Why the snail does not eat

Because they are known to aid in maintaining the cleanliness of the tank, snails are a popular addition to aquariums. However, on occasion, they might quit eating, which would leave their owners perplexed and worried.

There are various causes for a snail to become less hungry. It might be brought on by alterations in the water’s quality, a food shortage, or even a medical condition.

You can solve the issue and make sure your snail remains active and healthy in your aquarium by being aware of the potential causes.

Reason Explanation
Snail is not hungry If the snail has eaten recently, it may not be interested in more food.
Food type Snails might not eat if the

A number of factors, such as inadequate food, stress, or low water quality, may be the cause of your snail’s inactivity. It is crucial to inspect the snail’s tank and make sure it is fed the proper food, such as vegetables, algae, or snail-specific food. You can maintain your snail’s health and activity by keeping a regular eye on its surroundings.

Reasons for refusing to eat

A healthy mollusk has a good appetite, in addition, its activity should increase closer to night. But if the Achatina is sluggish at any time of the day and stops eating normally, an imbalance occurs in its body, the causes of which can be several. The most serious is poisoning or disease. But perhaps something just does not suit the pet: temperature, quality of food, new environment. If the snail"s appetite has decreased so much that it began to eat 2 times less, there should be no reason for serious concern. This may happen due to a change in the conditions of detention or tasteless food. When there is a long-term refusal of any food, as a result of which the mollusk has noticeably lost weight, you need to understand the reasons for this behavior of the Achatina, the most common of which will be discussed below.

Incorrect conditions of detention

Often the snail does not eat anything due to improper conditions of detention. Soil quality is an important condition for the normal well-being of the African snail. It must be kept clean, not over-dried or over-moistened. Complete replacement of the substrate is undesirable. This is done partially, so as not to cause stress in the pet and, as a result, refusal to eat. To accurately determine the level of humidity in the air and soil, you should purchase a hygrometer. And to measure the temperature, you also need to equip the terrarium with a thermometer. Sudden temperature jumps should not be allowed in the Achatina home, as well as exposure to direct sunlight. The terrarium should be of this size, so that the snail is not cramped in it. It is desirable that there be at least 10 liters of space per individual. Sometimes the snail refuses to eat when the filler is completely replaced. If it is a coconut substrate, it is washed until the water becomes absolutely clean.

Incorrect diet

The snail should have a varied diet as long as it includes the items the mollusk needs for healthy growth and development.

Kindly take note! It is important to promptly remove any stale food leftovers from the aquarium.

Achatina’s primary food products are thought to be cucumbers, apples, and green salad leaves. Adding the following to its diet is also advised:

  • watermelons,
  • melons,
  • spinach,
  • berries,
  • bananas and zucchini.

Additives that have been calcined and vitamin and mineral mixes that are available at pet stores are thought to be essential for shell development. Eggshells can be powdered and mixed into the substrate.

When selecting a diet, a pet’s food preferences may be taken into consideration. Snails occasionally eat poorly for the exact reason that they dislike the food that is provided. As an illustration, Achatina is fed zucchini or apples, but it prefers cucumber.


Why doesn’t the snail eat during the first few days of her pregnancy? Achatina’s taste preferences may shift or its appetite may completely vanish during the first trimester of pregnancy, when its body is being rebuilt in preparation for procreation. In this situation, you should not become alarmed; instead, wait four to five days for the mollusk to start eating as its body adjusts to its new environment. If you examine the snail’s spiral, you can determine if you should be expecting children. There will be a clear view of the eggs.

A pregnant snail’s diet ought to contain higher amounts of protein and calcium. She won’t feel completely hungry again until she lays a clutch.


What should be done if the snail becomes ill and stops eating? The first thing you should do is identify the illness’s cause. To accomplish this, examine the mollusk’s recent behavior, keep in mind what your pet ate, and consider potential stressors. It’s critical to monitor adverse effects. For instance, if the body of the mollusk started to fall out of the Achatina shell or if the shell started to delaminate. The snail may not get its appetite back until the main cause of the illness is removed.


A difficult situation develops if another mollusk is added to the Achatina terrarium but it does not like living there. The snail does not eat and sleeps for this reason. A common occurrence is animosity between members of different species.

You must remove the stressor by moving the other mollusk into a different container in order to help the Achatina resume its regular life.

Remember the importance of quarantine. For a while, the newcomer needs to be housed apart from the other snails.

Is it worth it to make a snail eat

If the snail doesn’t eat, what should you do? Some people believe that if the snail has lost some or all of its appetite, you shouldn’t force it to eat. However, this assessment is incorrect. Mollusks can become weaker and lose strength after two days without food. This will cause an even greater decrease in appetite or its absence entirely. As a result, you must continuously present a snail with food.

While it can be frustrating to figure out why a snail isn’t eating, it’s usually an indication that something in its surroundings needs to be taken care of. Little changes can have a significant impact, whether they are related to the food, water quality, or even the presence of tank mates.

Keeping a close eye on your snail’s behavior is essential. This will assist you in identifying any possible problems early on and taking the appropriate action to resolve them. Keep in mind that a healthy snail contributes actively to the ecosystem of your aquarium.

You can have a healthy aquarium where all the inhabitants—including the snails—contribute to the upkeep of a vibrant and well-balanced underwater world by seeing to it that their needs are met.

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Elena Grishina

Ecologist and aquarist with a special interest in creating balanced ecosystems in aquariums. Main focus — ecosystems that require minimal human intervention. I support a natural approach to aquarium care, where each element plays its role, helping to maintain harmony in a closed ecosystem. I promote sustainable aquarium keeping and respect for nature.

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