Types of aquarium fish cockerels

For aquarium fish enthusiasts of all skill levels, betta fish, also referred to as cockerels, are among the most popular species. They are a great option for anyone wishing to add some elegance to their aquarium because of their striking colors and distinctive fin forms. These fish are highly prized by hobbyists all over the world because of their eye-catching looks and vibrant personalities.

There are numerous varieties of cockers available, each with distinctive color patterns, fin styles, and temperaments. There is a Betta fish to suit your taste, whether you prefer the traditional, striking reds and blues or something more exotic, like pastel colors.

We’ll examine the different varieties of Betta fish in this post and emphasize what makes them unique. Whether you’re an experienced aquarist or a novice, knowing these distinctions will assist you

Type of Cockerel Description
Veiltail Known for its long, flowing tail, often seen in a variety of colors.
Crowntail Features a tail with a spiky, crown-like appearance.
Halfmoon Has a tail that forms a 180-degree arc, resembling a half-moon.
Plakat A shorter-tailed variant, often more aggressive and closer to wild type.
Double Tail Distinctive for its two separate tail lobes, creating a unique look.

Betta fish, also referred to as cockerels, are a popular choice for aquarium enthusiasts because they are available in a variety of types, each with distinct colors, fin shapes, and temperaments. Choosing the right one for your tank can be aided by knowing the differences between the various varieties, whether you want bright colors, flowing fins, or a specific behavior pattern.

About cockerels

The presence of a labyrinth, an additional respiratory organ, was determined by the natural habitat, which consists of stagnant overgrown water bodies situated among tropical forests. Since there is not enough oxygen dissolved in the water for the fish to survive, the suprabranchial cavity’s plates are made to breathe atmospheric air.



The fighting fish’s body is flattened from the sides and oblong, measuring 4-6 cm in length. Some people reach a height of 8 to 10 cm. Fighting fish have an upward-bent mouth with tightly pressed scales against their skin. The fighting fish’s lush fins, which come in a variety of shapes and sizes, contribute to its original appearance. They are pointed on the chest and round, spear-shaped, torn, etc. on the back. Compared to females, males are bigger and more colorful. During the spawning phase, the color’s intensity rises.

Betta fish exhibit the same range of colors in their natural habitat. The body and fins have predominant shades of brown, green, and olive.

Artificially bred aquarium species come in both monochromatic (white, black, blue, and red) and multicolored varieties. The scales of a moving cockswain shimmer and change color in bright light.

Because of the efforts of breeders, wild fish, despite their subtle appearance, are now a common sight in backyard ponds all over the world.

Because Thai cockerels displayed an aggressive and rebellious nature, they were originally domesticated for use in fish fights. Fighting fish retain their fierce nature due to the artificial breeding of new breeds, making veil and vividly colored ornamental fish difficult to get along with. There is only one male and one or two females maintained intraspecifically.



The cockerel fights to the death for a female or territory, and it does not tolerate rivals. If a man sees his reflection in a mirror or a piece of glass, he becomes arrogant even when he is by himself. To improve the fish’s tone, the owners temporarily add the latter to the aquarium. While females tend to be more calm, they can become aggressive by spreading their gill covers and fluffing their fins when they don’t have enough room to live.

The website Fish in a Bank advocates valuing your pets’ comfort and well-being over setting up fish fights!

Types of cockerels

Breeders have bred more than 70 species of Siamese fighting fish over many years of work.

The following types of Betta fish are identified by their fin shape, edging, and size:


Among the earliest efforts at breeding. The distinctive feature of veil cockerels is their drooping fins, which sway with the slightest motion.


The name comes from the tail’s many branched, jagged rays that resemble a crown.


The symbol "Delta" is used to briefly represent this type. Bettas’ tail is rigidly positioned, with its outer segments forming a 130° angle. We are discussing the Super Delta Betta species if the angle falls between 130 and 180 degrees.


The Betta has two sections to its tail: the dorsal and pectoral veil fins.

Half Moon

A common variation where the tail’s outer rays are at a straight angle to the body and form an expanded angle between themselves. Half Moon is this species’ second name.


The fish resembles Super Delta Bettas in appearance. Under no circumstances do the frills that form on the tail straighten. The rays’ border has a petal-like appearance.


When this species’ representatives straighten their tails, they resemble fans. In terms of body form and fins species of individuals living in their natural habitat, this Betta is more like other species.


A particularly hostile species with broad-than-long fins and hard rays.


The central tail segments resemble the tip of a spear because they are longer than the lateral ones.

Dumbo or elephant-eared

The species is primarily distinguished by its massive body and large white fins that are situated close to the gills.


The fighting fish is distinguished by its size (it can reach a length of 7.5 cm), vivid colors, and short fins on a big body. Royal is my second name.

Fighting fish can have one, two, or more colors, depending on the variety. A pet with a marbled coloring and a "mask" or "butterfly" can be seen in an aquarium.

Variety of fighting fish colors

Red royal

For the scales to stay brightly colored, this type needs carotenoids in their diet. Although the cockerel has smooth, measured movements, it is aggressive and does not get along with other breeds or males of the same species.


Set apart by its serene essence. The body color has blue undertones in addition to black, and the delta-shaped tail has stripes that are visible in both blue and red.


The lighter-colored head of this type of cock contrasts with the all-one-color body. The marble and butterfly colors of fish are associated with the piebaldness sign.

Emerald with a green body

It has inclusions that shimmer blue. While the other fins are multicolored, the ventral fin is red with a white border. The cockerel inhabits Asian natural reservoirs and is not a member of the selective breeds.

Blue with veil long fins

The head is a dark spot on the blue scales, while the red ventral fins are bright.


With vivid green or red fins that pop against the pale body’s backdrop.


These cocks have haphazardly placed green and blue spots on their white scales and fins.


The wide, robust body, short fins, and striking coloring characterize the dragon-colored cockerel. Huge scales have a metallic sheen and resemble chain mail.


A striking range of colors from the rainbow in the coloring and different inclusion outlines.


This selection form’s bettas are categorized as monochromatic. Darker than the body, only the head is noticeable.


The name "betta fish" comes from the transparent fins on their monochrome bodies.

There are several varieties of white, orange, gold, purple, and blue monochromatic cocks available.

Bettas differ from other ornamental fish in that they come in a range of shapes and vivid colors.

The large-mouthed cock is categorized separately from other birds. The name is quite descriptive. The fish has two distinguishing features: a large mouth and a comparatively short tail.

How to choose

To ensure the genetics of the breed, it is preferable to purchase cockerels directly from breeders if you intend to breed them yourself. A pet store is appropriate if the purpose of purchasing a pet is to observe its behavior.

Fighting cocks are available from private breeders, chain pet stores, and internet retailers. If you choose to purchase pets from a manufacturer, do your research and read reviews first. The length of time a cock is raised matters. An experienced breeder who has been putting his products on the market for a number of years should be preferred by a novice breeder.

Chain stores carry some of the most ugly and unhealthy specimens. Private retailers can determine the age of the pets being purchased, which helps them order live goods from the best manufacturers in order to win the competitive struggle.

When selecting cockers, the keeping conditions are crucial. It is advised to purchase ornamental fish from establishments where they are housed in roomy, heated aquariums rather than in small, chilly vases. Take note of how pure the water is. They either postpone the purchase or visit another pet store if the liquid appears hazy.

Reject hens that exhibit out-of-character behavior or external traits. Not acceptable:

  • faded coloring;
  • cloudy and strongly bulging eyes;
  • uneven torn edges of fins;
  • growths, bumps, areas of the body without scales, damage to the integrity of the skin;
  • sunken belly;
  • insufficient activity.

The ailments indicated by the signs are ones that could cause the cockel to self-destruct; if the quarantine is broken, an infection could enter the main aquarium.

A healthy cockswain swims faster when someone approaches. Fish occasionally become weary of the never-ending stream of guests and react inappropriately. Either way, crowling hens are not motionless; they move, eat food that is presented to them with gusto, and do not just lie on the ground.

Select specimens with clean, well-fitting scales and vivid, striking colors. The fish is sick or old if its color has changed to a paler hue that is not specified by breed standards. How long a Siamese cock survives in another aquarium is determined by its age. In a new environment, it picks up speed faster in younger people. Young fish have smaller fins and bodies.

When making a selection, a male or female can be identified from three months of age. observing the abdominal fin. It is longer and thinner in males and rounder and wider in females. The presence of an egg (white tubercle) close to the anus is another characteristic that sets the female apart.

Males and females differ noticeably in terms of body structure (males are longer, females more) and behavior (males are more aggressive and active).

Examining the various varieties of Betta fish, sometimes known as "cockerels," demonstrates the diversity and fascination of these fish. Each variety adds something special to an aquarium, creating a lively and dynamic atmosphere with its distinct color patterns and fin shapes.

There’s a Betta for every aquarist, whether they are drawn to the elegant Crowntail, the dramatic beauty of the Halfmoon, or the striking simplicity of the Veiltail. These fish have unique personalities that can make their owners very happy in addition to being aesthetically pleasing.

Your own tastes and the type of habitat you can offer will determine which Betta fish are best for your aquarium. Whichever variety you choose, you’re bound to appreciate the alluring appearance and allure that Betta fish are renowned for.

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Ivan Kononov

Experienced aquarist with an emphasis on breeding and keeping exotic aquarium fish. Author of many articles and books on the topic of aquarium keeping. Always in search of new species and interesting solutions for home aquariums. I believe that an aquarium is not only a home decoration, but also a means of studying nature and its laws.

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