Tiger Teddy

Introducing Tiger Teddy, an enthralling fish that is rapidly gaining popularity among aquarium enthusiasts. The Tiger Teddy adds excitement to any tank with its eye-catching appearance and amiable demeanor. It’s easy to understand why this fish is causing a stir in the aquarium community given its striking colors and distinctive patterns.

The Tiger Teddy is distinguished by its striking, tiger-like stripes, which give it a lively, playful appearance. In addition to being aesthetically pleasing, these unique markings aid the fish in blending into its native environment in the wild. These stripes make a striking contrast with the other vibrant fish and foliage in your aquarium, creating a true focal point.

Beyond its attractive appearance, the Tiger Teddy is renowned for its laid-back personality. It is a great option for both novice and expert aquarium keepers because it gets along well with other fish and requires little upkeep. This fish can flourish and brighten your underwater environment for many years if given the proper care.

We’ll cover everything there is to know about the Tiger Teddy in this post, from how to take care of it to how to set up your tank perfectly. We have all the information you need, whether you’re thinking about getting one for your aquarium or you just want to know more about this amazing species. Prepare to learn why the Tiger Teddy is a true treasure in the aquarium hobby!

Aspect Details
Common Name Tiger Teddy
Scientific Name Not widely used; often referred to by common name
Origin Typically found in tropical regions, commonly in the aquarium trade
Appearance Brightly colored with distinct patterns resembling a tiger"s stripes
Size Usually small, around 2-4 inches long
Tank Requirements Needs a well-maintained aquarium with good filtration and stable water conditions
Diet Omnivorous; enjoys a mix of flakes, pellets, and live or frozen foods
Behavior Generally peaceful but may show territorial behavior
Compatibility Best kept with other peaceful species

Hobbyists often choose the interesting aquarium fish known as "Tiger Teddy" because of its eye-catching hues and distinctive patterns. This article will discuss its salient features, such as its eye-catching appearance and behavioral characteristics, and provide helpful advice on how to maintain it in a home aquarium. Knowing the requirements and characteristics of the Tiger Teddy can help you create a healthy aquatic environment and fully enjoy this striking species, regardless of your level of experience with aquaristry.


Endangered species found in the Rio Atrato river system, which is a left tributary of the Magdelana River in the states of Antioquia and Cauca in northwest Colombia. Although the precise distribution area is unknown, working in the area under the control of Colombian rebel units is dangerous for scientists and researchers.

Conditions and prerequisites:

  • Aquarium volume – from 10 l.
  • Temperature – 24 – 30 ° C
  • pH value – 7.0-8.0
  • Water hardness – from soft to very hard (5-25 dGH)
  • Substrate type – any
  • Lighting – moderate
  • Brackish water – no
  • Water movement – weak or stagnant
  • Size – up to 2.5 cm
  • Feeding – any small


Adults of one of the tiniest species of viviparous freshwater fish grow to a maximum length of 2.5 cm. Men appear slightly less and slimmer than women. women who are bigger and have rounded abdomens. The body is mostly colored in gray tones, with noticeable vertical dark stripes. Tiger Teddy got one of his names because of such coloring.


Fish that are obliging and omnivores will accept any kind of dry food (flakes, granules). But since crustaceans like Artemia and Daphnia are the most naturally occurring food, the ideal diet consists of roughly equal amounts of both dry and live food. Feed two in amounts that can be consumed in five minutes, three times a day.

AQVIUM food for aquarium fish

Give our newest product, which has a 4.9 rating on Ozon and has become a bestseller, an evaluation. For the majority of aquarium fish, form in flakes works well. The manufacturing process for raw materials complies with the new EU 2018/848 standards. includes Omega 3-6 and vitamins A, C, D3, and E.

Maintaining such small fish doesn’t require significant financial outlays. For one pair, a three-liter jar will suffice, but Neoheterandria will be happiest in a tank with at least ten liters. The design welcomes a lot of floating and rooting plants with refuges in the shape of tree roots and snags. Any soil will work best for the chosen plants.

A good water composition falls within a sizable range of pH and GH values.


It is best to keep this peaceful species in small groups. When selecting neighbors, you should exercise extreme caution because any larger fish could potentially be dangerous for such small fish. Combining it with Hengel’s Rasbora, dwarf Rasbora, and other small species is acceptable.

Breeding / reproduction

Neoheterandria reproduces its fry in a slightly different manner than the majority of viviparous species. Fry at various stages of development can be simultaneously contained within the female’s body. The process takes a week or longer because in one instance fertilization happened earlier and in another it happened later, resulting in different fry appearance times.

As long as the water is clean and the diet is balanced, spawning happens all year round. The primary issue is that the fry only grow to be 2-3 mm long and are incapable of consuming even tiny food; the only solution is to feed them infusoria. The fish grow quickly; by the third month, they are sexually mature.

For aquarium enthusiasts, the Tiger Teddy is unquestionably a unique option. It gives any tank a distinctive touch with its vivid colors and eye-catching patterns. Because of its resilience, it’s a good choice for novice and seasoned fish keepers alike. You may take pleasure in this lovely fish’s vibrant presence in your aquarium by keeping the conditions steady and giving it the care it needs.

Adding the Tiger Teddy to your tank adds a vibrant, interactive element in addition to improving its aesthetic appeal. These fish are lively and captivating, frequently exhibiting captivating behaviors that can hold the attention of any onlooker. They can flourish in a variety of settings, from community tanks to more specialized settings, thanks to their adaptability.

It’s crucial to provide a clean habitat for your Tiger Teddy in order to guarantee the greatest possible experience. To maintain the health and vibrancy of your fish, you should monitor tank conditions, perform regular water changes, and feed them a balanced diet. Your Tiger Teddy can become a beloved member of your aquatic environment and add both beauty and activity to your underwater scenery with the correct care.

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Olga Vishnevskaya

Biologist by education, aquarist by vocation. Specialization — breeding and care of freshwater aquarium plants. Since childhood I have been fond of aquariums, constantly experimenting with creating biotopes and selecting flora for various types of aquariums. I am sure that green aquariums can transform any interior and improve the quality of life.

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