein food. After some time, the fish form pairs and begin to stay in a separate area of ​​the aquarium, creating their own territory. Sometimes you can hear a sound, clicks, they are made by males during mating.
Females lay about 1000 eggs on the leaves of plants, which are then fertilized. The parents remain to guard their offspring and attack anyone who approaches their territory. However, as a result of numerous selections, parental instincts can be lost, in which case the offspring are at risk of being eaten by their own parents, so the plants with eggs will have to be transplanted into a separate spawning tank with identical conditions.
Feed the emerging fry with specialized micro food.

Characteristic Description
Scientific Name Pterophyllum scalare
Origin South America, mainly Amazon Basin
Size Up to 15 cm (6 inches)
Temperament Peaceful but can be territorial
Tank Size Minimum 30 gallons
Diet Omnivore, prefers flakes, pellets, and live food
Water Conditions pH 6.0-7.5, temperature 24-28°C (75-82°F)
Care Level Moderate
Lifespan Up to 10 years

A striking and sophisticated addition to any aquarium are scalare. They are a favorite among fish enthusiasts because of their striking appearance and serene disposition.

Although they need some care with tank conditions and water quality, their graceful nature and brilliant colors make the effort worthwhile.

Scalare can flourish and become a true focal point of your aquarium with the correct care, adding beauty and tranquility to your aquatic environment.

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Olga Vishnevskaya

Biologist by education, aquarist by vocation. Specialization — breeding and care of freshwater aquarium plants. Since childhood I have been fond of aquariums, constantly experimenting with creating biotopes and selecting flora for various types of aquariums. I am sure that green aquariums can transform any interior and improve the quality of life.

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