Types of food for cichlids, feeding regime

A colorful and varied group of fish, cichlids are an amazing addition to any aquarium. These vibrant creatures have different dietary requirements and are found throughout the world. It’s possible to maintain your cichlids’ health and happiness in your tank by learning about the various kinds of food that are available and how to feed them correctly.

You can feed cichlids a variety of foods, each tailored to their individual nutritional needs. Options include frozen or live food, pellets, and flake food. A popular option that comes in different formulations to suit different cichlid species is flake food. Another well-liked choice that offers a more balanced diet and minimizes waste in the aquarium is pellets. Live or frozen foods like brine shrimp and bloodworms can provide diversity and encourage instinctive hunting behaviors.

Setting up a feeding schedule is essential to maintaining the healthiest conditions for your cichlids. A varied diet is the key to the success of most cichlids. Feeding them once or twice a day is usually ideal, and only give them as much as they can consume in a short period of time. Fish health issues and poor water quality can result from overfeeding, so it’s critical to keep an eye on their intake and change portions as necessary.

Knowing what kinds of food cichlids require and sticking to a regular feeding schedule will help you keep your aquarium a happy and healthy home for these interesting fish. The secret to their general wellbeing and vibrant health is to maintain a varied and well-balanced diet.

Type of Food Feeding Regime
Pellets Feed 2-3 times a day, only as much as they can eat in a few minutes
Flakes Feed 2-3 times a day, offer a small pinch each time
Live Food Feed 1-2 times a week, be cautious of overfeeding
Frozen Food Feed 2-3 times a week, thaw before feeding
Vegetable Matter Feed 1-2 times a week, especially for herbivorous species

What to feed cichlids in an aquarium?

Vegetarians and predatory cichlids need food from plants and animals. Plant-based foods provide vitamins to carnivores. Proteins are essential to herbivores, and algae and phytoplankton frequently lack them. The proportions of these dietary elements vary with age and are contingent upon the phases of reproduction.

Spirulina-based nutrition is ideal for herbivorous cichlid species, while a lot of ballast materials will satisfy detritivores. Pets that are carnivores prefer live, frozen, and dry food that has a high animal protein content. Fish that are omnivores can be fed universal compositions.

Aquarists buy both additional food that replenishes the elements and basic food for daily use. Cichlids receive it a few times per week. The primary food is selected with consideration for food specialization, health safety, and nutrient balance.

The right amount of feces for cichlids can be gauged by looking at their color and consistency. Since waste products are dark and dense, nothing poses a threat to the fish’s wellbeing. If your excrement is light and thread-like, it’s worth switching to a different, more balanced diet.

Cheap pet food is not worth the savings because it is poorly balanced and has few nutrients.

Frozen food

Nutrients are preserved by deep freezing. When packaging, blister packs with contents are separated into tiny squares. You do not need to defrost the entire package in order to get the food ready to eat.




Fish that is frozen and that cichlids are willing to consume include:

  • cyclops – a copepod crustacean rich in carotenoids, amino acids;
  • brine shrimp – a branched crustacean that makes the color of fish brighter;
  • gammarus – an amphipod crustacean that normalizes digestion;
  • streptocephalus – a freshwater relative of brine shrimp;
  • daphnia – belongs to the genus of cladocerans, lives in stagnant waters.

Fish that are omnivores and predators are fed frozen bloodworms. This kind of very nutritious food is fed in small amounts to Malawian cichlids of the Mbuna order in an effort to prevent obesity.


Even though dry food has advantages, none of them can completely replace live food. For predators used to hunting, moving daphnia, cyclops, and brine shrimp are all very appealing. For fries, live crustaceans are beneficial. Growing cichlids thrive with them, as they are fed natural food that is high in vitamins.

Pets are fed bloodworms, corethra, and tubifex. To avoid digestive issues, you shouldn’t get too obsessed with worms.


Hand-pulled minced meat is preferred by some aquarists over prepared foods. Most of the time, each of them has a tried-and-true recipe of its own. Listed below are the most well-liked ones:

  1. Grind 0.5 kg of beef heart, 100 g of cod, squid, shrimp, 50 g of liver, cyclops in a meat grinder. Mix the minced meat, add 20 g of spinach, parsley, green salad to it. Add a multivitamin complex in a volume of 10 ml and 50 ml of juice to the mixture carrots.
  2. 500 g of pollock, 100 g of squid, shrimp, nettle leaves scalded with boiling water, 200 g of green peas are passed through a meat grinder. Add 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, finely chopped boiled egg, 10 ml of multivitamins to the mass.

Dry food of different brands – advantages and disadvantages

For cichlids, dry food is typically the primary source of nutrition. Benefits of sticks, flakes, and granules over other kinds of food include:

  • quickly absorbed;
  • reduce the risk of introducing infection into the aquarium;
  • long shelf life;
  • balanced in nutrient content;
  • less pollute water.

Overfeeding pets with dry food can cause digestive system disturbances, which is one of its drawbacks.

Expert aquarium keepers advise investing in flakes, granules, sticks, and food specialties from brands like JBL, SERA, Tetra, and Tropical for cichlids of various sizes.


Sticks meant for feeding big fish do not get wet; they remain at the surface for extended periods of time. The aquarium doesn’t get dirty for a long time because the cichlids are able to consume them before they sink to the bottom.

Animal proteins, fats, plant extracts, vitamins, and microelements are all present in the product. Both omnivorous and carnivorous cichlids can eat the food.

  • economical consumption;
  • reasonable price;
  • convenient feeding method.

The ease with which you can overfeed your pets is one drawback. The best foods are TROPIKAL Cichlid Sticks, Sera Cichlids Sticks Nature, and JBL NovoStick XL.


Producers produce granulated food that floats and sinks; green is for vegetarian cichlids, and red is for carnivorous ones. Fast wetting is inhibited by the dense consistency, and removing uneaten remnants from the aquarium is simple.

Size growth due to moisture influence is a drawback. The cichlids’ bellies enlarge and their anus becomes inflamed if the feeding dosage is not followed. The product is pre-soaked and alternated with frozen, live food to prevent such issues.

Tetra Cichlid Color Mini Pellets for tiny cichlids, SERA Granulate Menu universal food, Tetra Cichlid Color Pellets for omnivores, and SERA Granugreen Nature for herbivorous pets are in high demand among aquarists.


Consist of ingredients that completely satisfy the fatty, fiber, and amino acid requirements of cichlids. include algae, seafood, grains, shellfish, vegetable protein, and oil.

  • easily digestible;
  • replenish energy potential;
  • contain vitamin supplements that strengthen the immune system.

The principal drawback is that they disintegrate and get wet easily.

Gluten and gelatin are present in fragile flakes. The food quickly breaks down, sinks to the bottom, and contaminates the water as soon as they enter the aquarium.

Manufacturers create red flakes with meat for carnivorous cichlids. For omnivores, yellow flakes have both vegetable and fish ingredients. For herbivorous breeds, the color of the flakes is determined by green spirulina.

Foods like Tetra Cichlid XL Flocken, Sera San Nature, and Sera Vipan Nature are popular options for dry flake meals.

Understanding the various food types and creating a proper feeding schedule are essential to maintaining the health and vibrancy of cichlids. The dietary requirements of cichlids can differ depending on their species, size, and natural environment. You can make sure your cichlids flourish and exhibit their best colors and behaviors by giving them a balanced diet of premium pellets, frozen or live foods, and occasionally plant matter, as well as by adhering to a regular feeding schedule. To keep your cichlids in optimal condition, this article will walk you through the different food options and efficient feeding techniques.

Feeding schedule

Cichlids should be fed in small amounts from dawn until dusk if you are trying to replicate their natural lifestyle. This is not practical.

For growth, fries need more energy. They eat three meals a day, at most four. Cichlid adults can survive on two meals a day. The first feeding occurs in the morning, no later than one hour after daybreak, and the second takes place in the evening, two hours prior to lights out. Since there are sufficient nutrients in a single serving for 4-5 hours of survival, vegetarians require more frequent feedings.

Creating a feeding schedule is insufficient; you also need to choose the dosage for cichlids empirically. A portion that is consumed within five to eight minutes is thought to be ideal. After feeding, granules or flakes that are still present are taken out of the aquarium and the quantity of food is decreased. Remaining materials must be removed from the water in order to stop them from rotting and from raising the concentration of nitrogen compounds.

It should be remembered that a cichlid may refuse food if it has a fry in its mouth, is ill, is trying new food, or is stressed out from a change in water.

The appearance is assessed in order to determine whether the pet is receiving enough nutrients from its food. Lack of cichlid food causes it to become lethargic, inactive, and have a drawn belly, sagging back, and sides. Even after a single day of hunger, if the fish’s round belly does not go away, it has become obese.

Relight days are only required for cichlids that are fed without paying attention to the dosage. One day a week of complete fasting is beneficial for obesity, undesirable for young people, and fatal for fry. It is not recommended to feed hungry cichlids with a long intestine. Spironucleosis, an incurable form of fish tuberculosis, is the result of this path.

Proper feeding is essential to the health and welfare of cichlid fish. These colorful fish have different dietary requirements because they come from different environments. A varied supply of premium pellets, flakes, and frozen or live foods guarantees that their diet is well-rounded. Their color and activity levels are enhanced by this diversity, which also maintains their health.

Sustaining a regular feeding schedule promotes consistent growth and helps emulate natural conditions. It’s generally best to feed cichlids two or three times a day. Take care not to overfeed your cichlids as this can quickly result in obesity and other health issues. Adapt the amount to their size and the particular kind of food you’re serving.

Keep in mind that every species of cichlid may have different needs or preferences. To make sure your fish are healthy, keep an eye on them and change their food as necessary. Your cichlids will continue to be lively, active, and a stunning addition to your aquarium with a little love and care.

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Ivan Kononov

Experienced aquarist with an emphasis on breeding and keeping exotic aquarium fish. Author of many articles and books on the topic of aquarium keeping. Always in search of new species and interesting solutions for home aquariums. I believe that an aquarium is not only a home decoration, but also a means of studying nature and its laws.

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