What to feed Achatina snails

Achatina snails have a captivating behavior and require little upkeep, making them popular pet snails. But they need proper care, just like any pet, which includes a balanced diet. For the sake of your Achatina snails’ growth, shell health, and general wellbeing, it is imperative that you feed them the proper foods.

Compared to other common pets, these snails have different dietary requirements. You can keep them active and healthy by knowing what to feed them. Knowing the best foods for Achatina snails is essential to ensuring their success in your care, whether you’re new to keeping them or just want to improve their diet.

This post will discuss the different foods that Achatina snails can eat, such as fruits, fresh veggies, and supplements high in calcium. You’ll discover how to feed them a nutritious, well-balanced diet that will keep them content and healthy.

Basic rules of nutrition

  1. Nutrition should be balanced. For healthy growth, mollusks should receive: proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as calcium, fiber and vitamins.
  2. Any salty food is strictly prohibited.

These could be the fundamental guidelines for feeding Achatina. We’ll attempt to provide you with detailed instructions on what to feed Achatina below.

Feeding Achatina snails is easy, but to maintain healthy shell growth and general wellbeing, it’s important to give them a balanced diet consisting of a variety of fresh veggies, fruits, and calcium-rich foods like cuttlebone.

What Achatina eat

In the wild, African snails consume the leaves, shoots, and fruits of diverse plants. In the wild, many of these animal species are a nuisance. When they eat agricultural crops, they can seriously harm them. However, because of the unique climate in Europe and Russia, Achatina do not threaten established ecosystems.

By nature, Achatina people are vegetarians. They love our local fruits and vegetables, even though they are from Africa, and there is a long list of acceptable goods. They contentedly consume a variety of regional fruits, vegetables, and greens in their terrarium.

Many people feed their snails sweet fruits. Although mollusks can select and enjoy a single product in theory, you should still vary their diet. It ought to include proteins, minerals (such as calcium), and fiber. Vitamin greens, such as dandelion leaves, are particularly beneficial. p. Let’s investigate this further.

✅ Vegetables and fruits

Fruits and vegetables need to be cleaned and sliced into small pieces before being given to Achatina. Grated vegetables such as zucchini, pumpkin, and other dense ones are fed to small snails. Everything needs to be at room temperature.

Babies cannot have the sweet pulp of bananas, which achatanginas adore. Once they pierce the pulp, they are unable to escape. After a short while, snails grow accustomed to eating bananas and stop craving other foods. Consequently, giving bananas one or two times a week is preferable.

Achatina loves avocado, peaches, cucumbers, and tomato varieties that aren’t acidic. They take great pleasure in eating these fruits.

Classic vegetables (beets, carrots, sweet peppers, and cabbage in all varieties) can be fed without limitation on a daily basis.

Any melons can be added as well. Watermelon’s potassium, iron, vitamins, and fiber are all beneficial.

Take note! Keep in mind that a product with a high nitrate content may cause the snail to die. Nitrates are frequently used by dishonest melon growers to speed up ripening. Selecting watermelons and other melons that have naturally ripened without nitrate feeding is essential.

  • apricots;
  • avocado;
  • pineapple;
  • watermelon;
  • bananas;
  • cherries;
  • pears;
  • melon;
  • zucchini;
  • carrots;
  • nectarine;
  • cucumbers;
  • pattypan squash;
  • beets;
  • sweet peppers;
  • plums;
  • tomatoes;
  • pumpkin;
  • persimmon;
  • zucchini;
  • apples.

✅ Greens and herbs

Any juicy table green is a favorite of snails. Parsley, celery, dill, nettles, dandelions, and plantains are examples of this.

  • white cabbage;
  • Brussels sprouts;
  • cauliflower;
  • clover;
  • nettles;
  • plantain leaves;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • birch leaves;
  • oak leaves;
  • linden leaves;
  • raspberry leaves;
  • currant leaves to the diet;
  • burdock;
  • alfalfa;
  • woodlice;
  • dandelions;
  • parsley;
  • chamomile;
  • celery;
  • dill;
  • spinach.

✅ Berries

⚫ Grapes

Grapes have long been a point of contention among snail breeders. They concluded that although Achatina quickly become accustomed to grapes and refuse other foods, they can be given occasionally. Both fresh and dried grape leaves can be served. For the winter, grapes can be frozen and fed once or twice a week in small portions.

⚫ Strawberries and wild strawberries

Strawberries are a favorite food of the local species of snails, who eat them whole in the garden beds without feeling guilty. Achatina is also drawn to this berry. Strawberries can be frozen in the summer and then gradually added to meals in the winter. Berries that are thawed still have all of their beneficial properties and will help mollusks get through the long winter. They have antibacterial properties and are high in vitamins and minerals.

⚫ Raspberry

Both juicy, fragrant berries and fresh, green raspberry leaves are beneficial to snails. They can be used as a top dressing in the winter after being dried. Berries can be safely added to the feeder both fresh and defrosted.

✅ Dairy products

Protein, calcium, and other beneficial microelements can all be found in milk, which is an excellent food. Achatina milk benefits are a topic of debate among many snail breeders. Some claim that since snails do not normally eat dairy products, you should not feed them to them. However, domestic Achatina are already used to coexisting with humans, and their diets can be very different from those of their wild cousins.

Give Achatina low-fat (up to 2.5%) milk; you can even dilute it if you wish to. After that, observe how your pets respond. Regardless, it is not advised to feed dairy products on a daily basis.

  • low-fat sour cream;
  • low-fat milk;
  • low-fat cottage cheese.

✅ Cereals, seeds and nuts

Nuts and cereals are typically served as parts of ground mixtures.

  • walnut;
  • cedar nut;
  • cashew;
  • sesame;
  • almond;
  • flax seed;
  • sunflower seed;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • hazelnut.

✅ What else eat snails

Achatins have a strong affinity for mushrooms. They can be used either raw or dried. These are typically oyster or champignon mushrooms. Mushrooms are frequently added to the protein mixture, and some snailmen even sow them right into the ground where their pets reside.

A lot of people have noticed that snails enjoy eating paper. This is expected, as cellulose is the material that makes paper, and mollusks will not suffer from clean paper that has not been printed on. Newspaper fragments or prints from beneath the printer cannot be kept in the container.

Daphnia, or fish for fish, can also be fond of snails. It makes up for the body’s deficiency of protein.

Achatins enjoy eating dried fruits that have been cooked at home, such as apples, pears, plums, etc.

That you can not give snails

It is strictly forbidden for snails to consume table salt or any products that contain sugar, starch, citric acid, or any other type of acid.

  • legumes;
  • fried vegetables;
  • sugary fruits;
  • smoked blowing;
  • pasta;
  • semolina;
  • salt and everything is salty;
  • spices;
  • dried fruits dried (figs, raisins);
  • Raw potatoes.

Through trial and error, it was discovered that Achatin cannot be fed citrus fruits or sharp, spicy greens (garlic, onions, mustard salad, and sharp red pepper).

Mineral top dressing for Achatine

The most crucial mineral supplement for achatine has been shown to be calcium. Without this mineral, Achatin’s growth will be stunted, its sink will be destroyed, and eventually the snail may stop growing and become ill. Given that achatins develop throughout their lives, it is significant for both young children and adults. In the event that the sink develops issues due to snails (cracking, laying, and TP), the size of the mineral fertilizers needs to be increased immediately.

  • fodder chalk;
  • rubberized egg shells;
  • sepia;
  • shell -length, etc.p.

You can make a calcium-rich mixture that can be served separately or spiced with veggies.

✅ Recipes rich in calcium mixtures

  • 50 g oat flakes;
  • 50 g of rice;
  • shell 5-6 eggs;
  • 20 g of chalk;
  • 20 g shell rock.
  • 50 g buckwheat;
  • 100 g chalk;
  • 20 g of dried mushrooms;
  • shell from 5 eggs;
  • Sepepa for snails (chopped caracatee shell rubbed into powder) – 1 pcs.;
  • 1 tbsp. l. bone flour;
  • 20-30 g of sesame seeds.

Blend all components until a fine consistency similar to ground coffee. Keep in a dry, dark place in a closed jar. Mollusks enjoy this mixture greatly when they eat it. A clean grain of different cereals can also be prepared.

✅ protein top dressing

All living things require protein, and asteria is no different. The "building blocks" of the body are proteins found in both vegetables and animals. You can prepare ground products with vegetable protein for snails:

  • cereals;
  • corn;
  • bran;
  • mushrooms (champignons);
  • nuts;
  • seeds.

Dry milk, dry daphnia, and bone meal are examples of animal proteins that are beneficial to snails. However, you should use caution when feeding this way. Achatina faces the risk of poisoning and death from eating too much protein. Protein should only be given to snails twice a week.

How often to feed Achatina

Since they are nocturnal animals, snails awaken at dusk. At dusk, they should also start eating. Adults are fed every other day, while babies are fed twice daily. It is improper to put food on the ground. You can use leaves from plants like lettuce, grapes, birch, oak, etc. as "plates". p.

Feces and any uneaten food should be removed right away. Keep in mind that the snail container needs to be kept clean at all times.

Do snails need water

Achatina require clean water in addition to the water they absorb from food. Filtered or settled water should be provided. A tap’s chlorine content can kill snails. You can fill a tiny container with water and spray it on the foliage or the container’s walls. Mollusks will gladly gather fake dew droplets.

A more thorough explanation of how and what to use to water Achatina can be found in an article on our website.

How to feed snails in winter

Fresh veggies and an abundance of fruits are available in the summer, but what should one feed Achatina in the winter? Feeding can be prepared ahead of time and kept dry in a jar. Any store will sell winter squash, carrots, apples, cottage cheese, sour cream, cabbage, and so on for snails. p. Vegetables (such as tomatoes and zucchini). p.), frozen fruits and greens are an option.

Growing greens and lettuce on the windowsill is a brilliant idea. In the soil of the terrarium, you can also grow a variety of seeds and even mushrooms. Achatina will do well on sprouted wheat or oats. Fruits and vegetables that are out of season shouldn’t be purchased from stores. They are cultivated with a lot of fertilizer. The snail may become poisoned and perish if it consumes too many nitrates.

The babies must be kept in a tiny aquarium or other container. Never use dirt. Various leaves (lettuce, cabbage, etc.) are arranged at the bottom. Use a grater to chop fruits and vegetables before adding them to a feeder. Top with fertilizer. Feed the Achatina twice a day as it grows.

Make sure no tiny snails get inadvertently thrown out with the leaves when you remove the container.

Food Description
Vegetables Include lettuce, cucumber, and zucchini. Wash thoroughly before feeding.
Fruits Apple, banana, and melon are favorites. Offer in small amounts to avoid overfeeding.
Calcium sources Essential for shell health. Provide cuttlebone, eggshells, or calcium powder.
Protein Offer cooked eggs or fish food once a week for balanced nutrition.
Avoid Do not feed onions, citrus, or salty foods as they can harm the snails.

Although feeding Achatina snails is easy, it is crucial to their health and welfare. A diet high in fresh produce, fruits, and leafy greens is ideal for these snails. To guarantee they get all the nutrients they need, it’s imperative to offer a balanced variety.

Make sure they get enough calcium in their diet by feeding them things like eggshells or cuttlebone. Calcium is necessary for strong shells. Foods that are processed or overly salty should not be given to them as these may be unhealthy.

You can take pleasure in witnessing your Achatina snails develop and flourish under your care by keeping an eye on their dietary requirements. A contented snail will live a long and healthy life if provided with the proper nourishment.

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WHAT I FEED MY SNAILS. Achatina and Archachatina

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Elena Grishina

Ecologist and aquarist with a special interest in creating balanced ecosystems in aquariums. Main focus — ecosystems that require minimal human intervention. I support a natural approach to aquarium care, where each element plays its role, helping to maintain harmony in a closed ecosystem. I promote sustainable aquarium keeping and respect for nature.

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